A visit from a fox

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Hajime knock on cell 13's door and start doing role call.

"Number 69"


"You have bed head. Number 25"


"What are you laughing at? Number 11"


"Too much product. Number 8"


"Number 15."

"Number 15?"

Alarm can be heard through the cell. Hajime went into the security cam to see if he could find him until he heard snoring in the night duty room. There lay Jyugo who is sleeping.

" WAKE UP!!!!!"





[Y/N] is playing cards with Uno and...she won!

[Y/N]: Yay! Extra breakfast for me~

Uno: How did you won that?!

[Y/N]: The mokkes taught me well~

Nico: Mokkes? What's that?

[Y/N]: They're my friends! Now I think about it I did left some candy in my desk. Wonder what's happening at home...




Kamome Academy 9.00 a.m.

Mokkes are crying cause [Y/N] isn't here.

The school mysteries are having a meeting about this and decided that they all take care of the school together.

Tsukasa heard the news and is now writing letters to his little sister while the other twin is find out which prison did she get taken to. 

Yashiro is worried and so is Kou.

Basically, the school is a chaos.

-----Back to [Y/N]-----

[Y/N]: Eh. Probally nothing.

Jyugo got throw into the cell and [Y/N] caught him before he hit the ground. She put him on the ground gently.

Jyugo: Thanks.

[Y/N]: Your welcome!

Nico: I though you would last 10 minutes.

Uno: It's not the first and not the last that you'll lose to me.

Jyugo: I found two woman out there.

Nico&Rock&Uno: two woman?!

[Y/N]: What does she looks like?

Jyugo: I only have a look but they're must look pretty. 

Uno: Let's go take a look.

The five reached the visiting room, and they lean on the door 

The door open and the four fell except for [Y/N].

Hajime: What are you all doing here?!

Hitoshi: Who are they?

[Y/N] smiled brighter than the sun when she face toward the other woman.

[Y/N]: Yako nee-san!!

Yako: [Y/N]. Manners.

[Y/N]: Kay! 

Nico: You know her [Y/N]-chan?

[Y/N] nod. The other are asking why Hajime didn't tell them he has a little sister.

Hajime: He my brother.

Uno&Rock&Jyugo: Eh?

Hajime: He's my brother!

Hitoshi: Hitoshi Sugoroku!

Uno&Rock&Jyugo: You're lying!

Yako: So [Y/N], did anyone of them harm you in anyway?

[Y/N]: Nope! This is Nico, one of my friends here!

Nico: Hello! Then he go take away by Seitarou 

Yako: You know the mysteries are waiting for you to come home.

[Y/N]: How did you know I'm here though?

A mokke jump out of  [Y/N] pocket and land on the table.

Nico: Wow!

Seitarou told Hajime that the warden wants to see him and Hajime order Hitoshi to go home.

Hitoshi: But I just got here. This isn't fair.

Jyugo: I can keep you company you know.

Hitoshi: Oh I remember you.

Seitarou tell Jyugo to stop escaping and want to take him back to his cell until Hitoshi told Seitarou that he want to ask him about something about Hajime work.

Yako: This little one told us.

 [Y/N]: Us? You mean Nii-chan know too?!

Yako: Yes. 

Hitoshi: So you can unlock every lock in the world?

Jyugo: Sure again.

Hitoshi: Sorry, then why don't you take off the thing around your arm and neck? It seem uncomtable.

Jyugo told Hitoshi that he can't take it off cause it doesn't have a lock but he'll find the man who put it on him.

Hitoshi: By the way, what kind of bunny is this?

"No.0-sama they can see us!" The mokke tell [Y/N].

Jyugo: It can talk?!

[Y/N]: There, there, have some candy!

Mokke: Thank you!

Hitoshi: Yako-san what were you two talking about earlier.

Yako look at [Y/N] before look back at Hitoshi.

Yako: About our job as school mysteries.

Jyugo: School mysteries? You mean that one school which is haunted by ghosts.

[Y/N]: Yes. Apparently, I told Tsuchigomori to annouce the news of me being in prison to the others and it seems like the school is in complete chaos right now.

Hitoshi: Does that means...

Yako: I am one of the school mysteries and [Y/N] here is our boss since Honarable No.7 have been turn into a human.

[Y/N]: We're telling you this because we trust you to keep our identidy a secret. Can you do it?

They both nodded as a reply.

[Y/N] sigh in relif as she start to float.

[Y/N]: Finally, no walking! This is much relaxing.

Yako: Thank you Hitoshi-kun. And [Y/N] we'll visit every month.

[Y/N]: Kay~ Bye Yako nee-san!

---On the way to their cell----

Jyugo: If you are a school mystery then what's your rumor?

[Y/N]: So you did your own research huh? It's Yuri-kun the soul keeper.

Jyugo: You mean the one who protect the school from any threat?

[Y/N]: Yep!

They both reached their cell and walk in.

Everything is going great that day.

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