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I sat there watching the dope, sleep.

" Ash, ash Ashton " I yell waking him up,

" Argh killer head ace, and my bloody back " he says covering his eyes

" That's what happens when you sleep in a chair " I laugh, wow that's the first time Opie laughed in awhile,

" Where the hell am I " he yells sitting up

" in hospital " I say

" What the he'll happened last night, your face " he yells pointing at me, wow way to make me feel good.

" Last night, me and tara found you, well you found us, I went over to get you a drink, when Sarah kissed me, tara saw then ran off, Jack must of got her, then being drunk wanted to get her into bed, I can over, we go pt into the start if a fight, but no one was hurt, then tara yelled at me for kissing Sarah, I was a little drunk so I yelled at her, then she yelled saying she had feelings for me, I yelled at her telling I had feelings for her, then she screamed and ran out, when she ran out " I say, slowly starting to tear up again.

" She, she was hit by a car and now she in here, I don't know how she is, I've been stuck in here, because when I came, Tara's dad had a go at me thinking I did this, and he just kept punching me, that and my nerves from what happened " I say wiping my eyes

" We can tell you go she is " says Luke, walking in. I sit up right away,

" Well, she's had lots if stitches, she got so broken ribs and a broken leg but she's, she's " he says sitting down

" She's in a coma and might not wake up " finishes Michael

" Oh my freaking God " says Ashton

" I wanna see her" I say getting up

" No mate, you can't, her dads in there, they say she might hear you though " says Michael coming to my bed

"I need to get something from home, " I say

" Adams coming later he could pick it up " says Luke

" Tell him to bring my guitar "

TARAS DAD POV, ( um he needs a name, let's go Ryan )


I walk in, and see her laying down

" You have five minutes " says one of the police, I should never of hit that kid, then I could of ended her pain.

" Hey tara, to be honest I don't really know what I'm doing here, I mean it's not like we get along, but if you ever get out I promise I'll make us get along, you'll learn to love the things I do, and all the things I can buy you. " I say rubbing the back of my neck

"Look I promise that. I'll never let you get a away, this is what happens when I let you out, of, of ,my sight, if it makes you feel any better I fired Tom, look I just, just, want you to know I do care" i say walking a way.


We all just sit, waiting, in Calum's room,

" Can I see her " I Ask

" Yeah later, I guess what do you think her dads saying " asks Luke

"I have no idea, so football metaphor or trying to bribe her out of the coma with money " says Michael

" When is Adam getting here " asks Calum, eating his eggs, lucky kid, he gets free food.

" I don't know, he had to talk everyone out of trying to come and get us " says Michael

" I'm going to go get a coffee or what ever this place sells, anyone want anything " I say, getting up,

" Yeah.whatever they have " Says Luke, but Michael just shakes his head.

I walk around the corner and find some little shops, hmmm, oh chocolate.

" Hi can I get um two teas, with like milk, I don't know and 4 chocolate donuts, oh and that big green bear " I say pointing to everything.

"Alright is that all " asks the lady

" Um yes, no, no yes that's all " I say rubbing my head

" That'll be, $57.40 " she says as I hand her the money

"What a rip off " I mutter going to the waiting line

" I know right" says a girl next to me,

" I'm may " she says sticking out her hand

" Ash " I say shaking it, she strongly looked familiar,

" Have we met before " I ask

" Nope, what brings you to a hospital though " she asks, actually I wonder how I did get here

" I don't know what brought me, I woke up in my friends room, but I'm here and staying because me friend, was hit be a car and is now in a coma " I says

" Okayyy, well my twin, sister Skye was hit or bashed up by her boyfriend, so yeah not fun " she says, playing with her ring.

" Skye, Skye woodland " I ask, now knowing who she looks like.

" Yeah do you know her " asks the girl

" Yeah, in fact before yesterday we were dating" I say shocked,

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my sister does move around on guys a lot, not that dress whore but yeah this guy was her longest relationship, if you want I could give you her room number " she says

" Nah it's fine I don't think she would want me there, but if I give you my number can you text me how she goes " I say, we swap numbers and she gets her pie.

" Aye mop boy I've been calling you for a while " says the lunch lady

" Hey, is not a mop, I've just got up, and we're I'm a hospital for Gods sack, it's not like i have all my stuff for my hair, gosh the people today " I say grabbing my tray if food

I walk back to Calum's room, to find Adam pacing,

" Oh my gosh guys guess what " I start

" Oh yeah hey Adam " I say again

" Anyway, I just saw may, in the line, who is Skye's sister and Skye, is in hospital because her ex, like hit her, how weird " I yell

" Who's Skye " asks Adam

" Gosh Adam get with it, it's Ashton's ex " says Michael

" Yeah anyway I got tea and donuts, plus a big green bear tara " I say handing them out

" Her favourite colour is black " says Calum, some people are never happy

" Well then didn't have black, it's a hospital not a grave, and green like green day" I say putting it down.

" What goes on in you head " asks Luke sipping his tea

" Anyway Calum your a loud to go home today" says Adam

" can I go see tara today "he says getting up,

" I guess, but boys, you can't just stay her moping over some girl" he starts but we all cut him off.

" She's not just some girl " we all say

" Boys, come on its a bug time in your career "he starts

" I'm not leaving till she wakes up" says Calum

" Calum you'll have to, let's think straight here"

"I don't wanna go till I know she's okay, she's my drummer buddy" I say crossing my arms

" Yeah, she's my tee " says Michael doing the same, yeah I start trends

" We have same clothes and she is the one who got me with my girl friend" says Luke

" Wait Luke has a girl friend. " Me and Adam ask

" Guys yeah, he's with Kat " says Michael

" Boys I have to get to work, someone has to take car of your band, look, think about this " Adam says

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