Chapter 14

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There was something in the way that he called me by my old name that did not make me cringe. It was not said with a heaviness of duty that my mother expected of me, nor was it said to carry on any sort of lineage. It was said simply because he wanted to and It couldn't be.

It was beautiful but haunting.

"Wake up. You said we need to go exploring to get ideas since we are clearly in a slump!" I phoned him and raised my voice.

"Yeah, it's early, what are you...oh, are you too excited?" His voice rasped with amusement and he laughed throatily. "I'm kidding alright, don't worry so much."

I cut the phone and threw it away on my soft bed as my mother came in. "Your cousins are here."

"What for? What do they need?" I snapped back. "I didn't bring anything other than the chocolates which are in the fridge."

She smiled tightly. "I know you are not happy being here but please show some courtesy. Besides that, after a few days we need to talk."

"Yea Amma, and I'm going out with Jay today," I told her tiredly.

"Okay but meet them and give them whatever you brought. Besides they are nice enough to visit you and you are coming home after quite some time. They deserve something and don't act all high and mighty, mone,"

"They just come for sweets Amma," I responded as I opened the door plastering a bright smile.

Two teenagers aged fourteen and fifteen zoomed in as a little kid ran around and I craned my neck to see the kid.

"Vansh!" they screamed in unison. "We are sooo glad you're back! And look at you, you're so handsome now."

One of them pinched my cheek as I swatted her arm away. The other teen looked at me in awe but was mostly quiet. I didn't know whether she was surprised or awed or just looked at me like an exotic animal.

"Nee veluthalla!" the Paru watched me eyes glinting. You turned white. You look handsomer now. People will love you more now.

"Mathi," I told her, lifting my hands. Enough. Stop it.

I pinched the bridge of my nose, suddenly feeling extremely tired. I pushed on a tired smile to my face, pointing to the fridge as they screamed for chocolates. Navya and Pari rushed over but I saw Navya hover around before shaking her head and moving off.

"So goood!" Pari unwrapped one and bit into it. I felt my nervousness for the day with Jay mesh into dread as the family swarmed around me, and my mother pulled my hand out of nowhere.

"Your father wants you to meet this lovely lady," she smiled extra wide and they looked like little fried samosas dripping with oily lies.

"I see," I said blandly. "Who is she?"

"Only the most beautiful that I have seen!" my mother fanned herself as she pulled out her phone. "I just found this app accidentally called Magix and it pairs you with magical, beings! Plus they are all so beautiful. I thought you would know of this," she frowned some more.

"I do know it Amma, but I'm not interested," I whispered, tight lipped as my father appeared and watched me closely.

He pulled me aside. "Mone."

"Yes, acha," I felt fear rise in me. I could handle my mother but not my father.

"You do know the customs of this house, no mone? We need someone who will carry on our lineage and someone who would be a beautiful wife to you."

"I am only nineteen acha," I said stricken, as I felt something stuck inside my chest.

"Sure, but look at these kids! And we are modern enough to let you into dating too. Besides that, your sister is out there dating when we don't want her to, and you are allowed to. Make use of it," he replied gruffly, patting my shoulder. "Once you get to know her and we do too, it'll be amazing."

He pulled out his phone and showed a stunning girl with silver streaked hair and ethereal skin, her eyes hazel forest fires burning everything to the ground.

"So, what do you think?" he proudly jutted his chest out.

"I think I will find someone on my own," I whispered looking away.

"So, do you think you are on top of the world because you are a pop star?" his eyes narrowed.

"N-no," I shivered. "I just think it's too early-"

"Maybe achahan can instill some sense into you," he watched me, laying a promising hand on my shoulder. I felt like Atlas at the moment as I pleaded with my eyes.

"I don't want achachan involved," I felt shivers encapsulate the whole of my body as I gasped for breath. I didn't want grandfather or anyone. I just wanted to be alone. Forever like I had condemned myself to be. I had Death on my side until I was forced into something. I felt my vision blurring. Somewhere a chime sounded and I wondered if I was imagining things as I felt a slap, some people shouting; I sunk to the floor hugging my knees.

Make it stop.

And then it stopped as hazy honey eyes looked at me with concern and I cried even more. 


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