Chapter One

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Much has changed since Janus and Remus adopted Virgil. Virgil has grew up with a happy family, went to a creature school since all human schools costs more money for a creature to go in then a creature school does. Even those schools still cost a lot.

Virgil has came out a pansexual to its family, as well as saying it uses 'it' pronouns. Janus and Remus were 100% supportive, using its new pronouns and simply treating it the same as before.

Now, Virgil is 16, in 10th grade at its school. It doesn't have any friends really. It's just trying to get by in life, getting decent grades.

However, there had been a school that allowed creatures to come in for free! Janus and Remus were excited for this.

"Wait wait wait." Virgil said, two eyes darting between its dads as four of them are closed, "I'm going to a school for humans AND creatures? With no price??"

It's hard to believe. There's never been a school where creatures could go into a school with humans for free. Suppose there's a first for everything.

"Yep! We were excited to finally not have to pay for you to go to school." Remus chirped, "But.." he trailed off, looking at his husband for support. Janus groaned, "If you really don't want to go Virgil, we won't make you."

Virgil's tounge ran over its teeth. It doesn't necessarily want to go to school because humans will be there. And it isn't exactly the best dealing with them.

Humans have treated Virgil a stranger more then they do for other creatures do. Not all humans, but most.

It sighed, looking at its parents, "I'll go." It said. Remus immediately cheered, wrapping two tentacles around his husband, "Told you it wouldn't care!"

Janus huffed, having four arms appear and push his husband off, "Yeah, yeah. Now get off."

Virgil chuckled quietly. It has to admit, this will certainly be kinda stressful. A new school, new teachers, new kids. But it would get through with it. It'd just have to lie low like always. Besides, it wouldn't only be the new kid, right? Surely other creatures are going to go too.
"Virgil! Hurry up or I'm leaving your ass behind!" Remus screamed. Virgil finally found its phone, hurrying downstairs.

Today, it was wearing a black hoodie with black jeans. It dyed its hair purple for the new school, as well as putting on eyeshadow. It had black boots, with its black bag hanging off its shoulder. You can tell Virgil has a theme here.

"Jeez, you're getting edgier everyday, I swear." Remus teased. Virgil rolled its four opened eyes. The two top ones closed. It doesn't hurt to have all eyes open, but it could sometimes freak people out. And it's hard for Virgil to keep focus with all of its eyes out.

The two got in the car, Janus out shopping for a cream or something for his scales. Apparently, they are itching.

"Nervous?" Remus asked, smiling with his sharp teeth shown. Virgil nodded, looking out of the window.

Sooner or later, they arrived to the school. Almost all the kids were humans, but Virgil realized there are also creatures too. Not alot, but still. It wouldn't be entirely alone.

"Alrighty! I gotta get to work, try to relax and have fun today!" Remus patted its head with a tentacle. Virgil got out of the car, saying bye to its dad before walking towards the entrance.

It tried to be by itself, having its spider legs wrap around itself and only two eyes open.

But nothing can be that easy.

Virgil accidentally bumped into someone, causing it to fall down. Virgil let out a hiss of pain, two of its legs digging into the ground as it rubbed its head.

"Sorry.." It muttered. It looked up to see a boy. He had dirty blonde, curly hair with light blue glasses and freckles all over his face. He was wearing a blue t-shirt, with a happy sun printed on it. He also had light blue jeans.

"It's ok! Are you ok, sir?" The boy asked. Virgil felt an uncomfortable feeling build up inside its body. It isn't a 'sir'.

The boy grabbed its hand, pulling it up. Virgil opened all its eyes, before closing four. Behind the boy were two other humans. One had light brown, reddish hair. The other had black hair, along with simple black squared glasses.

"I'm Patton, I use he/him pronouns!" Patton said, shaking Virgil's hand. Virgil felt the uneasy feeling bubble up.

"I'm Logan, they/them." The black haired b- kid said. They tightened their necktie.

"Roman! He/him." Roman sung, running a hand through his hair.

Virgil felt a bit better knowing the three wouldn't care about its pronouns. They did also say their perfer pronouns anyways, so they shouldn't of care.

Virgil swallowed, "V-Virgil.. I use i-it pronouns.." It looked down, expecting them to find it weird even if one of them is non-binary. It's what its brain is use to.

Logan perked up, but remained silent. Roman shrugged. Patton's face had a look a panic, "Oh my gosh! S-Sorry I called you a sir! I should've asked first!" He cried.

Virgil blinked. This is new.

"Patton calm down. I'm sure it won't be upset. You didn't know." Logan said, trying to calm down their friend. They looked at Virgil, as if expecting it to say something.

Virgil laughed nervously, "It's alright, I'm not upset or anything. Though, I'm kinda surprised you guys aren't.. er.." It trailed off, bring its finger together and creating a web to fidget with.

"Judging?" Logan asked, understanding where it's coming from. Roman laughed, "Ha! As if we would! We aren't like those jerks." He rolled his eyes, having a look of slight disgust.

Virgil opend two eyes, smiling slightly. This is a nice change. It disposed of its web, "T-Thanks.."

Patton sighed, "I really am sorry." Patton said. Virgil flashed him a smile, its fangs showing, "I really don't care. I'm glad you three don't care."

Logan nodded, Roman scoffed, "Duh." and Patton smiled brightly again.

"So," Logan began, stepping closer, "You are one of the new creatures, yes?" They asked, looking over Virgil's body. Preferably its legs from its back.

"Mhm." It hummed, closing the two eyes that opend to focus better. Roman gasped, "Wait, you're the spider kid! The only one in the town!"

Patton titled his head, "You're the only one?" Patton asked. Logan cleared their throat, "Have you ever seen another spider, Pat?"

Patton thought, then shook his head. Virgil shuffled awkwardly. It isn't use to.. humans talking to it. Its use to humans giving it weird looks, talking only if needed, stuff like that.

Suddenly, the bell rung, Virgil jumped, hissing at the sudden noise. Roman snorted, "Calm down, emo nightmare! It is only the bell."

Virgil glared, but said nothing as it took out a folded piece of paper from its pocket.

"Is that your schedule?" Patton asked, leaning over its shoulder to look at the paper. Virgil nodded.

"Oh!" Patton suddenly shouted, causing Virgil to jump again.

"Oops!" Patton laughed nervously. Roman laughed again, Logan chuckling. They're laughing, but not at it. Virgil smiled at that, laughing with them.

For some reason, Virgil laughing made Patton feel all warm inside. Its laughing was the best sound. Patton smiled, laughing along now.

"Anyways," Patton giggled, "I was going to say we have that class. Your first class."

"I'm in class with you three?" It asked. Patton nodded. Roman smiled, "Then let's go!" He cheered. Logan nodded, "Yes, before we are late."

The three lead the way, Roman talking about how nice the teacher is. Virgil smiled.

Maybe this school will be different. A good kind of different.

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