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I was dancing with Calum, feeling free and this is what I'm meant to be with him, silly I know but it's just what I felt, I mean I'm just a fiend, like I've been given the biggest friend zone , but I think that's why I went out with Jack on that date, to try and get over fact that Calum will never be with me, and one day will become big with all my friends and leave to go tour like bands do.

" You okay " Calum's speaks spinning me around.

" I'm fine some worry bout me " I say laughing

" Can I go get you a drink " asks Calum

" I don't drink, but water from a tap will do " I say

" I'll be back soon " he says hugging me before walking off.

I need to find somewhere to sit, I see ashton with a girl getting along laughing, Michael is dancing with a girl so hot and perfect she could be famous and Luke with that girl, Kat I think talking and pointing to be laughing. All busy.

Then I see him, Jack walking in with his " pussy" he is in jeans and a plan white tee. H stops when he sees me, the turns nodding at his guys to go. " Hey Im really sorry " he starts

" Yeah well " I say bored

" Look Tara I really, like you I feel something, I've never felt before will you please, forgive me and give me a second shit I swear I can be so, so much better " he says looking at me right inti my eyes,

Well I mean, Calum, this is going to help, and it's not like he will care, he seems really sorry, I have no idea with the whole never felt this way thing, what he's on about but what's the worst that can happen he's already kissed me.

" All right " I say giving in

" Tomorrow after the game " he yells happily, then starts to walk away.

" Hey you okay, what happened " says Calum looking like he had seen, something dead i front of him.

" Yeah, he just said sorry, and asks for a second chance witch I gave because, I mean who am I going to be with " I say sadly.


I have to bite my tongue, because I wanna scream out, you could be with me now but I can't. I need to come I way to get in through you head, that you should be with me now.

He's a jerk, I mean t treat her so, good and so fat he's been so bad to her it's nit far!

" Yeah, here's your water "I say handing her it

" Wow is that the time, I better go, wanna go get the boys " she says looking at my watch

" Yeah I'll meet you in the car" I say looking for them

I soon, get the away, each on with a number but Michael and he's catching a lift, with Cindy who is wow, she has to be a model or something I mean her look, but she's nothing next to Tara.

" Let's go " says Tara tru uni in the radio

Soon the killers mr brightside, fills the car. Everyone singing badly

I'm dropped off first and get out giving everyone what I could of a hug, I now just what I'm going to do.

I rush into my room, not listening to sisters yelling, ad find my guitar,

I dedicate this song to you,
The one who never sees the truth,
That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl.
Hold you tight straight through the day light,
I'm right here. When you gonna realize
That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?

I sing just what comes into my head, that's Tara my Heartbreak girl.


" Come on let's go to my place " yells Cindy

" How far is it " I ask not feeling like a long walk

" Not long" she smilies

" Hey mate we're going Tara isn't up for anymore " says Calum in a rush

" Mate I'll stay see you tomorrow " I laugh

" Alright I'll call you " he says going off

" I do hope you know, that unless you go to a stupid school we don't have school tomorrow, " Cindy says smiling

" Calum plays soccer and I go to watch, that's why, would you like to come " I ask not really thinking

" Why not it's better then boring home, then model shit now off to my house" he wines

We leave, nigh giving up on finding Nathan and start to walk home.

" You wanna no my favourite song " she asks skipping all the cracks on the ground like a kid,

" I would love to know your favourite song " I laugh

I don't know the name but that one a bout living dying in a pray m I love it, it's so, so real " she says me finally seeing how drunk we are. But really I don't thank THATS whys he is with me.

" You know what I think we're almost there, how did we end up here " I say noticing we were now, in front of her two story how's door.


The next thing I know I was in bed.

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