Dad problems

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" Hello tara, nice to know your not dead " yells my dad, as I walk through the door.

" Shut up " I yell walking past

" Don't talk to me like that,now you can't just go around starting fights with people then running away from school " he yells

" Oh go stuff yourself " I scream

" Tara I have done nothing but try,you know deep down that boy band wasn't good for you " he yells, walking into my room

" No you know that they were good for me, you afraid because they were going to let me free, so thing you never got " i scream

" Tara that's not true, look what they did to you " he says

" Dad that wasn't them, it was you, you don't give me freedom, so I have to do drastic things "

" Tara you little whore, I'm giving you all of this and you, you just talk back to me, give me rubbish, I'm stick of you and you shit, Tara you need to grow up there gone, and so are you I'm sending you to a boarding school" he yells at me going, red but I just pushing him out the door.

" Stop running from you problems " he yells banning on the door. That's it.

THATS IT. fuck this shit, I need to start running from my problems.

I grab my bags, stuffing in everything, my clothes, my books, my posters. I grab my guitar, finally making sure I had my phone and laptop.

Hey babe, made it to London safe
All the boys are missing you, me to xx, how was school?


Was the only text I had, I smiled, I quickly typed in my message and got changed.

School sucks, have you met the boys
what are you doing tomorrow xx

I sent, finding, some black tights, a blink 182 shirt, and a black hoodie I changed.

Given it was 1 am, I guessed my dad went to bed and, walked out of my room, with all my bags and down stairs, spotting just what I wanted. My dads safe.

In there was million, no billions of his money.

Knowing the code, his birthday. I slowly opened it up.

Opening my bag, I stuffed as many of the rolls of paper in as I could. Finally shutting the door, I wrote a small note,

Dear dad,
Sucked it up, and now I'm leaving you,
Sorry bout the money but who cares.
Suck me dick,

Love tara :)

Taking one last look at, the house I shut the door.

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