Chapter Seven

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Virgil let out a hiss as someone bumped into it. It turned and saw it was a girl.

"Ah, s-sorry!" she stuttered. Virgil smiled, "It's fine." it reassured her.

She let out a sigh of relief, "That's good, I'm Elsa." she then stared at it, "No Frozen jokes, please." she said seriously.

Virgil chuckled, closing the bottom eyes so the middle ones were the only one open, "I won't. Virgil."

Elsa smiled, "Do you want to sit with me and my friends? I would love it if you did!" she pleaded.

It shuffled, "U-Uh.. sorry but I already have friends I'm sitting with.." it mumbled, looking anywhere but at her. She pouted, but then beamed again, "I'll sit with you!" she said.

Virgil shrugged, "I'm sure they won't care." it lead her to lunch, heading to the table with it's three friends.

"Hey guys," it spoke to get their attention, "Is it cool if she joins us?" it asked, pointing to Elsa.

Roman smiled, "Oh, hey Elsa! Yeah, she can sit with us." he offered the seat next to him, but as soon as Virgil sat down by Patton, she sat by it. Roman shrugged.

"You two know one another?" Logan questioned. Roman nodded, "Yeah, she's my neighbor."

Patton leaned over Virgil to see her.

She had brown hair that was pulled up in a ponytail, wearing a purple shirt with a black heart. She had a long blue skirt to go with it.

Elsa looked over at Virgil, "I didn't know you were friends with Roman." Virgil shrugged, turning at Patton and it's smiled grew. Patton felt butterflies flutter in his chest, returning the smile.

He noticed Elsa slightly glaring at him, not looking too happy. She grinned, wrapping her arms around Virgil.

Virgil hissed at the sudden contact, but Elsa didn't let go. It looked at her, "We should exchange phone numbers, Virgil!" she chirped.

Virgil tried to move her off, but she only latched on tighter. It hissed again, baring it's fangs to show it wants her off.

She didn't move.

"Oh calm down, I'm just hugging!~" she laughed, letting go, only to lay her head down on its shoulder.

Patton glared at her. Not only is she making it uncomfortable, but she's loving on it like they are a couple! She doesn't deserve it! She doesn't even know it's perfered pronouns! She doesn't know that it can create beautiful webs, that it has two dads, that it's spider legs need to climb every now and then, she doesn't know anything!


What on earth was that..?

Patton blushed a deep red. He was jealous. He was jealous that she was doing things he wants to do with it.

He looked over, seeing Virgil forcefully shove her away, "Not interested. Now if you don't want to get bit, I suggest you stop or fuck off."

She blinked, then laughed, "Oh honey, I'm not interested either. I have a girlfriend!" Roman joined in on the laughter.

Logan rolled their eyes, flipping the page of the book they've been reading lately.

Virgil looked confused, as well as Patton, "Then why literally snuggle me?" it asked.

Roman grinned, "It's what she does. She is super affectionate. I mean, it's kinda like Patton. He loves to hug people and all, but her's are more forceful." Elsa nodded.

Virgil smiled, "Well, I'm not too big of a fan of random or forceful hugs, so unless you want to end up in the hospital, please don't."

Elsa nodded again, "Ok!" she said, "I wouldn't want to make your boyfriend anymore jealous too." she pointed at Patton.

Patton blushed a deep red again, his freckles glowing. Virgil's face was similar, all of it's eyes open wide.

Roman laughed, Logan snorting. Elsa blinked, "What?"

"Patton and Virgil are not in a relationship." Logan explained, not looking up from their book as they took a drink of apple juice.

Roman smirked, "At least, not yet they aren't." he teased. Virgil let out a hiss, Patton whining.

"Oh!" Elsa snapped her fingers, "They have crushes on one another!" she said, Roman nodding.

Virgil hissed, "You two say shit, I will fucking web you."

Roman and Elsa giggled. Logan flipped a page, not looking up still, "You two have crushes on one another." they stated.

"Logan!" Patton shouted. Virgil glared dangerously at them, "Didn't you hear my warning?"

"I did," they hummed, "But it wasn't towards at me. I believe when you said 'you two', you meant Roman and Elsa, correct?" their eyes moved up to look at it, their head not moving.

Virgil was silent before it let out frustrated hisses. Roman and Elsa burst out laughing, Logan having a rare grin, clearly feeling proud.

Patton couldn't help but giggle too. Virgil snapped its attention to the boy, feeling its face heat up at the giggle.

Holy hell, he's just so adorable.

"Moving on," Logan began, setting the book down and looking at Virgil, "I'm curious about your whole mate thing."

"Oh, me too!" Roman beamed. Elsa was texting on her phone, not caring about the conversation and caring about her sick girlfriend.

Patton was now looking at Virgil curiously.

Virgil shrugged, creating a small web and began to fiddle with it, "Go on."

Logan took out their notebook and a pen, "Do you have a mate?" Virgil shook its head, Patton feeling extremely relieved at that. Roman grinned.

"Do you have the urge to have one?" Logan asked next.

"What do you mean?" Virgil asked.

"Do you want to bite and seemingly 'claim' someone?"

"Uh.. I guess." It shrugged, casting a quick glance at Patton.

"Can I know who?"


"What does it feel like to be around said person?"

"I don't know, like a crush. Just sorta wanna, protect h-them."

"What does it feel like to be away from them?"

"Like I'm lost? I-I don't know.." Virgil now looking uncomfortable.

Roman nudged Logan, "I think you should stop for now." he said. Logan frowned, "But I only asked-"

"It- He's uncomfortable." Patton said, casting a warm smile at Virgil. He had to correct himself, since Virgil never told Elsa it uses it pronouns. Virgil smiled back, wanting to just hug him and bite him then and there, but it has to wait. It has to wait for the right moment.

"Oh." Logan now noticed, "Apologies, it was not my intention to upset you." they said, now feeling guilty.

Virgil laughed a nervous laugh, "It's fine."

Elsa looked up from her phone, starting a different conversation. Roman and Patton joined in, Logan going back to reading.

Virgil wrapped it's legs around it. It really hopes Patton could be it's boyfriend one day.

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