Chapter Twenty-Two

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Patton set his bags down, too busy being jealous to worry about someone stealing them.

He walked over to his date with a smile, not wanting to seem upset.

"Heya Virgil!" He waved, making the spider creature jump in surprise, the human girl giving him an odd look.

"Oh uh, hey," Virgil shook its leg, bringing it back to its side, "need something?" It asked.

Patton grabbed his hand, bringing it around his shoulder, making Virgil give him a side hug.

Its face exploded in a red, "W-Wh-" It shook its head, fully hugging Patton, resting its head on his fluffy hair.

Patton sighed in content, then grinned up at the girl, "Hello, I'm Patton! Virgil's date," he held out his hand as far as he could with Virgil's arm around him.

She shook it, "Rose," she greeted, "I can see you're all about PDA." she teased.

Patton hummed, "Mmm, maybe, but I just really like being with Virgil."

Virgil's grrp tightened, the spider legs wrapping around him. It couldn't help it. It seeked his touch, it wanted Patton to be right by its side and never leave. So having Patton make it hug him, made it cuddle him. Not its fault.

"Soo, Patton, how has your date been?" Rose asked politely.

"Fantastic, actually," Patton responded with a bit of sass, "What's it to you?"

Rose held her hands up in defense, "Look buddy, I'm gay, I'm not into dudes."

That eased Patton's jealousy a bit. Just a tiny bit however.

Virgil leaned down to his ear, "Relax, you're stiff, you can relax if I'm here to protect you." it whispered.

Patton almost instantly relaxed and calmed down. He felt embarrassed for wanting to obey the creature.

Virgil glared at Rose, but smiled, showing its fangs, "Sorry, but we must take our leave, it would seem my dear date is uncomfortable and tense here."

Rose rolled her eyes, "Whatever, do what you want." and stalked off, glaring at Patton.

The human looked up into Virgil's six eyes, now feeling guilty, "I'm sorry I got in between you making a friend." he apologized.

Virgil shook its head, nuzzling his neck, "You didn't ruin anything. I'm perfectly fine. Should we continue shopping?" It didn't want to let go, but it also wanted to continue the date.

Patton nodded, running over to where he left his bags, running back over to Virgil, "I don't want anything from here anymore. Can we get what you want and then leave the mall? There's another place we could hang out at!" he suggested.

Virgil nodded, wrapping a spider leg around Patton's waist, bringing him closer to it.

After a bit, Virgil decided to buy to hoodies, quickly buying them and waving bye to Rose, despite what it said, it was upset to leave Rose. She seemed nice.

"So we're done with the mall entirely?" Virgil asked, Patton nodding, "Yep! Now we can go to a spot i like a lot, follow me!"

Before they did leave, they went in a different store that had some plushies and Patton got another puppy.

They exited the big building, Virgil smiling at the warmth on its face. Patton took its hand, "C'mon! Let's goooo!" he chirped, dragging the creature with him.

Virgil eventually was able to walk to his speed, trying to thinking of a conversation starter. It didn't want anything about this date to be awkward, despite what happened in the middle of the mall.

"So where's this place at?" Virgil asked, following the human boy into a nearby woods. It was keeping a mental note of its surroundings. Just in case.

"We're going to an area I like to go to if I'm in the neighborhood," Patton answered, happily skipping on the grass.

Virgil smiled at the memory of doing this one day with its parents. They all went to the woods and had a picnic when it was seven. It remembered crawling up many trees, making Janus worried while Remus cheered it on. That then earned a smack in the face with a gloved hand and a threat that a chair would end up on him if he doesn't get it down.

"Are we getting close?" Virgil asked, "We're going pretty deep into these woods."

"Trust me, I do this all the time!" Patton reassured, smiling brightly.

As soon as he said that, he stopped, "Actually, we're here." he ducked under a branch, disappearing from sight.

Virgil followed with unease, ducking under the thick branch, only to be met with a wonderful sight. Patton was sitting on the edge of a cliff, looking down at the field of trees, bushes, and many flowers. Pink, blue, white, red, orange, and yellow flowers of a sorts. Like roses, tulips, lilies, cosmos, and hyacinths. Patton then turned around and smiled. Oh, what a beautiful smile it was. Virgil's heart swelled with warmth and love.

It went to sit down next to him, Patton shuffled closer, laying his head on its shoulder. It wrapped two spider legs around him in response.

"Pretty, huh?" Patton whispered, closing his eyes at the warm sunlight.

Virgil nodded, "Pretty."

Patton took its hand, "I.. had fun on this date, it made me happy."

"Me too, I enjoyed it." Virgil squeezed his hand.

It was a nice, comfortable silence. No one moved or spoke, they just enjoyed the moment between them. 

"Virgil.." Patton said softly, "will you be my.."

Virgil looked down at him, noticing how red and nervous Patton was.

The next words were the best thing that's happened in its life.

"Will you become my significate other?"

Virgil's eyes went wide. It was processing that question.

Patton notice how stiff and silent the other was, so he went to apologize. But Virgil suddenly brought him a hug, all limbs wrapped around him.

"Yes," Virgil answered, such happiness in its voice, "I would love nothing more than to have you as my boyfriend."

Patton eyes teared up as he hid his face in its chest. He was so happy, why was he crying? He shouldn't be crying if he was this happy.

Virgil began to play with his fluffy hair, "Don't cry, I'm here now. I'm here."

Patton could only hug tighter.

"I'm here now, my sweet Patton. And I won't leave you, not ever unless you want me to. I'm here."

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