Hosptial with a side of horrible dad

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I just run, I follow her as best as I could, she likes me. I was a totally jerk but she likes me.

As soon as I get out, I see her, she still running, on the road.

" Tara" I yell, buts it's to late, she's on the ground lifeless, the car already speed off. But I don't care, I run up, I place my hand on her chest. She's not breathing. She's not breathing.

I grab my phone, I call 000, as quickly as I can

" Hello, 000 state your emergency " says the voice

" Um, my best friend isn't breathing " I yell

" Okay calm down, do you know what happened "the person asked,

" She was hit, then ran over by a car " I scream,

" I've sent ambulance, ones near the area it should be there be you know how to do mouth to mouth " the person asks, and even now my heart skips a beat

" No" I start but I'm cut off, by the sound of sirens

" Okay I think that's the ambulance there, the will do everything for you " says the person, but I hang up

" Okay we need you to move back " says a man coming out of the car

" She's defiantly, not breathing "

" Alright let's go"

" Clear "

"Clear "

" Clear" is all I here, I just sit shocked, she's dead

" We have her, we have her " a woman yells

" Alright get her up" yells a second

" You " they point to me

" Do you know her did you see what happened " asks the woman

" Yes I'm her best friend, she was running she ran out of the house, then onto the road she was crying, then a car came she didn't see it, it hit her, then she fell, after the car drove over her then left " I say tears rushing down my face, my breathing hitching.

" Calm down " she says, but I can't I do is cry.

" Bring him with us " says a male

" Sir what's you name " asks the woman sitting next to me

" Calum " I breath

" Alright Calum, I'm Nina, we're going to take you with us" she says helping me up

Soon I'm being lea to the back of a car, seeing tara being lifted with a marks over her face. She's lifeless.

" Sit here " says Nina

" Give him a mask, he's not breathing right " says someone holding tara

" Breath into this, it will help " says Nina handing me an oxygen mask, connected to a tank.

Next thing I know I'm breathing in and out, calmly.

" Calum I need you to tell me everything, but first is there anyone we can call or you friend " Nina says

" What's her name first " asks a second person

" Tara, Tara hope" I say, still crying

" Her dads at work, but I have toms number " I say

" Who's Tom a brother " asks the other man

" Her dads driver he was going to take us home, he would have her dads number. " I say going into my phone.

" Call him son, we'll need permission before we can operate " says the man

" Tom hello "I say into the phone

" Are you ready to be picked up " he asks

" No, there been an accident " I cry

" Tara she was hit, hit by a car, you need to call her father get him to meet us a the hospital " I say into the phone

" All right, sir is she okay " he asks

" No, no she's not, please hurry " I plead

" I will, would you like me to pick up the others " he asks

"Yes if you could please, go to the party I'll call them to meet you out the front " I say

" Mr. Calum everything will be fine " he says hanging up

" Her dads coming " I say texting the boys

" Alright, I need you tell me the whole story, for the police, why was she running. " Asks Nina

And I explain it all, from Jack to Sarah to the yelling and us... Then the running and the car.

" Calum you should know none of this is your fault" says Nina, I just smile,still crying

" Alright get her out and straight to the emergency " yells the man, soon everyone's in panic again.

I see her dad run right to her,

" My tara my dearest tara" he says running to her side, what a fake, he couldn't give a rats bum.

" You " he says pointing to me, " you, you did this " he says then the next thing I know, I get punched in the face, over an over again.

" Police. " Yells someone, pulling him off me.

" Mr. Hope please come with me " was the last thing I heard before I fell down,

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