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Me, ash and mike, we're all in the car, ashton was asleep. But me and Michael were in panic.

" I can't believe this, there's no way Tara was hit by a car " says Michael, rocking back and again.

" Poor Calum " I said remembering, we were both in the crowd, ashton got us, laughing saying it was the best thing ever .

" I can't, this can't be happening this is all a joke " he says bouncing

" Well you can both find out, we're here " says Tom

" Thank you " we both say getting out, Michael carrying ashton on his shoulder.

We all walk in, and see havoc, we guessed emergency.

I walk up to the little lady at the desk,

" Hello, we're family I guess to Tara hope " I say scratching my neck,

" I'm sorry she's in surgery, I'll have someone come and get you when she's out " says the lady,

" Do you know we're Calum hood is " I ask looking around.

" He was taken to a ward he woke up a minute ago, the police are still grading his room" she says pointing to a room on the end.

" Thank you " I say pointing to Michael to come.

We both head in and see Bruised Calum.

" Cal what happened " I ask shocked

" Stupid, Tara's dad lost it when he saw me, I guess he's still not over are fight, anyway he's been held in a room, for abuse " he laughs, you can tell he's been crying he's all red eyed and puffy.

" What happened " asks Michael setting ash down in a chair

" When she ran out, She went onto a road then boom" He says shaking

" She'll be alright " we both say

" She'll be out in awhile, you have to be there, she'll have no one " He says

" Calum you need to rest your very un easy " says a lady coming in,

" Hello boys, If you could please leave Calum needs to sleep" she says

" Ward 187 " says Calum shaking, before we both leave.

" Wow" I say

" Yeah, I can't believe it, I've never seen Calum so, so shaken up " says Michael

" Where's ashton " I ask, seeing he's not with Michael

"Still in that seat, but I doubt he'll wake up " says Michael

" We should go to Tara's room " I say walking away.

All I can feel is small tears running down my face,

We walk in silence, all the way to her room, it's cut off from the rest of it, the walls are made of glass. We walk thorough the glass doors, and up to a desk.

" Tara hope " Michael says

" She's just come on of surgery, but it's only family " she says looking us up and down.

" Um we, kinda are her family " says Michael

" Alright I guess, you should talk to her doctors to know more about her condition, first room on the left " she says handing us both a pass

" Thanks " he says

We walk there as quickly as we can,, we swipe are cards and enter her room.

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