Chapter 52

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"We must discuss about how you will live here son"The King said looking at Jake and Enha.

"Yes we must"Jake agreed nodding.

"As you know,to be able to live together you and your lady have to get married first"The King blur out making Enha choked from nothing and stare at the King and Jake with widen eyes.

"Yes your majesty but me and my...lady just got together not long ago"Jake explained to the King.

"I understand but if you really want to live together a little far from here then i suggest,you marry her"The King retorted carefully.Jake hesitantly look at the terrified Enha then shift his gaze to the king.

"if you excuse us your majesty,Enha and I will discuss about the marriage thing"Jake asks for permission,the King nodded and give them the permission to leave the room.Both of them stood up and bow to the King before completely walking out of the room.


"Enha"Jake called out as they stepped into his room,Enha took a sit on the bed while Jake stood up in front of her.

"Is is really necessary?"Enha asks in deep thoughts.

"It is but if you don't want it,we can always stay in here,in my room"Jake answered the girl.

"This room is nice but i want to live far away from here,i mean far away from the inside palace"Enha explains her side as she stood up.

"I know,i want that too as we are more safe far from here because Yeol Wan might come here."

"But if i marry you-i don't wanna betray Sunoo"Enha says.

"I know it's not the best idea Enha but Sunoo want the best for you so i'm sure he'll be ok with this.Marrying me doesn't mean that you should have feelings for me,it'll be empty an marriage"Jake said to Enha with his voice cracking at the last sentence.

"If we get married,we're finally legal to live together and no one will disturb us"

"But i can't marry you,Jake i admit that i feel things for you but marrying you means betraying Sunoo,your brother"Enha reasoned with a messed up mind.Hearing Enha's confessions about how she feel brought a happy feeling inside Jake.

"I can't just marry you,Sunoo just died and i'm gonna marry you? That doesn't make sense Jake"

"Enha listen,Sunoo's last wish is for you to be safe,free and happy,he even said to me that i can claim you as mine"Jake reveal to Enha,she gasp and grimace.

"What?"Enha murmur in disbelief.

"That's what he whispered to me...he said that if you don't have the happy ending with him then maybe...just maybe you'll have happy ending with me"Jake emotionally said.Enha scowl looking at Jake.

"He wouldn't say that!"She denied.

"But he did,Sunghoon knows it too.I like you Enha"Jake confessed making Enha slap him.The sound of her hard slap echoed on the room,Jake's face lightly jerk to his right side.

"So you're gonna take advantage of the situation because you like me! Think of your brother Jake,you're betraying him for liking me!"Enha lashed out,Jake clenched his jaw and look at her with hard expression.

"I love my brother,i love Sunoo and betraying him is the last thing i wanna do in my whole life!.Do you think i want this!?!.I'm against this too because it hurts that i'm happy and willing to get married to you even if it means betraying him but you're not!"Jake lashed out tearing up.Enha fall silent with her tears trickle freely.

"What's with you princes liking me?...WHAT THE FUCK what did you see in me!?!! this is all messed up!"Enha spat loudly.

"people will think i let you all drink some kind of love potion,oh my god"She added with the grimace expression not leaving her face.Jake deeply sigh and place both of his hands on Enha's shoulder making her look up to him.

"I like you for so long,my actions stated it but i guess you're oblivious.When you and Sunoo got together i got my heart broken but still i'm happy for you and him.Enha i know you saw my reaction when Sunoo whispered to me it's because i disagree,the fact that Sunoo is giving me permission to claim you,to be with you,to make you love me is killing me but at last i agree because i'll do it for him and well...for you too.I wouldn't lie Enha i'm taking advantage of Sunoo's last wish to be with you but my intention is good and pure"Jake said to the lady in front of him,pouring all of his emotions along with his tears.Staring at her eyes with love showing in his eyes,it's a dream come true,he have dreamed to confess to Enha.

Enha didn't say anything and stare at his eyes,his eyes that is full of love and care,just like Sunoo's eyes.Enha don't know but she feel something for Jake but she is stopping it because of Sunoo,her late lover just died not long ago and it's not nice for a girl who loves her late boyfriend too much to move on so fast.Jake's confession shocked her,she was like,what the hell?! First Sunghoon,then Sunoo,then Niki and now Jake,Enha couldn't understand why they liked her,she is just a normal girl who sank at a lake because of an eclipse and was found unconscious laying on the ground.The Princes liking her didn't even cross her mind ever.

Enha took a deep breath and decided to give him a answer of his proposal.

"Your confessions shocked me but for Sunoo...i'll marry you"Enha stated looking down.

Is she being dramatic? people might think so but even though Jake is a handsome prince who like her and willing to marry her,she love Sunoo more than him,she admit,finally admit that she like Jake because who wouldn't,but she want to stay loyal and faithful to Sunoo even though he is gone,she even plan to stay single forever but she thought that Sunoo would never want that,Sunoo would never want her to drown herself in sorrow because of him and that is the fact.

When Sunoo decided to gave Jake his full trust of keeping Enha,including loving her and have family with her,he thought that he rather have his brother have her than she drown herself in sorrow because he know he'll never go back to her alive.

Sunoo want to save his mother even though he is not that good fighter so he took the risks,he know Enha would be upset with him for his decision but she can't stop him from trying to save his mother,no matter how he love Enha,he love his mother more but during the mission of seeing his mother rather than saving her,he know deep down that him and his mother would never survive but atlest he get to see his mother before taking his last breath with her.Sunoo died with a smile on his face because he know that Enha is in safe hand.

Any thought about this chapter?

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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