Chapter Eighteen

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Virgi hissed when it felt Roman poke it. The four were currently at lunch. And Patton was currently in its lap with its face in his neck.

"Jeez," Roman huffed, "Bad mood?"

Virgil didn't answer, just cuddling the boy.

Patton's entire face was a red, he was having trouble focusing on anything other than the fact that the creature had him on its lap and was cuddling him.

Roman hesitantly poked Virgil again, this time, Virgil reacted by shooting web at him.

Roman screamed, trying to get the web off of his arm, "You asshole!" He yelled.

"Don't touch me!" Virgil hissed back, wrapping its spider legs around Patton to protect him from the threat.

"V-Virgil, I need to eat," Patton looked behind him, only to see Virgil smiling happily at Patton.

"Here," It said, picking up Patton's apple and giving it to him, "Now you can eat and be protected."

Logan looked up from their book, then looked confused, "What is happening?"

"Virgil thinks I'm a threat." Roman glared at it, still picking off the web.

Logan snorted, going back to their book, "You are."


"Virgil.." Patton shuddered when he felt Virgil breathe near his neck.

Virgil could do it. It could do it right then and there. Just a small bite. It wouldn't hurt Patton. It'll actually feel good. He'll be in no pain. Virgil could finally have him as its. Just one bite.


Virgil blinked, seeing how close it was to Patton's neck. It didn't move though, "Yes Pat?"

"A-Are you ok?" He asked, shuffling on its lap. Virgil hummed, " 'M always fine with you here."

Patton didn't think his face could get any hotter, but that was proven wrong.

Patton tried to move again, but Virgil squeezed him, "Stop and just cuddle back," it mumbled, all eyes closed as it fully relaxed with its scent surrounding Patton. But not completely.

Which then upseted it.

Patton didn't move for a few seconds before he sighed and leaned back, snuggling back. Virgil was happy with this and squeezed him again, nuzzling the back of his neck.

Logan scoffed, "The two are practically dating." They whispered to Roman.

"I think it's cute," Roman whispered back, "being all cuddly like that. Oh, how I wish to do that." He sighed dreamily.

Logan hummed, "Perhaps, but still much for school."

Roman looked over and smirked, leaning close and pushing the book down, "You're saying you wouldn't do that with someone at school, but you'd cuddle all day long at home?"

They went a bright red, "Well, yes, I mean, not- not all day long, just-" They groaned, trying to bring the book to their face to hide, but Roman wasn't having that.

"Aww, have anyone in mind you'd want to do it with?~" Roman leaned even closer, his smirk widening.

Logan's brain immediately thought of Roman, how the two could cuddle in bed, in the couch while watching TV and/or reading, and outside in the back, relaxing outdoors.

"No." Logan responded instead of saying their fantasies. Roman's smirk died down a little, "Oh, ok then!"

He moved away, looking back at the not-yet-couple-but-obviously-a-couple whispering to each other, Patton apparently saying something that made Virgil chuckle.

Roman was rather upset that Logan had no interest in dating. He's been crushing on Logan for three years now, giving them gifts, helping out, and protecting them from bullies. But Logan has shown no interest in getting a romantic partner.

Maybe.. maybe he should give up and move on?
It was after school now, Virgil was waiting outside with Roman, Patton and Logan already left, much to Virgil's dismay.

Roman was oddly quiet as he scrolled on Instagram. Normally he would be going on a rant about literally anything, but now he wasn't even humming.

"Uh," Virgil lightly nudged him with a spider leg, "You good?"

Roman sighed, setting his phone down, "Can you keep a secret?"

Virgil grew more concerned, "If you aren't hurting yourself or anyone else, then yeah."

Roman laughed, "No, I'm not doing either of those. It's.. It's about Logan."

"Logan?" It looked at him with even more concern, "Did they do something?" It didn't think they would do anything hurtful.

"I.. kinda have a crush on them," Roman said with a red face. Virgil beamed, "Oh, that's ok! I was worried it was something.. bad?" It looked at how sad Roman looked.


"Gah!" Roman tugged at his hair, "I've gave them roses, chocolate, fucking fruit even! I've carried their books, bags, anything I could! Complimented them, always apologized after an actual fight, and protected them from bullies!"

He felt his eyes tear up, "What have I done wrong? They've shown no romantic interest in me, none at all."

He finally looked at Virgil, tears falling as he quietly cried, "What did I do wrong to deserve this heartbreak?"

"Oh, God, Roman.." Virgil pulled him in a hug, "It'll be ok, you did nothing wrong."

"I-I obviously did, maybe they just don't l-love me?" Roman rubbed at his eyes.

"Maybe," Virgil agreed, "but Logan seems to have trouble with emotions in general."

"Yeah.." he nodded.

It was quiet after that, Roman just trying to stop crying.

"Maybe I should give up.." Roman said pitifully.

All of Virgil's eyes opened in surprise, "Oh," was all it could say.

Roman pulled away, a heartbroken look in his eyes, "They haven't shown any interest at all, and I can normally read them like a book. But.. nothing in the romance genre."

Roman smiled weekly, "I should move on after I've got no signs they're interested, right?"

"Uh, I suppose so," Virgil nodded slowly. If Patton didn't like it back, it would have to move on too.

Roman looked behind Virgil, "Your dad is here."

Virgil turned behind it, seeing that Remus was waiting in the car.

"Yep, that's him," It stood up, giving Roman an open smile, showing its fangs, "You'll make it Roman." And grabbed its bag with its bottom right spider leg, walking off.

Roman waved bye, his smile disappearing when Virgil left his view.

He pulled his knees to his chest, hiding his face in his arms.

He doesn't know if he can get over Logan.

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