~ Pandoras Vault~

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~Sapnap x Hazel~

Pandora's Vault the prison the was built in L'manburg in order to put prisoners in, mostly built for dream so he could put two little thorns in his side in the prison but things didn't end up turning his way when he got Tubbo and Tommy into the prison to show them where they would be threaten death against Tubbo if Tommy didn't comply.. Tubbo was close to death as Hazel watched not saying anything before Punz stepped out from the nether portal looking at Dream "you should've paid me more man" he stated as more members of the smp jumped out the portal surrounding dream and moving Tubbo and Tommy behind them to protect the two kids as Hazel pushed off the wall walking next to where dream is pulling out her netherite sword "I would back up if I were you" she stated crossing her arms looking at the group of people surrounding the both of them as she gulped a bit gripping the sword tightly before Sapnap knocked it from her hands kicking it to side keeping his sword pointed at them as Tommy spoke up "drop everything in this hole now" he stated nodding his head towards the hole looking at them as he waited before Hazel and Dream out there belongings into the hole except Hazel clutched onto her notebook tightly not wanting to put it with the other stuff "just let me keep this at least it's my dads..." she mumbled softly looking at Tommy then at Tubbo "brother please you know how much it means to me" she spoke up looking at Tubbo still as Tubbo stood still shaking his head he didn't want anything to do with his sister or being near her at all as he huffed "keep it" he stated quietly before turning his back to his sister holding back tears as Tommy looked at Tubbo gently putting a hand on his shoulder before looking back at the two "we win for once dream.. Hazel... so suck it" he stated chuckling a bit as Sam pushed through the boys walking towards Hazel and Dream cuffs in hand "both of you turn around let's get you settled into your new home" he stated as he puts the cuffs on the two grabbing the chain and walking towards the elevator "everyone else you may leave once I am out of sight and please go celebrate " he stated as he got onto the elevator with chain in hand as Hazel makes eye contact with Tubbo as she tears up a bit before looking away in shame as dream lets out a small chuckle sighing heavily "oh Hazel cheer up child we created so much chaos recently isn't this wonderful " he said laughing a bit as Hazel looked at him "I guess so but it wasn't supposed to go this way Dream and you know that" she stated as Sam poked there backs speaking "quiet the both of you, Dream Im taking you to your cell first, Hazel you will be next" he stated holding his trident in hand keeping it pointed to their backs as they got to the prison floor as Sam pushed them forward.
"Dream and Hazel you two will be here for as long as we say, for the crimes you have committed Im sorry to say but you two deserved this badly" he stated chuckling a bit as he lead them to the cells bringing Hazel down to Dreams as he pushed Dream into his cell taking the cuffs off "good luck being there alone, and try to escape I dare you" he stated before turning around watching the lava wall drop down keeping Hazel next to him "luckily for you the two of you don't have to share a cell but you both have the same kind now lets go " he stated as Hazel stayed quiet walking behind Sam with her head down and her ears pointed down more before looking back up at Sam "Tubbo and Quackity will visit me right?" She asked quietly as she sighed softly as Sam sighed "that's not up to me I wouldn't be surprised if they don't but again thats there decision child" he stated as he walked up to another lava wall "well get on the platform just like dream did" he stated as Hazel nodded her head a bit standing on the platform looking at the lava letting out the breath she was holding watching the lava disappear before the platform started moving under her turning to look at Sam "let me be able to talk to dream at least" she mumbled out quickly as Sam nodded a bit "Ill see what I can do" he stated before Hazel was in her cell the lava wall slowly falling back down in front of her as she turned around looking at the cell as there was hardly anything at all besides a table for writing, a clock, a bed, and a shower.. not much to do in the prison cell she was stuck in.
Hazel sighed before sitting down on the bed opening her journal up and flipping to the last page to scribble into the page yawning as she laid down starting to doze off once done writing as she hugged her notebook close falling asleep relatively fast she didn't realize how exhausted she had been the past few days.
~Time Skip ~
It had been weeks since Dream and Hazel were locked up, Tommy and Bad had visited Dream but yet no one had the nerves to visit Hazel most forgetting she was even there till one day someone did come to visit... it was Tubbo who was the first to visit her in the prison as Hazel got up from her bed quickly seeing the lava wall go down and someone on the other side as she stood at the barrier watching as the platform brought Tubbo closer to her cell before he got off looking at Sam with a nod, the lava wall falling back into place and the barrier going down.
