Chapter 05

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**TW: racist comments** This chapter contains a few racist comments. Please be careful while reading and take care!


"So this is your place?" Layla asked, looking around in awe, her head spinning 355 degrees as her body stood still.

"Stop creeping people out," the boy shuddered looking at Layla. "Can people see you two?"

"As normal humans. But we can vanish, whenever we want. Which we will be doing promptly," she nodded affirmatively.

"Ah my boy, look at you!" someone screamed as the boy flinched slightly and then composed himself.

"Hey Uncle," he smiled warmly as the Uncle took in his appearance, and slapped a thick hand on the boy's shoulder.

"My, aren't you eating boy? You need to grow up and get strong and handsome, you know? How else will you find girls when it's time?"

"I'm sure we can bargain on the handsome side, Uncle. How have you been?" he smiled politely.

"Good, until I saw your pale face! But at least you are fairer now; we can post those in the matrimonial websites when it's time!"

"I've no plans of getting married, Uncle, and that is rude. Do you think that's fair to others?"

"Who cares when you're fair enough for everyone?" he laughed loudly. Vance looked irritated, gritting his teeth as he wanted to bite back something but swallowed his words.

"Kinda weird how he suddenly composed himself for...that..." Layla blanched at them.

"Fucker. Yes," I looked at him disgusted. Now that I thought about it, it didn't seem like the boy was half bad either. He was annoying, bratty and ungrateful, but nothing like his blood relative. I was surprised to find him going against his Uncle, to stand true to his morals considering just a few hours ago, Layla muttered everything wrong with the boy during our journey.

The boy had been beyond annoyed, sweaty, irritated and above all, in the entire flight ride, I had to sit with him. It was horrifying. For him of course. Layla and me enjoyed his permanent scowls, his legs tapping furiously. But I could still sense a general wariness mingled with his brain analysing, disconnecting and reconnecting hazy memories, stories, stuff from the past. I looked away, putting on my Soul-Cancellation Earphones. I was curious, but not enough to feed on his past.

His whole body tensed as his uncle put an arm around him and led him away; I had no clue what this would bring but I could see Layla grimacing quite often until her eyes brightened up.

"I've every intention of pulling some snarky stunts on this man," she gestured towards the two of them; the boy trying hard to resolutely pull away and the uncle- oblivious.

I smiled at her devilishly. "So do I."

They crossed the road, and I watched them hover for a while as cars zoomed past, without concern and the boy subtly inched his head back to glance at us.

His face darkened, shoulders slumping as the uncle dragged the boy to a pristine silver huge seven seater car- Toyota Innova it read as Layla clutched my arm.

Layla huffed and clicked her tongue. "If the boy wasn't glued to him, I'd have swerved cars to hit that man."

I cracked a smile. "Now, now, we have time. Besides, let's see what that man is rambling all about. By the way did you notice something else?"

Layla was clicking away on her smartphone, her bright red nails tapped the keys and her purse hung loosely from a wrist, as she glanced up for a millisecond before turning back to her phone. "No, why do you ask?"

I shrugged. "Oh, nothing really, I'm getting strange vibes from the boy, that is all."

We crossed the road as we saw them getting in the car, his uncle revving up the engine and the boy visibly bored, who looked out of the window. Layla pulled my arm and we marched along in long strides and got in the car. I was sure we were invisible at this point but I knew sounds could still be heard.

Layla saw my concerned face and waved her phone. "I've stopped time momentarily when were in close proximity of these two; around 100 metres at best-"

I opened my mouth as she cut me off. "And yes, it only stops when I press this button."

"Well, what would I do without your obsession with tech?" I leaned into the headrest.

"Mm this is nice," she chimed, feeling the couch, and stretching her legs. "I've seen better though, but it is pretty good for now!" She sighed in relief as her eyes closed.

I watched the passing cityscape, bright, as overhead factories puffed up coils of smoke. Everything seemed different here; and I had only begun to notice it considering I stayed long enough in the U.S to watch how different the place was. It was crowded, people screamed, cars and buses closely brushed by with each other, moving and dodging at alarming speeds. A car up ahead of us threw chocolate wrappers and paper plates outside as I watched it zoom just pass our window.

In a few hours, the city's high rise buildings and posh driveways blended into the background as rows and rows of trees emerged, a calm serenity breezing ahead. The boy exhaled breathily a few times as he rolled down the windows and took in the air; his fringes fluttering in the wind. An earthy scent filled the car as his uncle rambled about unknown people. The boy unawares, untethered, cracked a small smile ever so slightly, shrouded from the world.

My earphones crackled to life, breaking me out of the reverie. "Don't forget your personal promise to me. Naivetes. Okay?"

"If I didn't have you breathing down my ear every goddamn second, I would be perfectly capable of doing it." I exhaled.

"Stop using the name of the gods in vain, you pesky, ungrateful vermin of a-!" Aphrodite shrieked. Layla pulled the earphones from my ears, calmly listening to what Aphrodite said.

"Fuck off bitch." She tossed the earphones aside, fuming. I gripped her hand, laughter spilling out, as she frowned. "What are you laughing for, you should've said that!"

"And revoke our deal? I'm going to be nice as fuck until I get what I want," I leaned back, taking in the plush cushions and smiled. 


Another chapter people! Vote and comment your thoughts lovelies!

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