Chapter 49

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Me and Jake had been walking for like 3 hours now and my feet is starting to hurt.Ealier when we are finally in the forest,we have seen some guards roaming around but they are not the palace's guards,they're Yeol Wan's.

I'm starting to think that something bad really happened to the princes because they haven't catch up to us,i just hope my negative thoughts are not true.

"We should rest,i am sure you are tired"Jake said to me then took a sit on a big rock near us,i followed his actions,i took a sit on the rock too besides him.

"Are you thirsty?"I asks grabbing my sack from him.

"Yes i am but there are no near river nearby"Jake said sigh in disappoint.

"Glad that i brought water and breads with me then"I cheekily said to him then hand him some water and one piece of bread.

"Thank you"He said before eating his bread.I eat mine too as i scan the surroundings,the trees are green,they're healthy,
there's alot of big rocks too and all you can hear is the birds chirping.

"What did Sunoo whispered to you?"I asks as i'm really curious about it,he turn to me and smiled.

"I will tell you soon,not now it's not really nice to hear it at this situation"Jake soothed,i nod and continue eating my bread and so does he.

"Do you think they'll come?"I asks unable to calm my nerves down.

"Honestly,i don't think so"He stated looking at me but then he suddenly hold my hands,caressing it gently.

"But as i promise to my Brothers especially Sunoo,i will keep you safe even if it means losing my life"He promised sincerely to me looking directly to my eyes.


"What do you mean why?"

"Why would you guys risks your life for me,i am nothing,no one.I'm not special,i'm just a random girl you guys saw on the forest"I said with my voice cracking at the end.

"Don't say that,we love you and we vowed to protect you,we vowed to each other that we will protect you,not just because you are Sunoo's..."He gulp at the mention of Sunoo but took a deep breath and continue talking.

"We care for you,we can not explain the bond that we have with you,we love you especially Sunoo and....Me"Jake stated still looking at my eyes.I look away cutting the stare and cleared my throat.

"Thank you for the care,and i love you guys too"I said.

"How far are we?"I asks out of nowhere changing the topic,he cleared his throat and awkwardly look away.

"I think we are 4 kilometers away or maybe more"He said.

"Will it take days to go to the neighboring palace?"

"Yes,3 days to be exact"

"That'll be tiring"

"Indeed but we really need to move fast,this is still Hesvaya Palace property and there is a possibility that there are guards roaming around here so we must go"Jake said warningly.

"Ok then let's go"I said hesitantly because i want to wait for the princes but for our safety i'll just go.

Jake grab my sack then we start walking again.


It's already evening and we walked for like 4 hours more,my legs are already feeling jelly,my feet hurts and i'm panting heavily.Jake is the same too.

"Let's stay here until tomorrow morning"Jake told me before grabbing some huge leaves and start to make a bed for us.I hummed in agreement then start to grab some huge leaves too.

When we have enough leaves we began to make a bed for us to sleep.

"It's not really comfortable but this will do"Jake said then gently drop my sack on the ground,i lay on the bed i made and Jake layed to his too.

"We shed lots and lots of tears already,i hope we never shed tears anymore"I mumbled as we stare at the dark sky with sparkling stars.

"I hope so"Jake mumbled back.I turn to my side and look at him.

"You know,you have a very unique face,you look like you have some foreign blood,like....Australian but that's impossible your mother is not Australian"I described,he let out a charming chuckle.

"Maybe i am"He said jokingly but i know he is kidding but something is telling me that he's not joking but i shrugs it off.

"Shut up idiot,you know i like it when you speak casually to me,not using do not,it is,could not and alot more"I said smiling lightly,he again let out a chuckle.

"I'm glad too,it's so hard sometimes"He said,we stayed silent until i heard him snore a little,he's asleep.I sigh and my thought went to the 3 princes,are they safe?i hope they are because i'll be extremely heart broken if they die especially Jake.

I sigh deeply and close my eyes but i'm not feeling sleepy,without a single care i woke Jake up.

"W-what?"He groaned.

"I can't sleep"

"Tsk you woke me up from my beauty sleep just because you can't sleep?"He murmur in disbelief,i give him a nod causing him to sigh.

"Give me your hand"He command,i give him my hand and he caress it and then began singing,it's a nice ballad version song but i think i'll like more if it's not ballad.

Urin machi like a moon light~
Hamkerramyeon have a good time~
Nae mami neol like
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

I finally close my eyes and fall in a deep slumber.


I wonder if the Let Me In ballad version would sound good as the original🤔

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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