The city of light (Pt.2)

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(((Angela x Murphy)))
((( Part 2 )))
It was night as Murphy sat down near a tree to try and rest for the night, he wasn't having the best of luck in finding Angela, she was long gone and Murphy felt his heart hurt knowing that he wont get her back.
Angela sighed softly as she didnt look behind her as she walks putting her hands into her pockets as the group soon reached Polis "wow its huge" she mumbled a bit softly looking around as A.L.I.E chuckles a bit softly "yes Angela it is and theres more people to bring who have suffered so much to join us in the city" she stated as she looks at Angela "our first target is your very own friend Juno, she seems as if she would need it now get going and give it to other people as well, while looking for her" she stated as she soon disappeared
As day soon came Murph was back up and walking before stopping and getting down as grounders passed by one noticing him and pulling him up "we've been looking for you" the guy stated as he picks Murphy up throwing him over his shoulder as he started walking again
"Let go of me!!" Murphy snapped as he began kicking huffing as he soon gave up sighing "why don't you just kill me" he stated
"Because your needed in Polis for certain reasons you don't need to know of" the grounder stated as they soon arrive at Polis, Murphy being taking into the tower as he looked around sighing a bit noticing a certain someone of in the distance talking to Jaha "wait let me go I need to go talk to someone!" He stated as the grounder put him down "go but you come back to the tower" he stated as Murphy ran pushing through people "Angela!!" He yelled out loud running towards her and pulling her into a tight hug "my god I thought I lost you, why did you leave?" He asked softly
Angela looked at Murphy a bit confused as she hugs him back " hello John, sorry I left I have work to do here, don't worry my prince." She said softly kissing his forehead gently "its going to be okay I promise.. I love you" as she lets go of him
"Angela please just come back with me and forget this mess, I want you to come back home with me, back to camp" he stated grabbing her hands tightly in his as Angela shook her head "I cant John I have things to do here, Ill come home soon enough" she replied before the grounder pulled Murphy away to take him into the tower as Angela sighed softly shaking her head a bit as she soon walked off following behind Jaha.
~ Time skip~
It was a month later where over half of Arkadia and Polis were in the City of Light including Clarke as she was trying to look for A.L.I.E's kill switch, as Abby had Murphy pump Ontari's heart.
"Oh.. are you crazy! Im not gonna pump her heart!" He yelled as Abby glared at him "Now!" She stated as he did as told soon the blood flowed back into Clarke.
Bellamy and the others had made a plan to keep them from getting to Clarke as Octavia yelled "Now!" As others rounded the corner throwing shock batons in the water as he electrocuted the people including Juno.
Soon everyone went back to the room to quickly barricade the doors as Murphy handed Abby a gun as she looked at Bellamy " for protection just incase" she said softly as the barricade soon broke down people coming inside as a fight broke out Angela being apart of that small group was fighting with Octavia as Clarke soon pulled the kill switch as Abby aimed a gun at Angela shooting her in the shoulder as she soon collapsed screaming a bit in pain before stopping. Then soon the others did the same groaning a bit as Kane let go of Bellamys neck before getting off shaking as Abby went over to Kane.
Murphy soon stops pumping the heart as he turns around hearing Angela "John?!?... oh go." She mumbled as Murphy ran over hugging her tightly but carefully "I'm so sorry John.. I'm sorry" she said softly holding back tears.
"Shh its okay, its going to be okay my sunshine, your okay" He said softly kissing the top of her head keeping her close to him as Bellamy ran over to Juno pulling her into a tight hug " Im sorry Juno... I miss you so much, I'm sorry I should've listened to you" he mumbled into her hair as Juno hugged him tightly back "Bellamy it's fine okay I forgive you.. just don't let this happen again" she replied softly as she pecked his lips.
Murphy soon picks up Angela taking her over to Abby "get the bullet out her shoulder now" he stated as Abby soon did so as Murphy cradled Angela close to him as she had fallen asleep clinging onto him tightly.
It was over it all of it no more city light, no more deaths, now all that mattered was everyone recovering over what all happened. Bellamy and Juno were back together happily as they were slowly fixing there relationship and Angela and Murphy were stronger then ever, Murphy taking care of Angelas wound and keeping her close to scared to loose her again for a other time as he kissed her forehead gently stroking her hair as she slept "my sweet sunshine" he mumbled softly.
The city of light was no more and there was now a bigger problem, surviving Praimfaya and preparing for when it comes. Clarke explained to everyone that they have about 6 months till the end of the earth, everyone of course was worried but she did her best to calm the people down and not have them worry to much.

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