Chapter 17

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James opened the door as I sauntered in without a care and I turned around to see the boy trying his very best not to scowl. He had pestered me to do my odd jobs and murder people nonchalantly to get some privacy but I wanted to see the boy James for myself. Or Jay as the boy liked to call.

I didn't know whether to call the boy Vance or Vansh, and besides I never needed to call him anytime. The boy sounded right in my head. He was just nineteen and barely had an experience with the world. I waited for James to walk away to get drinks as the boy walked quickly to where I stood trying to pull back a chair without making a sound.

"I don't get why you are on my back like a fucking leech!" he hissed between his teeth and then straightened up and smiled at Jay as Jay brought out some drinks.

"Pepsi or juice?" he offered.

"Pepsi," the boy said, taking the bottle from his hands and sitting on the couch. "So, ahem."

Jay raised an eyebrow as he sipped his drink and watched the boy with curiosity. "I wanted to ask you.."

"Yes, about that day-" the boy fumbled for words, biting his lips and tugging at the hem of his shirt. Jay waited patiently as he watched the boy and nodded to continue but I could see him perspiring but trying to hide it.

"Shall, can friends?" the boy whispered so slowly and I was stunned. What was he so afraid of? I was not allowed to see his feelings so I could not place whether he was acting this part out or was actually nervous.

Jay breathed out a sigh of relief and then burst out laughing. "Oh, Vansh."

The boy looked alarmed and glanced at me imperceptibly to which I shrugged. I did not have an iota of what was going on between them.

"No we can't be friends," Jay said, smirking. "You are way too late and I waited for a week."

Vansh looked horrified and then regained his composure. "You aren't supposed to deny me not when you've wronged me."

He straightened up and tilted his head back slightly, huffing.

"So, my friendship is owed to you?" Jay watched him closely as he got up and sat next down to the boy.

The boy looked nervous, and tried inching away but was too self absorbed in his pepsi to do that. "Uh, yes."

Jay reached over and messed with the boy's hair. "Just messing with you, Vansh."

He got up and turned to walk away to dispose of the can and then returned standing tall over the boy. He shuffled his legs and opened and closed his mouth but the boy never saw those and as he looked up, Jay walked to a desk by then.

"Did you get your laptop?" Jay asked and opened his own.

"Yea," the boy responded. "

He opened his laptop and I heard a string of pings as he looked shocked and then smiled but groaned.

"What is it?" James asked tentatively. "Is it someone asking for my autographs?"

He smirked at the boy and laughed again as the boy groaned and turned his laptop so James could see.

"What are odds? Are those your friends?"

"Yes!" the boy snapped, about to close it but James stopped and pressed a button as I heard a ringing sound.

"You called them?!" the boy gasped in shock. "Now we are gonna hear screaming."

True to the boy's words I heard matched screams of two people. "Vanceee!"

"Hey guys, how are you two?" he angled it away from James but I knew James was not to be deterred so easily as he peered behind Vance.

"Ooh, aren't they both pretty?" he smiled at them and looked at the boy as he groaned again.

"So this is-" he was cut off by his friends screaming again.

"James! Logan, ohmygosh it really is! You didn't tell us you were gonna meet him so soon!"

"Well, it's not like you wanted to see me were you?" he crossed his arms.

"That is true," Sophie giggled. I recognized his friends, and especially that voice: they were the couple that Layla and I ran into some months back in New York.

"Well of course, Van doesn't mind at all and you get to see me too," James winked at them.

I heard Logan scream once more as they went awws and oohs and started asking James questions.

"Could you please shoot a quick hello to our friend Marissa?" Logan voiced, their voice getting incredibly excited. "Sophie can you imagine what she would say?"

"Of course!" James waved his arms. "Hey Marissa, this is James Parker speaking as a request from your lovely friends Sophie and Logan. I hope you have a lovely day today!"

"Thank you so much!" I could practically hear hearts from their eyes and the screaming was affecting my ears. I felt there was nothing better to hear at this point and pulled out my earphones and the spare phone Layla gave me. Scrolling through it, I picked a song from a playlist that she made, titled, When Death comes for you, I will tear your limbs apart.

I smiled at her choice. I played Cemetery Drive by My Chemical Romance and eased into it just as I saw James politely wave and move away to his kitchen to find some snacks. I couldn't make out what his friends were saying now.

I felt a small smile rise at the lyrics though I could not fully appreciate anything that came and arose from earth. Then again, I could not remember the last time I had enjoyed something other than pulling souls and giving them to Layla a few hundred years back when we were on a killing spree.

It was a good song and I heard it till I felt like home with it but with no one. I removed the plugs to hear if there was anything worth listening to. Not that humans ever discussed anything important.

"Hey, so are you going to tell us about any new songs that you write?" Sophie asked in a playful tone, trying to possibly tease something out of the boy.

"Uh..." he stuttered. "I guess..."

"We will let you guys know one day earlier!" James jumped in, watching them with an easygoing smile. It seemed like James could get along with anyone without trying.

"That is so cool!"

"Very much and now we have work, so we will be getting back to it lovely people! See you soon!" he waved back.

"See you soon. Love you Vance!" they hollered back as the boy turned around to face James.

"You didn't have to do that! It's like you're trying to steal my spotlight!" he looked away.

"Well, it's just how I am," James threw up his hands and then smiled ruefully. "Are you jealous they like me more?"

"No, they don't," the boy looked at James with a piercing glare.

"Then what are you so worried about Vansh?" he asked softly. "Do you think I'm loved by everyone?"

"No, it's just that..." he started but stopped and picked some papers. "Nothing."

I felt something rise in me and I smiled. They certainly didn't seem like sworn enemies to me. That or the boy was a really good actor.

I heard my phone ring and cut the call as I saw the name and felt an immense satisfaction doing it as I saw Vansh watching me with great interest and he cracked a genuine smile at me for once. 

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