Chapter Twenty-Six

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Virgil walked down the hall with Patton by its side. It was holding his hand with two spider legs curled around his arm.

Patton was smiling brightly, talking about how he and his dad were going to make homemade cookies.

"I can give you some tomorrow!" He suggested, looking up at the creature.

Virgil gave him a smile, its fangs in view, "I'd like that, I'm sure they'll taste amazing."

Patton's face turned a shade of pink as he smiled even brighter.

He then gasped, "Oh wait!" he stopped it, grabbing its other hand, "You should come over and help!"

Virgil's eyes went wide, "You want me to go over to your place?"

"Yeah!" Patton's eyes sparkled, "My dads will absolutely love you!"

Virgil looked unsure, "I don't want to intrude on your family bonding activity."

Patton gave a frown, "You won't be intruding anything, my parents have been wanting to meet you ever since I've told them about you."

"You talk about me?"

Patton's face went red, eyes casting down, "W-Well, y-yeah.. but that's not what we're talking about!" he looked back up with a grin, "You're going to come over and meet my parents and bake cookies!"

Virgil couldn't find it in itself to say no.
"Meeting his parents?"

Virgil was standing by Remus' car, its father looking surprised.

"Yeah," Virgil nodded, looking over at Patton, "Just to bake cookies, nothing more."

Remus gave Patton a look, "Are your dads ok with creatures?"

Patton nodded, "Yep, my aunt is a dolphin creature, adopted sister on Remy's side, he's my dad."

Remus nodded, "Alright, it can go over. Call me when I need to pick you up, or they can bring you home."

Virgil felt excited now, "I will! And thank you!"

Remus snorted, looking back at Patton, "Easy there, kid. You're turning my dark, edgy kid into someone happy."

Patton giggled, Virgil giving him a playful hiss, "Oh haha, very funny. I've picked up some of my personality from dad, I'll throw something at you."

Remus rolled his eyes, "I'd like to see you try."

"Welp," Remus smirked, his sharp teeth showed, "You two have fun. See ya later Virge."

They stepped back as they waved bye, Remus driving off. Patton jumped up and down, "Ahh! I'm so excited! This will be so fun!"

Virgil couldn't help but let out a happy hiss, wrapping Patton in a hug.

Patton hugged back, his laughter never ceasing.

They eventually moved away, Patton's eyes shining with excitement, "I'm having to ride the bus today, but you can sit with me!"

Virgil frowned, "A bus?"

"Mhm, dad is busy with work and my other dad is.." Patton shuffled nervously, "Disabled."

"Oh," Virgil nodded, understanding, "It's alright. I just doubt a bus full of humans will be fun for me."

Patton hummed, "Well, I won't let anyone do or say anything mean to you!"

Virgil chuckled, giving him a pat on the head, "I appreciate it."

The two waited with some other students for the second wave of buses. Patton said he was on bus 19-15.

A few kids gave the two odd looks, especially Virgil. But Patton did everything he could to distract Virgil, talking about everything they could do together.

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