The ark

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=== Aphy ===
===Angela x Murphy===
The years being on the Ark were not to bad for Angela, she had her best friends and her parents, there was one thing that ruined her day half the time and that was John Murphy, class bully in her eyes she disliked him a lot as he hurt her from time to time.
Angela soon started to dip from class not wanting to see him at all, Jasper and Monty noticed that she wasn't showing up as much knowing she loved learning about the earth.
"Hopefully she is okay" Jasper said as he walked next to Monty as the two boys went to Angelas room Jasper gently knocking at the door.
"Its open come in" Jared, Angelas father had yelled out as he held his daughter close rubbing her back gently.
The boys opened the door going in as they saw Angela softly crying as her father kept her close gently brushing her hair back "Angela sweetheart your friends are here" he said softly as he kissed the top of her head gently wiping her tears "go ahead just be back for dinner" he stated as Angela nodded a bit getting up as she looks at Jasper and Monty hugging the pair tightly.
"We will bring her back soon Mr. Luna" Jasper said softly as they took Angela out from the room the two not knowing what was wrong with her, even though Murphy would bully her, they knew that it wasn't him because she never cried from it.
Monty looked at Angela as he smiles a bit at her "Angela whats wrong?" He asked softly and calmly not wanting to shake her up.
"They floated Mom, I cant believe she stole medicine for dad, I hate her for doing that! It wasn't fair she should've not done that!" Angela yelled a bit as she held back her tears shaking a bit "mom is so stupid she knew she would be in trouble, that she would get caught but did it anyways" she mumbled softly as Monty stopped walking grabbing Angelas wrist gently and pulling her into a tight hug "hey calm down its going to be okay, you still have your father and your not in the skybox with Murphy, your out here with me and Jasper free to do whatever, don't worry to much alright" he whispered softly as he wipes her face off gently and let go of her.
"Come on me and Jasper have something to give you and also something to show you" Monty said softly as he begins to walk again to the mess hall.
Angela smiles a bit calming down as she wipes her face off sniffling a bit sighing " thanks you two" she said softly looking at the both of them as she follows them close behind staying pretty quiet the walk there as Jasper slung his arm around Angela "come on someone as pretty as you shouldn't be sad" he said softly chuckling as Angela snickers a bit softly "Shut up Jasp thats not true at all" she replied laughing a bit as she kisses his cheek softly as Monty opened the door as the group walked in as it was known to be Unity Day the two boys had gotten something for Angela to wear there and her mask " you guys, you didn't have to do that" Angela said softly looking at them before hugging the pair "thank you guys so much it means the world" she mumbled smiling at them
~ Three hours later ~
Angela sighed in her room as she looked at the time realizing she has an hour to get ready to the dance as she looked at her dad asking for help with getting ready as Angela's father braided her hair there was a knock at the door "Open up now, we need to speak with you Mr. Luna about your daughter Angela" a man said as her father looked at Angela then walks over to the door opening it "can I help you?" He asked softly "we are here to arrest her for stealing medical supplies" thhe guard stating as the push through heading to Angela "wait no I never stole anything! Ive been in here all along, no this is wrong you have the wrong person " She stated as she tried to get away from the guards before they put a sleep dart into her neck "I'm very sir this happened after your wife was floated but she committed a crime and put in the Skybox till she is 18" the man had stated as they soon carried Angela off to the Skybox.
As Angela woke up rubbing her head she looked up seeing someone she never wanted to see again "great even better now Im stuck with you" she muttered as Murphy rolled his eyes looking at her " well look what the cat dragged in, never thought you were a criminal type person " he stated snickering softly as Angela glared at him " shut up you prick , I would rather be floated then stuck here with you" she stated getting up walking over to him " I don't know what I did to make you hate me John, because I actually liked you , you were a nice kid and whatever happened, I don't get why you take it out on me so please tell me what I did to piss you off" Angela stated before sitting down in front of him as she looks at him "oh you did nothing, you just... Angela look I did that so I wouldn't fall in love you with, I don't need the hurt of someone else I love leaving or dying, it was better to hide those feelings away, it was just easier that way" Murphy stated as he looked at the girl in front of her as he chuckles a bit "stupid now isn't it" he said softly sighing as Angela looks at him cupping his face "Murphy you should have just told me, its best to not hide those feelings, please you wont loose me, were stuck in this place its not like we will ever go back to the earth anyways" Angela had said softly as she rubs his cheek with the pad of her thumb before gently placing a kiss to his forehead "this doesn't mean Im fully forgiving you, just do know we will be spending time for a while and if i'm stuck in here with you, then I want cuddles alright its cold in here" she stated as she got in his lap resting her head on his shoulder as Murphy wrapped his arm around her waist sighing softly "guess I need a nickname for you" he muttered as he buried his nose into her hair breathing calmly as Angela soon began falling asleep in the arms of a man she knew she would love forever as she clung onto him thinking that it wont be so bad here in the skybox after all.

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