Chapter Twelve

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Virgil and Patton went completely red. Patton pushed away, hiding his face in his hands while Virgil just stared at nothing yet everything.

Roman burst out laughing, Logan choking on their drink.

Instantly, everyone else looked over. Virgil went to deny it, but it was too late.

"Oh my god, Virgil, you got a mate?" The snake boy said. Virgil knew him, his name was Kyle. His boyfriend is Nathan.

"N-N-" It couldn't say anything since Nathan cut it off, "Woah, dude. Rock on!"

"I-It isn't-" Virgil tried again, but more people were starting to congratulate them.

"Good job, kid!"

"That's so cute! I love high school love!"

"When did you mark 'em?"

"Wait, is it the one in light blue, black, or white? Because they all look like they're dying."

"Virgil! Why didn't you tell me, you ass!"

"Rebecca, lay of it."

"We're so proud of you, kid! This is a special occasion!"

Patton was shaking, his brain not working. This was so embarrassing! He isn't dating Virgil! Though, he wouldn't mind it if they did..

Patton shook his head, not now brain. We have to figure out a way to fix this!

He looked up at Virgil, seeing it struggle to explain or deny what the others were saying. Roman and Logan weren't helping, since Roman was literally wheezing and Logan was grinning.

He wanted to help, but couldn't figure out-

Oh wait.

Patton jumped into Virgil's arms, rapping his arms around it, "Y-Yep! Me and Virgil are.. d-dating!"

Roman actually fell on the floor, gasping for breath as he died. Logan let out their own laugh, "This is getting interesting." they teased.

Virgil looked down at him with shock, "Wa-Wait, what?"

Patton just giggled, laying his head on its tank top, "It's ok, Virgie! No need to hide it!"

He shuffled closer to its ear, "Play along." he whispered, and then smiled innocently at it. Virgil's brain finished the puzzle, and nodded, "Oh, alright, fine." it smiled down at him.

Kyle sniffed the air, then frowned, "He doesn't smell like you." he gave Virgil a puzzled look.

Patton thought they were screwed, but Virgil quickly thought, "We're taking it slow. Doing it the human way before anything gets serious."

The human girl, Samantha, who was dating the creature boy, Quinn, "Oh, Quinn and I did that. I wanted to go slow before he marked me." she smiled up at Quinn. He kissed her nose, "Of course I wouldn't force you into anything, dear."

Nathan nodded, "Yeah, ok. Makes sense. Humans do things differently." he shrugged.

Virgil and Patton relaxed, Patton hiding his face in Virgil's shirt. Virgil ran its fingers through his hair, hoping to calm him down.

Roman managed to get up, with the help of Logan, and banged his fist on the table, "Hoho- Holy shit! You guys ma-made it so much worse-" he gasped, "you dorks!"

Virgil hissed at him, looking at Logan for support, but Logan had their arms crossed and a huge grin, "I'm so happy you two finally came out about your love. I can't wait until you tell your parents."

"Wait, Janus and Remus doesn't know?" Thomas looked over at the cute 'couple'. Virgil slowly shook its head, "N-No..?"

"Are they not happy you're dating a human?" Kyle asked. Virgil shook its head, still playing with Patton's hair, "No, just not ready."

"You should tell them when you make him your mate!" Samantha chirped, "That's what we did!"

Patton nodded, "Yeah, we'll probably do that." he said, but it was slightly muffled from the clothing.

Eventually, everyone went back to eating and talking, but they kept looking over at Virgil and Patton with happy, proud smiles.

Patton moved up, but stayed close, "Sorry, I-I couldn't think of a-anything else." he apologized.

Virgil shrugged, "It's fine," it said, wrapping two legs around Patton, "I don't mind to p-pretend for the time being."

Honestly, this has to be one of the happiest, yet hurtful moments in its life. Happy, because it's Patton its 'dating', hurtful because it isn't real.

Roman managed to calm down, but was snorting at some moments as he ate, Logan just grinning and talking about space and stars, their favorite subject to talk about.

Virgil nodded along with what Logan was saying, but was only half listening. Don't get it wrong, they know a lot of interesting things about space, but the fact that Patton made the move to pretend date just made its heart flip.

Patton was trying to listen, but he was a blushing mess after what he did. What if they start spreading that the two are dating? Oh god, what if his dads figure out? Daddy probably wouldn't care, but what about dad? He always was protective over Patton when mom left.

Roman and Logan noticed the two weren't listening, so the two just talked with each other.

Virgil took a deep breath, "Patton-" Virgil lost its train of thought when Patton smiled up at it with red cheeks and a shy smile.

"Mm?" He hummed.

"Uh, I, uhm." Virgil shook its head, what was it going to say again?

"Is.. Is your food good?" God that was so awkward.

Patton giggled, laying his head on it, "Hehehe, yeah, this place has good food!"

"That's good. We could totally come here together sometime." It suggested. Patton went even redder, "Just us?"

Virgil now went red, "Oh, uh, yeah sure. When are you available?"

"We can do next weekend? I'm going over to my grandmother's on Sunday, so is Saturday good for you?"

"Yep." Virgil nodded. If it had plans that day, its sure it could convince at least one parent to let it go.

Roman grinned, "So, it's a date then?~" He teased.

Virgil was about to object and tell him to shut it before it bit his arm off, but Patton surprised the three of them.

"Yep! It's a date!" he chirped.

Logan almost choked on their drink again. Roman gasped, stars in his eyes as he patted Logan's back, "Are you serious? Or are you just saying that because...?" he flicked is wrist, indicating the pretend dating.

"Oh, no." Patton looked over at Virgil, "Do you wanna go on a date with me, Virge?"

Virgil's brain couldn't even begin to process everything before it said, "Yes, I'd love that."

Roman, and Logan, plan has worked.

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