Chapter 21

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I never thought Death would stoop so low. They seemed like a maniac, collecting souls and murdering little kids. As I was about to open the door I heard them speak and waited until they were done. Layla was a fucking manipulative bitch.

This is your fault too. You wanted this.

I felt myself claw at Death's hair, trying to cause damage but I knew it was futile. They could not feel anything, no pain. And worst of all. Not an ounce of guilt after everything they had conspired together. I sucked back a sharp breath as I fell to the floor, gasping for breath. I felt my cheeks start to get wet and wiped the tears away with the back of my hand. I felt everything start to blur.

"Why did you do it? I told you I wanted to destroy Jay...but not anymore. This wasn't how it was supposed to be."

I saw Death look at me and then glance away. Layla gripped my arm. "You wanted this. Stop crying. Everyone will hear. Or they won't."

She passed the tab to Death who swiped a few buttons. "Well, your family isn't here. Good to know that. We are safe I guess."

They put it away and came close. "Look. We were debating to stop this and it went out of hand. If you want to delete it, tell us."

"Don't you see? It's like killing two birds with one...stone. You released the news saying we were together and in love. Nobody knows I'm arospec and ace. Nobody except Jay. You put both of us in trouble here."

I saw Death swipe something and click a button. "Vance Johnson probably gay and James Parker has a new person. Again. Click to read the full article."

"Chill out," Layla waved her hands. "It's not like it's a bad thing. Besides, you two are collaborating so what are you going on and on about?"

"It's my family! Don't you realize anything?! After following me around this much, how much more selfish could you two even get!? And what you collected souls to...for a fucking god who needs souls as some pathetic long living moisturizer? You all are so fucking crazy."

I saw a sudden motion and felt Death choke my neck lightly. "Do you know why we did this? Mortals are fickle, Vansh. What about us? What about me? I've been changing bodies and not one body, not one could make me happier. I haven't felt anything since the devil knows how long."

I felt my breaths come out in short gasps as I struggled and my vision got slightly blurry. They released me and I heaved in short breaths until I felt normal enough to talk. 

"So what! So what, you could have asked me, whether I wanted to move forward with the plan!" I screamed back and felt my voice get hoarse. "You are-"

A dead silence followed as a whisper echoed through the room. "Vansh? Who...who are all these people?"

I felt angry and hurt. I knew he would be even more hurt. I felt panic, and fury bubble up inside me like a volcano that was long dormant and had been stirred. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! I should have been dead!" I screamed. I rushed over to where the vial was kept. A liquid stirred inside it as both Death and Layla's eyes widened and I tugged the strings hard and was almost about to hurl it when Jay stopped me.

"Stop. I heard what you all did," he said with an eerie calm that made me shiver. I put down the bottle as I felt a rumble within the ground and I held onto the bed as Jay held onto the door frame for support. We looked at each other as Death looked at me for the first time in pain.

"I told you that wasn't needed," they looked at me, eyes widening. 

A misty white figure appeared, surveyed the mess around and walked over to where they were. She slapped Layla and Layla looked furious but didn't comment.

"So I see you have given up on the job. I gave you the vial if you ever wanted to give up and come be a prisoner in heavens. Either way, it doesn't matter."

Her hair alternated between glowing blond and silver like moonlight. She was ethereal but also...bitchy it seemed. I vaguely wondered if this was god.

"Are you god?" Jay muttered, sweeping a long glance at her.

"Yes," she flipped her hair. "But I am not here to talk to measly people like you. I just want them and I will go back."

She opened something shimmering under the ground as I saw a snippet of a vast kingdom as she pulled them beneath the earth and they were gone. Layla looked defeated as she stared at us blankly for a while and then packed her belongings and then left, her wings flapping sullenly.

I stared at the mess all around me until I felt an immediate urge to cry.

"What are you crying for?" I heard a cold voice snap behind me. I turned to look at Jay.

"Jay...let me explain," I started. "I..don't know what you heard, but you need to know the whole story."

"What story? How you carefully plotted everything? Was everything between us a ruse? Did our friendship mean nothing to you?" he looked pained, and I felt my heart shatter and twist into pain, guilt scratching the walls of it.

"I don't care who they were; why did you do this?" he asked softly as he looked away, trying not to let his emotions get the best of him. A tear slipped down. We were both crying.

"Please let me explain," I pleaded. "It's a long story and I need your time."

"You had it and all you did was pretend," he conveyed walking out. My parents would be back from their shopping spree soon.

"Jay, please wait!" I rushed after him as he sprinted and entered the elevator. It closed before I could get in and I found myself rushing up the stairs to reach him in time.

Where was he running like this? We were living so close together.

"Wait!!" I was close behind him as he rushed towards his door and he opened the door and slammed it in my face. "Don't come near me ever again!"

I slid down the door, feeling my heart shatter a little more. I should never have survived that day. 


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