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Well, it's been 2 weeks, I don't need the chair and can walk, again. Well today's the first day I can. I've pretty much been living in my room, I've seen the boys a couple of times but not as much, given the tour, but I guess hats how it's gonna be, me and Calum, well he hasn't said or done anything about the the kiss. That's been hard.

Right now, I'm sitting in the beach, ALONE.

Oh yeah, and Luke is still with Kat, he said she just wasn't feeling well and it was the time in the mouth. What the hell?

So yeah, life's pretty shit.

" Hey Tara " says Calum coming out of no where.

" Hi" I say

" What you doing here all alone " he asks sitting down.

" You guys were probably to busy with the tour to come " I say bitterly

I really didn't want this crap, after what he did, like you don't write a girl a song, then kiss her, then ditch her, plus go to London

" What's up I haven't see you in forever " he says

" I don't know maybe the fact that you just leave me " I say

" we're not leaving you, we're all right here. You have just became, i don't know " he says

" Yeah well I don't know, has to go " I say getting up

" Tara please " he says walking with me

" What Calum ? I'm sick of this crap, I'm tired of waiting " I scream

" I'm sorry, I've been busy with the tour we all, have" he says back

" To busy for me " I say, feeling a tear run down my cheek.

" What No " he says worried and wiping it away

" Yeah, take a look, I've tried you guys have been off with Adam or packing " I say

" Tara don't be like this " he says grabbing my hand.

" Calum you, you lied, ever thing you said was just a lie, you re beer that song the times in hospital what happened to that" I say, pulling away, and running down the beach, hey this has happened before, last time I got hit by a car.

" Tara" " he calls, I stop and turn around

" I'm sorry, but it's all still true " he says grabbing my hand again, and my heart flutters.

" Yeah well, show me " i say stepping back

" Come on then" he says running off

" What the hell " I yell, still standing there.

" Tara, would you like to Come on a date with me " he screams

" No " I scream walking away

" What " he yells running back,

" Did you say no " he says gaming my arm, gosh all this grabbing

" Yes, you didn't say please " I smile

" Argh, would you please come on a date with me " he says

" Yes I would" I smile,then he interlocks our fingers and we run.


Lol jks that's not the end, okay like running on the beach and shit.

" Where are we going" I ask, kinda bored

" Well, do you want to go the fair, on the beach the one I front of us. " He says pointing

" Yeah that might be a good idea. " I laugh, as we walk through the gates.

" I want to go fairy floss. " I scream

" Okay let's go " he says, still holding my hand,

" Two fairly flosses " he asks the guy walking there,

" That will be $5 mate " says the guy, spinning the sticks.

" Here you go " says Calum, handing me mine

" Wait, did you like plan to ask me out, and then take me to a fair today " I say biting my pink fluff.

" Yep " me says proudly

" How did you know we're I was " I ask, walking over to the clowns

" Haha, funny story, i went to your house and some maid told me I had been banned from here, so I went on my phone and find my iPhone, I logged on as you, and then I followed you phone signal " he laughs

" Stalker " I say smiling.

" Yeah but I'm your stalker " he says pulling me away from my prized clowns and to the Ferris wheel.

" Two tickets please " he says to the guy

" Come on " he says dragging me, aw shit,

" I hope you know I hate heights " I laugh

" Oh crap sorry " he says trying to open the gate.

" Too late" I say as it slowly goes up.

" So, um well while we're on this, I'm I was wondering well, I know this is are first dat buy I've known you for so long, I don't know if you want to be my girlfriend " he stutters

" I would love to be your girlfriend, cough cough finally cough " I smile, slowly leaning in, then the next thing I know we're kissing, it's slow and passionate.

Bang, bang bang,

Is the thing I here, as I pull away.

" Argh shit what the hell " says Calum, looking down,.

" Um tara don't look down " he says, laughing , well no I'm gonna look, down

" Wow, please tell me were not stuck " I laugh sitting, down felling sick already.

" Sorry folks, it looks like the wheel is stuck, we will, try and get you down as soon as possible " says a voice from the little speaker thing,

" Nothing normal can happen to me " I scream

" Yeah, wow " laughs Calum

" What's gonna happen when you go on tour " I ask, shyly

" What do you mean " says Calum sitting next to me.

" Well, "us " I guess know, what's gonna happen " I ask

" I don't know, I didn't really think " he laughs

" Yeahhh" I say looking down.

" Hey I've got it " he screams,

" You can come with us " he yells

" What " I say confused

" You can come, I mean your not just my girlfriend now, but your also all the boys best friend, your part of the group " he says smiling

" Do you think Adam I'll let me " I ask, happy

" Stuff Adam, you coming " he says cupping my face and kissing me again.

Worst week to the best week, in only a couple of hours.

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