Slipping Through my Fingers

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~ Papa Quackity and bird Hazel~

         School bag in hand
         She leaves home
         in the early morning

Quackity sighed softly as he ties the hair band around the end of Hazels hair looking at the semi messy braid he had done , he wasn't ready to see her go to school for the first time he was nervous and scared that she would be hurt with all these kids she was going to be near, he gently preens her feathers making sure all the dead or dull ones are cleaned out setting the small pile of feathers beside him "Hazel Honey aren't you nervous about going to school my sweet blue jay?" He asked softly and quietly knowing it was still decently earlier and Hazel was not fully awake yet.
Hazel yawned a bit rubbing at her eyes shaking her head "mm no papa Im excited I get to meet people.. will I fit in papa?" She asked quietly playing with the bracelet on her wrist she was nervous but didn't want to express it to her papa.
Quackity chuckles a bit softly as he kisses the top of Hazels head with a smile on his face "don't worry about fitting in my sweet Blue Jay you will be alright, and if something happens you can always tell me at home you are safe no matter what" he said softly as he hugs her close to him he was nervous for her since Hazel had trouble fitting in with a crowd and now with school it could make that worse but he prayed for his little girl to have a good day at school and meet some friends hopefully "my blue jay papa loves you oh so very much" he said softly as he lets go of hugging her grabbing her jacket and putting it around her "here you go my sweetheart it is supposed to get cold today and I want you to stay warm your wings are to small to keep you warm dear" he said with a small chuckle as he zips up Hazel jacket smiling as he kissed her forehead taking one more look at her "ay mi princesa " he said sniffling a bit he was keeping himself from crying seeing how his little girl was going to school "come on lets get you to school my blue jay, you will make this old man cry " he said chuckling as Hazel looked up at him giggling happily smiling softly "Nooo papa! Don't cry!" She said with a smile grabbing at his hand as her wings flutter a bit beneath her jacket as she was excited for school but she also didn't want to leave her papa all alone either but knew she had to go school.
"I won't be gone forever papa I will see you after school!" She exclaimed as she squeezed his hand tight smiling up at her father as the two began to walk down the road once the door to the house was locked and the security online.
Quackity smiles as he looked down at his daughter walking beside the girl as he held her tiny hand in his, he still couldn't believe it, his little girl going to school it felt like she grew up to fast but what could he do it was life and he knew one day his little bird would fly from the nest and have her own family rather later than sooner but he had to stay brave for his little girl it was just the two of them after all and he wanted the best for her no matter what happened.

I try to capture every minute
The feeling in it
Slipping through my fingers all the time

The years flew by quickly from a little girl to her first day in elementary to a pre-teen it didn't feel real to Quackity but his little girl was no longer little and was starting the new school year at middle school and he has to say he was proud of her she has opened up so much more with being around kids her age.
" Hazel come on mi princesa! You cant be late on the first day of school!" Quackity yelled out as he held the girls bag in his hand as he hears the small thumps of her coming downstairs as he smiles softly at his daughter.
"Aye papi.. good morning" Hazel said quietly as she was still half awake but ready to leave as her wings ruffled up some shaking away loose feathers as she stretches them out some "papi they are starting molt again" she said with a whine she hated when they would molt but she knew it was only because they were growing and her adult feathers would only soon be growing when she hit high school but right now they were just growing in her mid year feathers as Hazel sighed pouting some.
"Papi why do the molt so much it gets heavy and annoying with my bag.." she said softly shaking her head as she looked at Quackity.
"Aye princesa stop your whining you know they molt for a reason.. your adult feathers should be growing in soon, they are going to be beautiful considering how big your wings are already" he said with a small chuckle as he helped her get off the last few loose ones before patting her head gently. "Come on mi princesa we need to get going " he said as Hazel nodded grabbing onto her dads hand squeezing at it "papi Im scared to be in a big school theres going to be so many people" she said quietly staying close him sighing softly
"mi corazon you will be okay I promise you and if you have issues call me alright I will come and get you from school and talk to the teachers or whoever I need to ok?" He said looking at the girl with a small smile as he hugged her carefully to not mess with her wings but still being able to hug the girl.
"Yes papi I know... and I will but I just hope today will be a good day and all that jazz" she said with a small laugh chuckling as she rolled her eyes hugging her dad back with a smile before the two walked out the door.

Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers all the time

Graduation had finally hit and Hazel was pretty much all grown up now but according to Quackity she was still his little girl no matter what as he sighed the girl was graduating from high school he couldn't believe how fast time past for the two of them.
"Hazel!! Mi princesa vámonos!!" Quackity yelled from the stairs as he stood there hearing the soft thumps and feet walking around as he hears her room door open sighing softly watching the girl walk out her room all dressed in her cap and gown.
"Aye... you look beautiful mi corazón " he said softly as he smiles he could feel the tears in his eyes as he wiped his eyes shaking his head "You grew up to fast.. you will make this old man cry with how fast you grew up.. I can't believe you are graduating already " he said
Hazel smiles softly as she walked downstairs to her dad hugging him tightly "I couldn't have done any of it without you papi.. please don't cry because then I will cry if you do" she said as she let go from hugging him gently linking her arm with his as her wings ruffled showing off the blue and white feathers as she closed her wings against her back looking at her dad "come on papi we need to go I can't be late!" She said chuckling as she headed outside to the car smiling softly as got inside smiling.
Quackity rolled his eyes as he walked to the car getting in front as he looked at his daughter once more before taking a photo of her  "still can't believe my little princesa is all grown up now" he said softly squeezing her shoulder gently and starting to drive them to the graduation ceremony.

School bag in hand
She leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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