Chapter 01

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We must live our lives so well that Death will tremble when it's time to take us.                                                                

 - Charles Bukowski


Fury. Fury was what I felt when I dipped my legs into the calming water. People were sunbathing, applying sunscreens as little children danced around and splashed in the water, holding on tightly to their parents' hands as though if they let go, they would be swept away by the waves.

Fury was not what I should have felt. But I felt it. Because I felt nothing. Not calm, not peace, just plain dust falling. I came from the darkest places. But I would soon learn where I came from.

I got up, picked up my clothes as my phone rang. "Yes?"

"Aphrodite speaking," a sweet voice rippled in.

"I'm on a vacation," I stressed out the vacation part. "Oh enjoying are you? You should be collecting souls."

"I don't, unless I visit earth during the one week. Tell Hades or someone else. Anubis preferably. "

"Ah, I have a deal to offer. Collect one thousand Nevon souls."

I listened impatiently I felt my legs sink into the sand. Her voice was wrapping around me like sand and I was quite sure within no time, her fangs would sink in. I interrupted her. "Stop right there. Why should I trust what you say?"

"Is the offer not enough, Death?" she emphasized my name, and I could feel her smirking right away.

I pondered her question as I started to walk towards my Ford.

"How was vacation?" she cackled. "Honestly, do you think I don't know what you're going through?"

Aphrodite was no stranger to games but lately, games were all she were playing; I had an inane idea that it arose from her own unwelcome and unfulfilled desires but her words stuck to my head.

I gritted my teeth. At this point I knew if I saw her, I would be wrapping my arms around her neck as her veins popped out.

"Fine," I dragged out.

I caught my reflection in the window pane of my car, a swimsuit and flowing red hair; blurred by the dust.

I drove away watching the laughter spill from everyone's mouths, the tears as people fought and I felt Aphrodite's cackling voice cutting through everything.


I never belonged. To be frank I had no idea where I even came from. I was quite sure of where I would be going though.

Wresting people's souls was a lovely pastime and trick I picked up on. I lost my first friend when they ran away as they saw it: bright and yellow light convulsing and pulsating with exposure. A soul. It was slightly sticky with the web of the past lives embedded throughout it.

They fled. Like I was a murderer. Perhaps I was. But I was always meant to do this and I quite enjoyed plucking it when people least expected it.

I heard a mirthless laugh later on. "Why, isn't that amazing? Teach me to do that?"

And that was how I met Layla.

Layla was a hellchild. A demon of the highest ranks who spent more time watching me collect souls so easily rather than tempting people. Occasionally she would phone me and tell her how she caused a commotion or burnt places for fun.

Playing Death |ONC 2021 LonglisterWhere stories live. Discover now