The Dark Years

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// Phoenix ~ Tigris \\
// The Dark Years \\
The Dark Years had an impact on everyone more then others especially our two grounds Phoenix and Tigris after Roan died Phoenix changed a lot and become more isolated and quiet not even talking with her sister much either but happy that she has a room with her not wanting to be alone with people she didn't fully trust anymore.
It was a long day after being in the fighting pit Phoenix covered in small cuts that are barely noticeable Tigris sighing as she patches up her sister for the third time that day "Phoenix you need to stop this you always got worried about us showing our blood but... what you are doing is risking getting caught especially by Octavia, she will kill you seeing that you a natblida" she said softly as Phoenix stayed quiet looking away from her not wanting the lecture again sighing softly as Tigris shook her head "Phoenix please you're just going to get yourself killed I don't think Echo would like that you are dead when they come back down" she said softly as Phoenix rolled her eyes huffing "thats if they ever come back down in the first place plus who gives a damn if I die.. I want to be with Roan theres no damn point anymore Tigris" she stated glaring at her sister as Tigris crosses her arms "and what about me and Echo.. huh Phoenix are you going to just leave us alone you're own damn family, I thought you cared for us but clearly you really don't what is your issue" Tigris stated huffing rather loudly as she gets up heading towards the door "I will talk to Octavia about not letting you in the fighting pit anymore Phoenix Im so sick and tired of patching you up every single day, your being stupid and going to get yourself killed!" She snapped a bit as Phoenix looked at her emotionless as she sighs laying down in the small bed and pulling the blanket over her head "like I said I dont care..hell if Echo comes back down from space its not she will even need me anymore, who even does at this point..." she muttered softly as she hear the door shut knowing her sister left not wanting to finish the conversation as Phoenix knew her sister did make a point and was right but she was stubborn and didn't listen to it much, as she sighs slowly falling asleep she made a mental note to talk to Octavia about staying in the pit no matter what her sister had said she could take care of her self and patch her own wounds up.
Days turned into weeks into months into years by the sixth year Phoenix was a lot different from the first year of being in the bunker she had changed from her looks to how she acted around others, her hair was shorter and she had many tiny cuts all around her and one main scar on her arm that Tigris was quick to patch up when she got it still wanting to be careful of exposing there blood color not wanting her sister to get killed she really cared for her and held her back when the bunker started to open after a long extra year of waiting as the one who came down into the bunker first was Octavias brother Bellamy the two reuniting as Phoenix looked up at the hole wondering if Echo made it through and if she was alive as Tigris lingered around Phoenix not really okay with her after what has been happening.
As Bellamy talked on how he will help get everyone out the bunker with the help of the people from Diyoza's group people from the said group started to come down and help bring the people of the bunker to the surface as Tigris was up then soon Phoenix after as she quickly looked around for the girl she fell in love with, the grounder who she didn't know if she made it to a safe place alive she soon see her the girl with her long hair down and wavy heading straight to her as Phoenix ran to Echo practically jumping onto her as she hugged her tightly burying her head into her neck sighing softly as Echo chuckled a bit holding the smaller girl close to her gently kissing the top of her head "Phoenix I missed you so much it was a hard six years" she whispered as Phoenix looked up at her and smiled nodding "it really was, I hated it down there and worried so much about you" Phoenix replied softly as she pecks Echos lips gently not wanting to let go of her.
Echo sighed softly happy as she soon started to notice the different cuts and scarps Phoenix had on her arms and a few small ones on her face "Phoenix what is all of this what happened down there?" She asked softly as Phoenix went quiet shaking her head not wanting to talk about it knowing she would be lectured like she had before from her sister as she sighed.
Echo frowned a bit as she looked at Tigris nodding her head off to the side so they can talk as she wanted to know what happened to Phoenix as she gently ran her fingers through her hair keeping her close before gently kissing the top of her head "here meet me in the tent I'm going to help get everyone else out okay my little raccoon?" She asked a bit as Phoenix yawned nodding before heading off to the the tent as Tigris walked over to Echo sighing a bit "I know your going to ask about what happened to Phoenix, just we had fighting pits down in the bunker and Phoenix she was... she was not well so she had participated in the fights to try and clear her mind out from everything and she just... she lost it Echo it's not like her to be like that but Im sure since your here now she will be okay again.. at least I hope" she said softly as Echo sighed shaking her head before nodding "Don't worry I will talk to her, she will not lose me like she did Roan" she replied softly before turning around to heading to the tent as she went and had a long talk with Phoenix before holding her close as possible.
Phoenix stays close to her a bit upset Tigris told her but happy to have Echo safe and sound at home as she cuddled her close starting to fall asleep clinging onto her not scared of loosing her at all as Echo smiled softly holding the smaller girl close to her as she to fell asleep with her in her arms.

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