Chapter 42

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I woke up inside a room,it's a medical room i guess since there are alot of herbal plants and some more things dedicated to medicine.I slowly sat up and groaned.

"please do not move"A pleading voice spoke to me,it was Sunoo's.

"what am i doing here?"i asks rubbing my head.

"you pass out when you heard about Runyong"He blur out kneeling on the bed besides me then hold my hands.

"We apologise for not protecting her enough"Sunoo apologized,i then suddenly remember that Runyong is now dead,my sister is dead.

"Runyong,how-why-what"I mumbled unable to utter words.

"we got caught,a guard aim her throat with as knife"He explained looking down.

"but we got the medicine and we successfully gave them to the people in Salya"He added,i sigh in relief but i'm still terrified.

"Sunoo why did this have to happen?.First Nicho and Daeun then now Runyong and Niki i'm afraid that someone will follow them,someone close to me!"I cried,Sunoo shushed me and start to rub my back.

"what is happening Sunoo?.We only got caught sneaking out of the palace and this happened"I sobbed loudly.

"everything happened so fast,just a few days ago we are having fun together and now we are shading tears"

Sunoo remain speechless but he is crying too.After some time of crying,i pull away from him and wipe my tears using the blanket around me.

"does Lady Ahn know?"I asks.

"yes she knows,that is why she temporarily leave the palace and went to her own cabin a little far away from the palace,she is so heartbroken Enha,she cried so much tears"He stated sadly,i felt heartbroken for her too.

"what happened to Runyong's body?"i asks.

"i apologise but we already buried her,you were asleep for two days"He told me and i gasp.

"two days?"I murmured.

"yes the healer said that you are so tired that is why your body demanded to rest"He explained.

"do not be sad that you did not saw Runyong being burried,we can always see her grave"He says weakly,i simply nod my head.

"and Niki"He froze when i mention his name.

"we already buried him too"He said it almost came out as whisper.Tears start to flow down my cheeks again.

"i-i miss him Enha,i miss my little brother"He mumbled looking helpless.

"i know you miss him,i do too"i said crying.

"No one will fool around anymore"He hurtfully said.

"shhhhh Sunoo it'll be fine"I told him,as much as i want to break down on Niki's death,i can't.I have to stay stronh for the princes,they need me to confort them.

I pull Sunoo to me and let him cry on my shoulders.


Everything seems normal as if nothing happened,i'm on my way to the Niki's room,a little birdie told me that they are there.Sunoo fall asleep while crying so i left him on the medical room to go to the other princes.

I reached Niki's room and i feel my self tearing up,it's so sad,the atmosphere is sad.I slowly stepped in the room and saw the princes looking horrible.Heeseung is holding a portrait of Niki,Jay is staring at the wall,Jake is hugging one of Niki's clothes,Sunghoon is lazily playing with Niki's sling shot and Jungwon is laying on Niki's bed curled up.

"Guys?"I warily called out,they slowly snap their head to me.

"You are awake Enha"Heeseung stated the obvious.

"yes i am,and i can see that you guys are not doing well huh"i said smiling painfully.

"He is gone"Jake murmured with his tears flowing down like a falls.

"Gene was supposed to be the one who is died not Niki"Heeseung firmly yet painfully murmured.

I sniffed sadly and signalled them to gather around me,i sat on the bed as Jungwon went to my left side and side hug me,Jake went to my right and side hug me too,Sunghoon layed his head on my right leg and Heeseung layed on my left leg,Jay went close to Jake and embrace him.

"my boys,oh my boys"I remark helplessly caressing their hair one by one.Soon they fall asleep on the bed and on the floor,i put wrap Sunghoon and Heeseung with a blanket then leave them on their younger brothers room.


I make my way to Niki's grave with Sooyon.When we reached Niki's grave we put a flowers on it then sat on the ground.

"We will surely miss you Niki,noona loves you"I said kissing his grave before standing up.

"he is so young,i feel sorry for him,how sad"Sooyon sadly commented but somehow her words doesn't sound sincere.

"i know right,i will miss his goofiness"I commented with tears slowly fall down.

"let us go to Runyong's grave"She suggested and i agreed and bid my goodbyes to Niki.

We reached Runyong's grave,it's a little far from Niki's because she's not some kind of royalty.

"You made it Runyong,you save them"I whispered,Sooyon confusingly look at me but i shrug her off.

We stayed for a minute and left since the surrounding is turning dark,Sooyon told me that she'll be back on her task and i went back to the princes.

When i arrived at Niki's room,they're still fast asleep so i decided to go to the kitchen to make foods for them but when i passed by the hallway to get to the kitchen i saw Sooyon talking to someone who wore a black outfit,the person hand her a small sack then left after,it's so suspicious.

"who was that?"I asks,Sooyon jumped from shock and held her chest then nervously turn to me.

"that-that was my-my lover"She stutters.I gave her a nod then proceed my way to the kitchen,she's acting strange.

how was it?

sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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