Hazel looked at Tubbo before hugging him tightly once the barrier was down but pulled away quickly feeling him not hug her back at all "Tubs..?" She said quietly looking at him as Tubbo looked down at Hazel sighing "I only came out of pity to visit you Hazel... You were terrible to me and to our friends and you became just like dad" he said softly shaking his head as he moved away from Hazel.
Hazel looked at Tubbo before looking down at the ground "then why come visit me Tubbo if you're just here to mock me, and not even talk to me like I wasn't your sister.. is that all you did,  to just come here and mock me Tubbo!" She yelled a bit as she sniffles turning her back to me "just leave if that's all you're here to do... just tell sapnap to come visit me at least... please its all I ask" she mumbled softly crossing her arms before turning to look at the lava wall "just leave...." she mumbled quietly as Tubbo stood still a bit shocked on how Hazel acted toward him as he shook his head "I came to give you something.. Sam gave me permission to give you it" he stated moving his bag off his shoulder setting on the floor pushing it towards her "if sapnap even wants to visit you.. not sure if he still loves you anymore" he mumbled under his breath before moving away from Hazel and to the other side of the barricade "See you sometime again, maybe dad will visit.. doubt it though" he replied before yelling out to Sam he was ready to leave the cell.
Hazel looked at the bag that Tubbo had given to her as she pulls it close hugging it as she teared up she just wanted her family and her lover she hated this feeling so much. The bag was Tubbos it was obvious but he left it there for Hazel , the inside of the bag had a chess set and a few books that were her favorite as she sniffles rubbing her eyes gently taking out the first book running her fingers across the cover gently opening it up seeing the small writing in it from when Sapnap gave her the book as a present, she gently runs her fingers over the wording as she sniffles looking at the ceiling to keep herself from crying again she missed her lover so much.
She knew the days were passing slowly from the clock she had on the wall sitting in front of the lava wall the only warmth she had as she waited for sap to come visit her, the lava reminded her of there time together it reminded her of simpler times, he was her home, he was all she had left at least she thought he was all she had left but seeing how he hasn't visited she was loosing hope that he was never going to love her again until she was told to get behind the barrier... who was visiting her surly not Tubbo he hated her so did Quackity.
Hazel leans against the barrier patiently waiting for the lava wall to be gone so she could see who was on the other side of the wall, soon the wall was gone and the white of a hoodie and headband around his raven colored hair gave it dead away, he had finally come to visit her after a month of being locked up he finally decided to visit her in her cell.
The moving pathway bringing Sapnap to the cell as he got off it walking towards the barrier waiting for it to drop as the lava behind him finally fell down, Hazel stood there looking at her lover not sure if this was real or not as she takes a step towards him "panda?" She asked quietly and a bit raspy from her throat being sore from the restless nights of screaming and crying as she looks at him bring her hand up to his cheek gently "I..." she mumbled not knowing what to say to him before she felt two arms wrap around her in a tight hug hearing the small sniffles coming from the boy as he spoke "Hazel... why did you do this to yourself... you never should have helped dream , we could've lived near George and have a good life there" he mumbled softly hugging the girl tighter to his chest "and now your in prison how are we supposed to live the life we had planned together?" He asked softly running his fingers through her hair gently as Hazel buried her head into him " I... I am so sorry sappy" she whined softly as she grips onto his shirt "I want out I miss you.. I miss Tubbo, I miss everyone" she mumbled softly burying her head more into him as Sapnap gently rubs her back in small circles "but now you're here I can't get you out or anything hell I don't know how long you will be here for I know dreams here forever but you my flame I don't know" he said softly kissing her forehead gently as Hazel looked at him "ask Sam he would tell you" she said quietly hoping she wouldn't be here forever she wanted to be with Sapnap, she missed the warmth he had , she missed being hugged all the time by him and his little fire mark kisses he would leave on her the old ones had faded long before being put in the prison, she felt at home being in his arms again as she spoke "I didn't think you were ever going to come visit me" she said softly as she leaned on him more she was weak and tired all the time now seeing how the prison only served potato's and sometimes other stuff as well but not enough to keep someone well fed and strong.
