The Ring

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///Angela x Murphy\\\
///The Ring\\\
The ring home to everyone till the day they went to the ground, but once again home to the few who went back because of what was happening on earth, everyone was sulking a bit after loosing Clarke not knowing if she was alive or not but as the years pass our SpaceKru was closer to each other to where they called each other family more or less we focus on Angela and Murphy, there relationship becoming a mess.
Angela sighed softly pushing around the dinner they have had the past five years as she got up "Im going to give Murphy his food" she said softly not wanting to eat as Juno looked at Angela "are you sure, you didn't eat, as much as I hate this stuff its our only food source" she said as Angela nodded at her grabbing her cup and grabbing Murphys cup before she started heading off the side of the Ark that Murphy had been hiding out in sighing a bit walking through the darkened hallway soon arriving at the door slowly going inside the room.
"Hey Pumpkin I brought you dinner" Angela said softly looking around the room heading over to Murphy and sitting down by him and giving him his food as he took it muttering a thank you softly as he looked at Angela looking away as she sighed leaning on him a bit "why won't you even talk to me anymore.... John you've changed and become so distant from me...." she said softly looking at him before getting up from the bed "you won't even talk to your own girlfriend anymore... goodnight Murphy.." she muttered before leaving the room and shutting the door slamming it on accident as she walked down the hall to her own room rather quickly before bumping into Juno.
"Hey Angela.. is he still not talking?" She asked softly looking at the younger girl in front of her as Angela looked at her wiping her face off rather quickly as she sighed shaking her head before pushing past her just wanting to go to bed and sleep the day away.
As the years pass Murphy became more and more distant as Angela was sulking around a lot more not wanting to make contact with everyone as much as she did the first few years of being on the ark till one night she went straight to her room instead of going to give Murphy his food like she would normally do.
Juno noticed this change as she got up to go to Angela's room telling Bellamy to go give Murphy his food for the night as she was worried for her friend as Juno knocks on the door gently "Ange can I come in?" She asked softly as Angela replied yes though it was muffled and almost cried as Juno pushed into the room seeing Angela curled up under her blanket her face pressed into her pillow the sounds of soft sobs coming from her as Juno walked over sitting on the edge of the bed "Angela... whats wrong?" She asked softly gently rubbing her arm as Angela sniffles looking at Juno "It's Murphy...I don't get why he won't come to our room , talk to me let alone bother asking if I'm upset when he knows I am... Juno it's hurt so much that he won't even love me anymore.." she whispered tearing up again as Juno sighed pulling her into a hug "Well I'll have Bellamy set him straight we really don't like how you have been sulking around we miss our happy doctor" she said softly as she held Angela close rubbing her back gently.
On the other hand Bellamy was going to give Murphy his food before he was jumped by him "This is my side of the ship Bellamy didn't Angela tell you anything" Murphy stated as Bellamy shoved him against the wall to get him off "Murphy stop, you just want to be some hero but up here there is no hero, you feel as you're being worthless" he said as Murphy tried to attack him before Bellamy got him pressed against the glass with his arm behind him "But you're not worthless Murphy, you have a family up here, you have Angela...who didn't come tonight if you haven't noticed she has been sulking around because of you, she misses you Murphy" he said slowly letting go of him as he sighed softly
Murphy looked at Bellamy opening his mouth to say something but shutting it after as he looks outside the window "there is something coming...Let me go talk to Angela please.. before we figure what that thing is "he asked as Bellamy nodded stepping out of the way for him as Murphy walked past him heading over to Angela and what used to be his room as he approached he heard Angela and Juno talking small sniffling sounds coming from Angela as she sighs gently knocking on the door.
Juno got up to open the door as she had told Angela to just relax for a bit and calm down as Juno sighed softly opening the door a crack a bit surprised to see Murphy standing in front of the door "Can I come in please, I just want to talk with Angela alone Juno" he said softly as Juno moved to open the door more for him and she slipped out of the room shutting the door behind her.
Murphy sighed softly as he walked over to the bed sitting down on it as he looked at Angela his heart breaking at the sight of her face red and tear stained, questioning how a happy girl he loved could break so easily as he felt more guilt in his heart about what he has caused to the girl he loved. "Angela.... I am so sorry.. I know that won't cut it but I didn't mean to be so distant... I just thought you wouldn't need me anymore so I thought distancing my self would help everyone not need me" he said softly as he gently took her hands as Angela looked at him sniffling "I need you John.. I need you to survive and to be loved you are always needed you have everyone here as a family to love you and not make you feel worthless, you know that we all love you but me I love you to most your my cockroach who has saved my life countless times... I'll always need you and will always love you" she said softly as Murphy bit at his cheek before pulling Angela in close to him hugging her tightly before looking at her and pecking her lips "I am so lucky I have you my sunshine, I am so sorry for making you so upset about this, I shouldn't have done that" he murmured as Angela buried her head in his neck "John it is okay I swear it will be" she whispered as she stayed close to him as Bellamy came into the room "come on you two we need to talk about that ship, glad to see you guys made up finally" he stated before leaving as Murphy got up helping Angela up as he kissed her gently and lovingly before pulling away "I will make it up to you I promise" he whispered in her ear before taking her hand and leaving the room going to the bridge the two feeling much better for the first time in years.

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