Chapter 59

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I just got out from the bathroom and headed to my closet,i saw the dress that i wore on my last day on Dugaje palace i keep it,i keep the hair clip too it's so important to me,in fact i'm gonna wear it today.I grab some cute pink and a white pants with white shoes

"Enha you done?!"Devin yelled from the dining.

"Yes!"I yelled back and grab my bag and cellphone then went to the dining.

We both took a sit and start to eat our foods which are egg,bacon,hotdogs and fried rice.

"You ok now?"Devin asks after gulping his food.

"Yes"I shortly answered.

"You're not ok"He said,i sigh and gently drop my spoon.

"I'm not ok"I admitted almost tearing up.Because of our topic yesterday,i miss Jake more,i really hope he visits my dreams and tell me that he's ok then i'll be fine.

"I know,i shouldn't have asks so stupid"He said mentally scolding his self.I chuckled and continue to eat.

After a while we're done eating,we place our dishes on the sink and leave it there,i'll just wash it later.

"Let's go"Devin said then we gran out bag and headed to the school.


When we arrived at the school,our co-students greeted us and we kindly greeted back.

"i almost didn't recognize them,from devil to angel nice"Devin joked as we stop at our locker and grab our text books,i giggle.

"So true"

They were so shock when they saw me entering the school with Devin because they thought i'm dead,they got scared because apparently i'm a ghost but i'm clearly not but that was 6 months ago,everything is fine now,they're so kind to me and Devin now,they're happy that i'm back even Sally is happy that i'm back.She apologized many times for pushing me on the lake but i forgive her many times too because if she didn't push me on the late i wouldn't met my 7 wonderful princes.

"Hey did you know that there will be a new student?"I heard some girls gossip.

"They said he's good looking"They giggle.They're honestly annoying but they're nice to me so yeah.

"They haven't even meet the new student yet and they're already fangirling"Devin commented in disbelief.

"I know right"With that we continue to walk while my mind went to Jake and the princes as always.

"Thinking about them again?"Devin asls taking a sit on his seat besides mine,i didn't even notice that we've arrived at our room.

"Always"I answered grabbing my favorite  book,hmmm it's just a history book about Hesvaya Palace.I get to see a old pictures of Heeseung,Jay,Jake,Sunghoon,Sunoo,
Jungwon and Niki but Jake kinda look different.

"You're reading that book again"Devin said almost whining.

"Shhh it's my favorite shut up"I huffed,he laugh lightly took a peek on my book.

"You really love seeing their faces huh?"He asks.The purpose of book for me it to see their faces,the book shows a picture of them,i don't really care about the descriptions on the book,i just want the pictures but sometimes i read the description too.

"Yep i'll never get tired"I happily said,he lean more and take a good look.

"They're really good looking"He complemented,i smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I know right"

"You're lucky to have such friends Enha"He happily said,i chuckled and stroke his hair.

"I know and i'm lucky to have a pretty friend like you"I said,he unknowingly  rub his ears,a habit of him when he's shy.

"Thanks though"

"No need to thank me,i'm just stating the truth"I stated,he smile sweetly and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah now stop making me blush"He playfully scolded me,just then Mrs.Loo come in.

"Good morning"She greeted blankly,we all stood up and bow.

"Take a sit,grab your text books and open it to page 213,answer the activity"She stated with her signature bored tone,i inwardly groan,seriously early in the morning she'll let us answer a activity not just any activity but a MATH ACTIVITY,who does that?! her obviously so annoying.

"Way to ruin our morning"I heard Devin murmured,i silently laugh.Devin is smart,solving a activity early in the morning is not a problem but he always got irritated by Mrs.Loo for her infamous bored tone and stern look.

"I know right"I lightly giggle and start to do my activity.

Suddenly the door burst open making us snap our head to the person.

"Yes?"Mrs Loo rudely asks arching her eyebrows.Then a boy who wear a hoodie that is covering his head stepped in.

"I'm so sorry miss for being late,i was trap in a short traffic"The boy apologized,his voice sound so familiar though.

"Detention for you later,now introduce your self"Mrs.Loo remark,me and Devin look at each other in disbelief.

"Poor boy already got a detention on his first day"Devin said disappointed,i hummed and focus on the boy.

"Remove your the hood boy"Mrs.Loo scolded as the hood of the boy's hoodie is covering his face.

"I'm sorry ma'am"The boy apologized again,he then scan and he stop,i somehow think that he's looking at me as he look over my side but maybe he's looking at Sally?she's in front of me though.

The boy slowly remove the hood of his hoodie and look up,i gasp loudy earning the attention of Mrs.Loo and my classmates,i felt my eyes start to tear up.

"Hello i'm Shim Jaeyun"He greeted directly to me smiling,my tears fall down while Devin look at me in concern.

"Ms.Yoo are you ok?"Mrs.Loo asks as my tears trickle freely.

"I'm ok ma'am,i'm so sorry"I said but my voice cracked

"Ok then,Mr.Shim take a sit there on the back"Mrs.Loo says pointing at the chair behind my back.

Devin handed me a towel and i wipe my tears off using it.The boy worriedly walk to the seat behind me and Devin like Mrs.Loo told him.

There's no way,there's no fucking way that Jake is here,it can't's impossible.His name is not Jake it's Jaeyun so this boy is not him but why do i feel no i'm betraying Jake they just look alike,there's no way that my Jake is here.


Sorry for any grammatical error and typos


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