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+++ Aphy & Junbell +++
+++Angela x Murphy & Juno x Bellamy +++
Saturday evening the soft sounds of music being played in the apartment of the two girls who lived there as there was a stop to the music as it was replaced by an alarm then brief chatter.
"Juno! We need to go help the guys so hurry your ass up" Angela yelled as she knocked on Junos door as Juno opened the door "you were saying, go wait downstairs Ill be there in a second just need to get the keys" Juno replied as she walked into the kitchen grabbing the keys off of the counter and heading towards the front door as Angela was out front waiting for her practically bouncing on her heels.
"Well someone is excited to go out" Juno stated unlocking the car as she got into the drivers seat while Angela got into the passenger seat "well duh, im excited, John and Bell are moving in with us and we get to go see them and help them move there stuff" Angela replied smiling as she buckled up and watched Juno making sure she buckles in.
"You know you don't have to watch me buckle in, you know I do all the time Ange" Juno said softly as she starts up the car
"I know but I just like to make sure Juno and you know why, I don't want something like that happening to you to" Angela replied softly sighing a bit as she looks out the window humming softly "oh wait I promised Murphy I would call him on the way there , Ill put it on speaker since I know Bellamy is gonna wanna talk to" Angela said softly as she picked up her phone from the cup holder as she calls Murphy waiting for him to pick up.
"Bellamy can you answer that if it's Angela " Murphy called out from his room
As Bellamy picked up the phone putting it on speaker 'Hey Angela, Juno, Murphy is in his room right now getting stuff, he was practically waiting for you to call' Bellamy said softly chuckling a bit as Murphy came out of his room muttering shut up to Bellamy as he walks over to the phone 'Hey there sunshine, are you guys finally on your way?' He asked softly as Juno stopped the car at an intersection
'Of course we are, took long cause Juno wouldn't get up' Angela said softly laughing a bit as Juno rolled her eyes tapping the wheel 'not my fault I had to take someone's shift at work' she replied laughing a bit
'Blame Murphy for that Juno' Angela stated chuckling as Murphy replied 'hey I didn't do anything' he said softly laughing as he sat a box down
Angela chuckles a bit as she looks out the window as her eyes widen seeing a car swerve towards them " Juno! Juno! Move the ca-" she yelled out before it was to late the swerving car ran right into them, Juno throwing herself over Angela during the impact.
Bellamy set his box down as he looks at Murphy " something is wrong" he stated as he started grabbing his jacket and sliding his shoes on
"Angela?! Juno?!... shit!" Murphy yelled as he grabs his jacket and the keys slipping his shoes on before running out to the car.
" Stay on the phone just incase, Ill call for help" Bellamy stated as he got into the car as he called 911 to get help.
Murphy gripped the car wheel as he drove panicked a bit "come on say something...anything.." he mumbled softly looking at his phone then quickly back up at the road "Bellamy what if they...what if?" He said unable to finish his sentence as Bellamy looked at Murphy
"Hey look calm down, Im sure there okay, I doubt they would die, just hope they are breathing Murphy" Bellamy said trying to reassure him as Murphy pulled up to where there accident it was his knuckles going white from gripping the wheel tightly .
Bellamy soon got out of the car as he ran over to the wreckage "shit Murphy its bad.." he mumbled as Murphy walked over  shoving his phone into his pocket as he covered his mouth a bit.
Soon the distant sounds of sirens grew louder stopping at the accident as firemen helped Juno out of the car putting her on the stretcher as Bellamy walked beside it holding her hand gently. The firemen talked with Murphy explaining that they need his help getting Angela out as he leg was stuck under part of the car as they lifted the piece as Murphy helped get Angela out, as she was awake she screamed a bit from the pain as tears pricked from her eyes gripping his shirt as he helped her to the ambulance where they wrapped her leg up before Bellamy got out explaining he would meet up at the hospital with them so he can take the car home and get a cab.
Murphy nodded as he held Angela close to him as they drove to the hospital. As the countless hours passed Murphy and Bellamy called Angelas dad and Junos brother, soon the doctor came telling then Juno was in a coma and that Angela just had a broken leg and would be fine but would have the stay in the hospital to watch Angela in case anything bad happened to her during the time.

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