Sarahs party

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Alright, tonight was going to be a fun night, and I was going to try and look like a girl, yes I'm wearing a dress.

My dress I got, i couple of years ago, from my mum and before they started fighting. The delivery was just the rest, cause it's costumes I was going as Cher from clueless one of my favourite movies. I brought the shoes and accessories online. I also found out how to do my hair the same way. And yes that meant I had to cut it, but only I bit, my hair was amazing, my dad would probably kill me but he's at work.

I was sliding into my dress and putting on my make up when the door went,

" Come in, I'll be ready soon go watch TV " I yelled knowing it would be the boys.

I finally had my make up on, and started to walk down the stairs,

" Wow " was the first thing I heard,

" Wait is that tara " Luke asks ashton

" Yep, Tara you look amazing, it makes me feel, weird for coming as a banana " he laughs

" Cher get in here " says Michael from the couch

" what is that " he asks looking me up and down

" A dress " I laugh

" Says who "

" Calvin Klein " I say laughing

" You look really good, now let's go Cindy's waiting. " He says hugging me

" You look really truly beautiful " says Calum coming up and hugging me making me blush instantly

" Thanks " I say quietly, gosh why does he have to be so nice

" Tara you cut your hair" laughs Luke pulling on it

" Yeah you have no idea how hard it is to comb " I say walking out the door,

" Let's go" says Ashton, jumping into his car,

" Nah, I think given its going to be a fun night we should go in style " I say opening my dads garage

" Now limo anyone " I laugh chucking Tom the keys

" Tom will you pretty please take us to a party " I say giving my dads second driver the Puppy dog eyes

" Alright miss hope you tell me the address " he says getting in and i scream

" Yay lets go boyyyyyys " I say hopping in.

" You are the best " say ashton

" At least your not driving " laughs Michael

" you are just so rude you know you can drive you just never do you lazy butt" I laugh getting in

" Is that a bar " says Luke as he gets in

" Yeah it's dads, but go for your live " I laugh

" I'll pretend you didn't say that miss hope " laughs Tom

" Why thank you " I laugh, taking a sip of some cider

" Tonight is going to be awesome, I heard she got the word out to at least 18 other schools " laughs Calum filling a cup up with beer

"Yeah, and all the girls, I heard Kats going, hopefully I can ask for on a date " says Luke smiling

" Hopefully you get more then that " laughs Michael

" Alright we have arrived at you destination miss, you know my number I'll be here when ever you need a lift " says Tom, coming around to open are doors,

As soon as I step out everyone is around the car like we're famous, its awesome, even Sarah came out, she was in a green fairy outfit, I think maybe tinker bell.

" Tara hey " yelled someone as I started to make my way to the door,

I turned around to see ARGH Jack

" What do you want " I spat

" Babe come one I though we were passed that " he laughs

" Don't you babe me, were dome now there are better people I need to be with" I say walking away

" You look hot" he yells out after me,

" You okay " asks Calum, coming out of nowhere

" Yeah I'm fine, I heard she has bumper cars in the back wanna go " I say running away as best as I could in heels.

" That is an amazing idea "he says gabbing my hand


What a show off, coming in that fancy car, like who does she think she is. This is my party, but Luke and Calum looks so hot in there outfits. Like bæ. But like with some chick idk even no who she is and they went up to the bedrooms ages ago.

So that leaves one, Calum, and like that will be better cause he's totally closer to tara. Anyway I followed then out and I saw tara yell at Jack, hmm they must of had a brake up. All I need is for him to like take tara while I take care of Calum, once he gets a little taste he'll be addicted

Easy, oh nope there Jack drunk as a hobo, wait they get drunk right? Anyway look I'm sure someone will talk to tara for a sec gosh that's all I need.


Alright, Tara is with me when could be more perfect,

If she was your girlfriend,

Yeah well that's not gonna happen, I'm arguing with my self wow.

Why not? Jacks out if the picture,

Yeah, but how, just go up and be like hey, I really like you wanna go on a date or hey better yet be my girl friend

Yes, that's perfect or, or you could sing

My horrid song, just go away little voice

" Hey cal and tarrrrrrra " ashton slurred, drunk

" Hey mate you want some water " I ask

"Yeahhhhh " he slurs again sitting in the ground

"Want anything tee ? " I ask

" Um, I guess just a water but from the tap, I don't want it spiked " she says, laughing, gosh I can never get over how pretty her laugh.

" Alright I'll be back " I say running off, I don't want to leave her there, in case Jack comes back.

He's such a dick, for doing that to her, can he not she how, how, how perfect she is in every single way.

I grab myself I beer, and chug it, then pour myself a second, I need to let lose.

Then, walked into the kitchen, seeing a bunch of kids eating a gold fish.

I grabbed two cups, filled then up and started to walk back.

" Hey cal baby " says a voice, I turn around to see, Sarah..

" Um hi, happy birthday I guess " I say confused, she must be drunk, I could see tara looking at me, wondering what I was doing

" Thanks, like the party " she says glaring at tara

" Yeah, I have to gooo" i trail

" Baby cut the act, I know you want me. " She laughs

" What the hell " I ask confused,

But the next thing I know, she kissing me, full on kissing me.

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