Chapter 08

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There was not a more terrifying moment in Vance's life; this much both me and Layla could gather without having to see the flavours of his soul. Vance trembled, clenching and unclenching his hands, as James looked slightly alarmed at his reaction.

"Well...that's not how I supposed you would greet your best friend," James let out an awkward chuckle, his previously outstretched hands now picking at the frayed ends of his Hollister jeans.

Vance stepped forward, merely inches from the boy. Layla exchanged a furtive glance with me. Then he whispered something in the boy's ear and drew back, his face blank. James turned ivory pale, his skin draining the cheery, joyful colour that he had when he had spotted Vance.

I heard a resolute smack as Layla covered her mouth in shock. The boy stood heaving over James, his hand a few centimeters from his face, James looked stunned.

"If people saw two pop stars fighting, I'm sure this would be a media sensation." James turned away and replied after a long deadly silence that encapsulated the room, making all of us trapped. "Look, I do not know what your problem is, but I'm sure the management told you that we have to work together?

I saw Vance pull his lips into a fake smile. "Of course. But that doesn't mean we are friends now are we?"

"I have no fucking clue what you keep going on and on about-" started James, scowling in exasperation.

"Perhaps you're still as dense as you were back then," Vance bit back, walking out. He caught us staring at the scene unfolding and subtly glanced back to see James looking shocked. Then he crossed us without another glance and left.


The boy was back in his room, pen tapping his chin, a blank sheet of paper in front of him, staring at the wall opposite of him. He had been sitting that way for an hour, and hadn't noticed me come in. Yet.

His eyes swept around the room and caught sight of me as he instinctively chucked the pen at me, eyes darting around to attack me with something better. I caught the pen, narrowing my eyes.

"Calm down, it's me."

"What? Oh...death," he lowered his hands, frowning. "Do you have a chamber of bodies that you possess or, what is this thing?"

He gestured wildly at my appearance which was different from the past few days. I was in navy blue jeans and a white shirt, complete with a converse. I debated on wearing a baseball cap but I had to admit, this person had quite some style, their hair was lush and flowed too.

"Well, I have to keep changing bodies, because they don't last long," I strode to where he was picking up his paper.

He watched me blankly for a few minutes before his expression morphed into horror. "Are you stealing dead bodies?"

"Well. For a few days and then I return it," I shrugged. "Since I am Death itself the body decomposes again as I possess it. No one checks bodies after they are dead."

The boy stood with his mouth agape. "You do have a point...but isn't it disrespect to the people?"

I averted my eyes, then sat in his revolving chair. "Well, you see people forget after a while. The dead are exactly that. Dead."

He didn't say anything as he pulled his laptop open and opened Google Chrome. He took a deep breath and typed his name into it. Vance Johnson.

Vance Johnson, rising pop star with just a few songs!

Is Vance on a break? Is his creativity running out?

Who is Vance dating at the moment?

Teen pop star hits Billboard #20

Secret news site reveals collaboration between Vance and another pop star. Here are our guesses, come guess with us!

Vance blew a breath out and clicked the second link. Then his face darkened as he refreshed the page, opened a new tab and started typing again.

"How is even searching about you going to help?" I interjected.

"It's the curiosity!" he shot back. "Besides, I need to see my stats with James and if he's above me..."

"Aren't you two supposed to do collabs?" I walked to his desk and picked up a rolled paper with minute grains in it. "Oooh, a joint."

"Keep that shit there, you moron," he snatched it from me and shoved it in his bag into one the deeper pockets. "And does everyone call you Death?"

He scoffed and began googling again, eyes flickering between the screen and keys. It was slow and painful to watch. Watching Layla click keys like they were part of her, and Vance looking at the keyboard like he'd never used his Mac or was probably scared to ruin it was entertaining.

I chuckled. "People get scared when they see me, they don't call me."

"Except for me," he replied nonchalantly. "And I'm not calling you that. What's your real name?"

"What does it matter when I could tear your soul out right this moment?" I scrutinized him.

"I don't know. I thought people liked being called by the names they've chosen. My mother calls me Vansh, but I hate that name."

I nodded slowly. The boy made sense for some reason.

"I don't remember my name," I made myself comfortable on his bed, staring at the ceiling which had paint slightly chipping off, bits of plaster, peeling away to reveal grey parts. Like my life


You guys, we are Round Two Qualifiers omgggg! Thank you to everyone who read and supported this book so far! Much love to you eeeek!

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