Sapnap gently rubs her back in small circles "you seem so weak my fire , are you eating?" He asked softly gently moving her jaw gently making her move her head so he could look at her better "Hazel what do they feed you my goodness" he said softly gently running his fingers through the girls hair gently as Hazel yawned tired and exhausted "not much sappy" she mumbled closing her head as Sapnap sighed softly "Im sorry princess, Ill talk with Sam about letting you just come home to me" he said softly nodding his head a bit "I don't know if he will let you but its worth the try.. I already saw dream a couple days ago.. he isn't talking " he mumbled softly gently stroking her hair "he will never leave this place he can't hurt you anymore love" he said softly kissing the top of her head gently as Hazel sighed clutching onto the man as she closes her eyes a bit she was exhausted but didn't want him to leave "don't leave me please.. its so lonely here" she said quietly as Sapnap sighed holding her closer to him "Let me talk with Sam my dear" he said pulling her away and taking off his hoodie putting it over her "keep it and if Sam lets you out then you won't worry but if he won't yet keep it to remember me by alright dear" he said softly before calling out to Sam needing to talk with him.
Sam sighed knowing Hazel wasn't going to be happy Sap was leaving but it was nothing he couldn't handle as he let the bridge come bring Sap back with a sigh "Welcome back over Sapnap" he said looking at the boy seeing his hoodie was missing "come along we will get the process of you leaving done with" he said before Sap spoke "actually Sam I wanted to talk with you about something, about letting Hazel come home with me" he said softly looking at Sam knowing the answer would most like be no but to his surprise he heard the small Yes Sam let out before explaining "Sap shes was to go home yesterday with someone to pick her up but no one would do not even her brother, so Im letting her leave since you are here and the only one even willing to let her go home" he said softly as he sends the bridge to Hazel watching her as he waves his hand to motion her to get on the platform watching as she hesitantly did so before Sam spoke again "just please keep her in line I would hate to put her back inside here" he said softly as Sapnap nodded his head waiting for Hazel to be brought over fully he was smiling a bit knowing he would get to take her home and hold her in his arms again for as long as he could again.
Hazel steps off the platform carefully looking at Sam and Sap as she plays with the end of her sleeve "Am I leaving?" She asked quietly looking at them still as Sam nodded his head a bit "of course yesterday you were to leave but no one cared to take you home but Sapnap here is taking you home now" he said softly before the faint sounds of tnt could be heard above the prison as Sam stood up straight an alarm going off "shit Im sorry Hazel and Sap but you guys will have to stay here until the security issue going on is resolved please get back onto the platform both of you it will take you back to the cell for your safety" he stated as Hazel shakes her head more not wanting to go back in as she looked at Sam with pleading eyes "sam please no no I can't please " she whined as Sapnap held Hazel close to him whispering to her "its okay I will be here with you the whole time my flame" he said kissing her temple gently as Hazel nodded a bit burying her head into him.
Sam sighed as he gave them food for a few days better than the potatoes and extra blankets "I promise Hazel once this issue is resolved you two will be out you're not here for a crime or anything it's for your safety..... shit Tommy is with Dream, I have to get him out immediately " he stated quickly putting the lava wall down again before running off to dreams cell to check on Tommy knowing the young boy couldn't handle being there alone with the man who hurt him all these years.
Hazel clings onto Sapnap burying her head into him more shaking as she looked at her lover "Sap I want to go home... I want to go" she whined softly as Sapnap sighed rubbing her back in small circles trying his best to comfort the girl running his fingers through her hair gently with his free hand "it will be alright my love, we will be out of her faster than you know it.. I have a feeling we will" he said softly kissing her cheek then her lips gently before cupping her face in his hands "I love you dear" he said softly as Hazel nodded her head sniffling as she calms down enjoying the comfort and silence Sapnap was giving to her before she slowly spoke "sap.... dreams my brother to..." she mumbled quietly knowing the news of knowing thats her brother made her heart hurt a bit more hoping sapnap still will love her no matter what.
Sapnap looked at Hazel gently hugging her tightly in his arms "how do you know that Hazel...?" He asked softly as he moves them to the bed so they could sit down knowing how weak Hazel was right now that standing made her tired as he layed her down cuddling her close to him as he rubs her back in circles hearing Hazel start to speak "Because Tubbo told me that Puffy is his mom along with being dreams mom.... and me being related to Tubbo makes me related to Dream" she mumbled softly closing her eyes a bit as she gripped onto Sap scared to let go as she would fear that he would leave thinking this was a dream, but it wasn't her lover was here with her all this time and it wasn't a dream she was having.
Sapnap sighed softly holding Hazel close running his fingers through her hair kissing her forehead "well that doesn't change anything I still do love you" he said quietly as he hummed gently rubbing her back trying to get the girl to fall asleep seeing how she hardly got any sleep being in this uncomfortable prison bed, as he hears Hazels breathing start to slow down seeing that girl finally fell asleep in his arms as he gently moves the hair out of her face kissing her forehead once more before closing his eyes starting to doze off with Hazel in his arms......
To be continued

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