Chapter 24

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Jay was bewildered at first but understanding nevertheless. He was mad when I told him the incident and spoke in low tunes and was silent for the longest time. Then he reached over and hugged me.

"Promise you won't do it again. It's so dangerous," he said softly, holding me close.

I nodded as we held each other after a long time. I felt my heart wrench in pain at the conspiring events that had taken place but it seemed calmer now. I knew Jay was in pain too but we were taking effort. We would get there, hopefully.


As we lay watching the stars on the rooftop, I smiled at him. It was worth it, I supposed. I thought back to the day when Death and I talked, here. The stars I hoped, gave me some light in the dark place where he was.

"You know, we used to do this," Jay said, fiercely, looking at the stars. He walked over and picked up his guitar and smiled a genuine smile at me. "And I think I have the most amazing idea for this song. We could write about friendship and...maybe how you don't hate me."

He started playing low tunes as I talked so the music wouldn't be above our chats.

"I remember. I was just telling Death, the other day about it. They seemed to be shocked we attach meaning so much into these. But I hope they find light from the stars. While they are there."

"So they are your new pal eh?" he looked at me wistfully. "No more stargazing with me eh?"

"What are you talking about?" I laughed, throwing my hands up. "What are we doing right now?"

"Just kidding," he told me, as he shuffled closer for warmth.

"You know you're awful," I stopped myself short.

"Awfully cute," he put his guitar away and leaned closer.

I flicked his forehead. "Nope."

"You know?" he tapped his chin as he looked up. "Maybe I like you. A little more than a friend. But don't get your hopes high, we ain't doing romantic shit."

"Maybe I don't hate you," I smiled back. "Anyways, who needs romance?"

I heard a loud ruffle behind me and my eyes widened. " did you?"

Death shook their head. "I met Layla already. I decided I would meet you before confinement again. I have one night to spend with you."

I felt immense sadness tug at my heart as I watched Jay who looked at me. "You've never danced under the stars have you?" he asked Death.

They shook their head. "No."

"Well then, it's time to have the best night of your life. Oh, and the stars are even brighter tonight," he said as he gestured for Death to take his palms. I knew Jay was a good dancer and I saw him teach Death to sway to the night, slowly, watching the stars. He came closer to me and passed Death to me.

"I'm not a good dancer," I laughed, taking their hand. "But it will do."

Death watched me in agony but above all, I saw a small light flicker as they looked at me and the skies alternately. "I'm glad I met you and Jay. And sorry for everything." They paused and looked at our feet. "I got my memories back. My name is Kaneh. I..I don't know if I like that or not."

I shook my head. "Don't apologize. I'm glad I met you too." I suddenly felt the weight of their words. "Kaneh...what a beautiful name."

I looked at Kaneh intently as they recalled everything. To say I was shocked was an understatement. "So...Jack...the Ripper?"

I felt scared but saw Kaneh smile tiredly at me. "Yes. But don't worry. I'm in charge now and Anubis too. Not Jack. He retired."

I blew out a shaky breath. "So...Kaneh. If you got your memories back...does that mean you can feel anything now?"

Kaneh pondered the question. "I do not know. I felt immense pain once I got my memories. I don't have a proper body so I feel only the weight of my memories right now."

"I thought souls were needed to feel things," I breathed out a shaky laugh.

They shook their head. "I know it's a lot. I won't bother you with more. It's okay."

They started to let me go but I held their hand. "Kaneh...I-"

"It's okay, Vansh," they told me, smiling sadly. "I have been through worse and I will forget maybe."

I felt my tears rise as Jay came over and looked stupefied. "Jay, they...Kaneh can't stay."

I felt my cheeks start to moisten as my vision got blurry. I sank to my knees. Kaneh only did everything because they had no choice. I felt arms wrap around me.

"Vansh...hey," Jay stroked my hair. "It's okay, Vansh. Some things don't last..." he whispered. "It's okay. We get a night, let's not waste it."

I saw Jay look at Kaneh with an unreadable expression and then it softened. "Kaneh is such a beautiful name."

Kaneh nodded.

We laughed and talked about everything that night. I remember Kaneh parting with a wave as I rushed to them and pulled their hand back.

"What is it?" they looked at me softly.

I wrapped my arms around them as Kaneh stiffened and then relaxed into it, slowly holding me back. "I hope you don't mind me hugging."

"I heard this makes people feel better," they chuckled.

"I will always think of you when I see the stars," they continued. As they moved further away I saw a single tear slip down Kaneh's face. Kaneh didn't brush it away but let it fall.

"I will remember you everyday as me and Jay watch the stars," I wanted to say. The tears didn't let me say anything as I choked back the words and swallowed them, feeling myself shake slightly.

"May the stars be your light," I said instead as they parted ways and I clutched Jay even tighter.


And the book is done! I'm so proud of it, it's finally done, and I enjoyed every bit of writing this. I hope you all enjoyed it as well!

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