Chapter 02

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TW: mention of suicide. Please remember that my character's views are not my own. This topic is just mentioned here without going into further detail. 


I feel a buzz in my pocket as I sigh. Layla watches me with a questioning and knowing look, one eyebrow quirked.

"Can you, like pick that shit up?"

I gaze at the boy who's staring at my pocket in an annoyed manner, his eyebrows scrunched, teeth gritting hard. He looks up at me and then glances for a while too longer, as I stare him down.


"Hey sweetie! Now I hear you caused quite something down there barely..." she paused. "Two hours from when you were sent."

I could hear her blowing something, probably on her trips painting her nails, and assumed she was on one of her lively sojourns leaving me to do all the work she dumped. I sighed.

"You're inviting more trouble for yourself. Or perhaps, your rebellion is kicking in," she cackled.

"Could you just get on with the punishment?"

I heard her gasp of surprise as I felt myself pulled downwards towards the ground. A wide gaping chasm stretched wide open where I stood seconds ago as I felt immobile and powerless as Aphrodite pulled me down to the depths of heaven.


I felt asphalt and gravel fly upwards, sands swirling dramatically all around me, as I briefly wondered why she didn't just speed up the process. For one, I had no intention of being down here. I was pretty sure the spiky gelled hair I had carefully set up this morning would be ruined as I felt hair whipping around me, some stray strands caught in my mouth. I pushed it away sighing. As to her inquires, I presumed it was going to be much longer than usual and would involve everyone from the higher realms. It was quite ironic how she always summoned us to the lower realms of heaven as she conducted her inquiries. Then again, the skies were never hers to begin with.

The fall stopped as soon as the black gravel uncovered to reveal a palace. Black gold and onyx layered the front entrance, a wide towering gate that was seemingly constructed to instil fear and guilt. I stood in front as they parted way. I felt like Moses for a second until I couldn't remember the pleasant thought anymore.

Aphrodite was on her golden throne surrounded by the realm of higher gods in a semi-circle. I felt my lips turn into contempt as I watched them.

"Zeus. Athena. Hades. Apollo. Artemis. Ares," I nodded curtly.

They nodded back as I raked a hand through my hair. I flicked my gaze to Aphrodite and closed my eyes in distaste.

"Queen," I did a short bow, surveying the chamber half-heartedly to avoid her mirthless laugh.

She narrowed her eyes in disgust and annoyance. I could sense her emotions spiking, flowing and spilling all over. In most circumstances, where she was given privacy to her intrusive actions, she was a madwoman ploughing forward with rage, destroying anything that came close to disrespecting her. With the council at her hand, she acted calm, a mask to prove she was a worthy queen.

"Do you think what you did was right?" asked Hades, an eyebrow raised in sheer confusion at my acts.

I mirrored his frown. "No. It was an accident. I don't like..."

"Do you think we care about whether he smashed his head through falling, or dying in a car crash? The only job you have is to collect souls. We have other people for being goddamn heroes!" Aphrodite shouted.

"I have told you, I don't want to handle these deaths. If you don't want me saving him, why didn't you call Anubis over instead? Didn't see the asshole either," I replied sharply.

I felt something stir in me that I couldn't quite place.

"Do you care for the boy?" Zeus inquired, a serene mask on his face.

"I don't care for the boy, I just don't fucking like suicides!" I felt my voice rise, a sharp contrast. It felt rusty, worn out, blunt to the touch but satisfying as I heard the scrape of it against the chambers.

Artemis looked pleasantly surprised as I stood heaving, while Ares had on a definitive smirk curved around his lips. Aphrodite on the other hand looked as though she would have liked to sink her deep nails to the very core of me.

"So let us discuss your punishment," she gritted her teeth. "You will serve on earth twice the time, double the job, and report back every single fucking day."

I felt my lips curl. "That is it? How gracious."

She nodded her head. The council looked at her dubiously as she glanced around. "That's my punishment. You can all give yours if needed."

She slumped against her chair sulking.

Hades and Zeus locked gazes and nodded surreptitiously. "You will serve one year underground locked in my chamber. after all the punishments are done. "

I pursed my lips. "Is it really necessary?"

"Considering your actions, I feel it a just period. Be glad it's not some five thousand years."

I sighed in defeat. "Okay. What about the boy? Pretty sure he remembers me."

"Ah yes," Apollo addressed the issue. "We will reverse time so as this meeting never happened. Also, how gracious to point out, I just thought of a punishment."

He tapped his finger on his chin, smiling devilishly.

"You can be with the boy for quite some time," he pondered. I felt a biting remark on my tongue as he continued. "Maybe monitor him. Do the work that gods and the demons do, make a note of everything. At the end..."

He continued as I bit my tongue to keep from lashing out. "I haven't done that in centuries," I retorted.

"Yes, we know that. But now you can. As penalty for what you did on earth."


Aphrodite didn't let me leave yet. Not after everyone filed out quietly, with Ares smirking and giving me a pat on the back for my outburst and rebellious act that I caused. Artemis smiled and I knew she was secretly pleased. Zeus, Hades and Apollo had matching pitiful scorns and distaste laced.

"So," she circled around her throne, coming to face me. "I can't have my deals when everyone is there can I? Besides, you know my makeup products are running out and I knew new ones."

"Do your own dirty work, bitch," I snapped, as she paused examining her nails and looked at me with biting venom.

"Don't you want what I offered?" she asked, twirling my dishevelled hair. "Unless of course, there are others waiting for what I have."

I bit my lips in disgust, gritting my teeth as I felt her tantalizing smile overtake my thoughts: her offer dangling like the prized head of a deer.

"What do I have to do more?"

"Collect naivetes," she replied smugly. 


So new chapter after a long time! I'm such a slow writer but I hope you liked this chapter! Vote and comment lovelies!

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