Chapter Twenty-Five

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Virgil was about to lose it.

Logan was very irritated.

"Virgil," Logan said cooly, but they glared at the creature, "If you do not help participate in this group project, I refuse to give you any credit."

Virgil hissed, "God! I can fucking smell him too!" It tugged at its hair, all eyes open wide, pupils thin, "It's like I can't function without him nearby! This fucking sucks!"

Logan couldn't help but feel a little bit bad for their friend. It wasn't Virgil's fault, this is just part of its creature mind.

Virgil's fangs were practically dripping with venom, ready to attack anyone that would stop it from getting to its beloved boyfriend.

Virgil's mind calmed down a bit at that thought. It finally being able to call Patton its boyfriend made it ever so happy.

Just one step away from him being its mate.

"Fine," Logan shut the books, "I suppose there is only one way for us to continue with work. We'll have to do it after school with Patton present."

Virgil smiled at just hearing the boy's name, "Jeez, our date was just the best. He was just so adorable in that skirt. And I was so close to marking him as mine.."

Logan unwillingly listened to the creature talk about Patton for most of the class, a love sick expression on its face the entire time.

"And did you know he adores frogs?" Virgil said, "And that he use to have one as a pet?"

"Yes, I knew that," Logan replied, but Virgil didn't seem to hear them, continuing its rant about the boy.

After it was getting closer to lunch, Logan snapped their fingers to gain Virgil's attention, "I'm going to be sitting with a girl at lunch for today."

Virgil blinked a few times, "Why? I mean, you can do whatever you want. I'm just curious as to why. Is she a new friend or something?"

Logan looked unsure, "I believe she is a new friend, but it isn't too clear. She is alone for most of her school days, and I figured I'd at least sit with her for lunch today."

Besides, if that kid is there with Roman, they wouldn't want to sit with them anyways.

Virgil shrugged, "Do whatever you want, as long as we remain friends, I don't care."

Logan had a small smile, "Thank you."

Virgil was curious about Logan and Roman's relationship. It knows Roman has a crush on Logan, but what does Logan think of the other? Maybe Roman is starting to move on, if his actions towards that new kid has anything to say.

It isn't its business anyways, so it should just let the two do what they want.

The bell rung, Virgil's spider part forcing it to quickly gathet its things and run out the door, "See ya Logan!"

"Don't run!" The teacher called.
Virgil ran into the lunch room, following the sweet, familiar scent. It immediately spotted the boy in their usual spot, sitting alone.

The spider creature hurried over, not caring about lunch.

It wrapped its arms around him, causing him to yelp as he was picked up.

"V-Virgil?" Patton squeaked, looking up to see a smiling creature.

Virgil sat down in the spot Patton was just sitting at, setting the human on its lap.

Virgil wrapped its spider legs around him, burying its face on the crook of Patton's neck.

Patton felt his face get red and hot, "Virgil!" he giggled, "I missed you too! It's ok."

Virgil hissed, the hiss not at all affecting Patton, "I don't care! Being away from you is like being away from your family for years and you can see them but you can't get to them and it sucks."

Patton was silent at that. That.. didn't sound too fun. He guess that was one of the unfun parts about being a creature.

Patton couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. It isn't his fault he can't be by Virgil's side forever, but he feels like he should do something..

Oh! Patton remembered Virgil and Logan talking about how creatures would give one another something of theirs so the other would be more calm and able to be away they needed to be.

He could give Virgil something of his to try and ease the feeling!

Patton leaned back, snuggling into the warmth. Virgil hummed, "Logan said they were going to sit with someone else for today."

"Okie!" Patton nodded. He was curious about who it was, but didn't get to ask when Roman took a seat.

The other kid was no where to be seen.

"Nerd not here yet?" He asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"They're sitting with someone else for today," Patton said, trying to mibe his arms so he could eat, but Virgil hissed a warning, refusing to let go.

Roman looked shocked, "What? They have another friend?" Logan doesn't do well with making other friends. They're awkward as hell!

Virgil's spider leg pointed in a direction, "Guess it's that girl," it mumbled, wrapping the leg around Patton once more.

Roman turned and felt his heart break a litte.

Logan was sitting with a girl, the two having a conversation. And both were smiling. It took so long for Logan to offer a smile to Roman and Patton, and here they are, smiling away with a random kid.

Roman fought back tears. He shouldn't be getting so upset. Logan can be with whoever they want.

But it still hurt how easy Logan gave the girl a smile.

Patton was surprised, "Wow, they're smiling so easily for her," he voiced Roman's thoughts, "I wonder how close they are."

Would Logan make a friend and now tell the others?

Virgil peaked from its spot, looking at Roman. It was surprised to see Roman looking so hurt. Wasn't he trying to get over Logan?

Virgil decided to ask Roman about Logan after school. Right now, it needed Patton.

"Mm," Virgil took the opportunity to give Patton's cheek a little kiss.

Patton's face went completely red again. He tried to hide his face, but Virgil wasn't having it, not letting him hide.

"Does it bother you?" Virgil asked, not wanting to bother the human.

Patton was quiet for a bit, "..No, I'm fine with it."

"Good," Virgil whispered, giving him another little cheek kiss, only making Patton whine from embarrassment.

Virgil couldn't see itself with anyone but Patton, it had to be Patton.

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