Chapter 27

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Yesterday me and the princes went to their gazebo to continue our talk about Jay and Daeun's matter,they told me that if it wasn't for Jay they wouldn't know that Nicholas and Daeun is secretly seeing each other,they're a bit protective to Daeun as she is their friend but they approved Nicholas for her because he's a knight in shining armor,touchy eww.

Right now i'm walking with Lady Daeun around here in the palace.

"so how did they meet you Enha?"She asked.

"they saw me in the forest,they thought i'm some kind of intruder or a spy so they brought me here and as a punishment they made me their personal maid,they did alot of stupid things to me and made me do stupid stuff too but we made out and now we're friends"I happily told her to her.

"it's great to know that someone is with them while i was gone"She commented,we then stop walking and admire the sight in front of us,it's a garden full of different types of flowers.

"this place is so beautiful"I complemented and she hummed in response.

"how long have you been together with Nicho?"i asked suddenly,she turn to face me and smiled.

"2 years,i've been together with him for 2 freaking years,i'm his admirer back then,i always follow him around and i would appear out of nowhere in front of him"She explained while giggling,i smile warmly as i let her continue her talking.

"he was so cold and rude to me but i didn't gave up to tame his cold heart,cheesy i know.Then one day i confessed to him,i told him i love him but he rejected me and i went to Jay and tell him everything,he was so mad at Nicholas but then Jay also confessed to me that we're getting married,i was beyond mad about it,it was the worst day of my life"She said with a sad face but she replace it with a smile.

"me and Jay started to hangout more than before and Nicholas got super annoyed by it and confronted me,that day he confessed to me saying that he's jealous,he was so cute when he say that because he was avoiding my gaze while a blush formed at his handsome face"Daeun giggle remembering the moment.I giggle too because i can't imagine Nicholas being flustered.

"since then we started dating,Jay was the first person i informed about my relationship with Nicholas then he told the other princ about it,they did a little interview for Nicholas,they're so stupid back then"She sigh happily while a smile is lingering on her beautiful face.

"wait does Nicholas know about you being Jay's fiancee?"I asked getting worried.

"of course,he didn't talk to me for 2 days because of that but we made out so we're fine"She said shrugging,i nodded in response.

"Ahh my daughter"We then heard a voice spoke behind us,we turn to looj at the person and we're meet by a chubby man,with a white beard.

"father"Daeun mumbled bowing at her so called father.

"come and give me a hug my lovely daughter"Her father demanded,Daeun went closer to him and hug him,but it's clearly out of force.

"and who is this beautiful lady,my i ask?"Her father says as he face me.

"this is Enha father,the princes personal helper"Daeun notified him,her father nodded.

"ahh the 7 princes pet,nice to meet you my lady"He says and went to me then grab my hand and kiss the back of my palm.

"I'm minister Lee,Lady Daeun's father and Prince Jay's father in law"He proudly introduces,i saw Daeun rolling her eyes at him and i chuckled a bit.

"nice to meet you too Minister"I bow down to show some good manners.

"you're a nice lady.Now my daughter let's go and meet your mother in law,she's been longing to see you"Minister Lee ordered then began to walk away.

"i have to go see you later"Daeun bid her goodbyes to me and follow her father.

"be careful of being around that man Enha"Someone came next to me as ge said those words,Niki.

"Hello Niki"i greeted him.

"hello to you too"He greeted back.

"as i was saying,Minister Lee is such a greedy guy and cruel so stay away from him Enha"He warned me,well it's not like i'll hangout with that old man.I just nodded in response then continue gawking the beautiful sight in front of us.

"anyways,i hope you don't mind rooming around the forest with me?"He says.

"of course not,let's get going now"i said then we began to head to the palace forest.

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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