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He's kissing her, she's kissing him, Calum hood is kissing Sarah, the girl that hates me. And I kinda hate back, all I can feel is water rushing down my face.

" whoa go Calum " whistles ashton next to me.

" Look at her she's a babe" he says, getting up.

All I can do is push he banana butt down, " jerk" I whisper but not for ash for Calum, ash is drunk Calum is, a dick.

I push past, ignoring all the people calling my name.

" Tee" I hear, automatically I know it's Mikey.

I don't even want to talk to him, he'll probably make fun of me, for likening Calum.

" Babe don't cry " says so,some grabbing my arm, I look up to see Jack, ARGH the last person I need.

" Tara" I can here Calum call

" Let me go "I say looking into his eyes

" No, no more games, let's go up stairs " he says grabbing me

" No let me go you perv, I don't want to have sex with you " I yell, tugging but his grip is to hard.

" Let her go Jack " says Calum, behind me, I know it's him just from his voice.

" What do you care what happens to her" Jack yells , finally letting me go, we'll fall to the ground.

" Cause she's, she's my friend " he stutters

" Yeah, friend, so she'll be find, now leave pretty boy " Jack says turning his hands into fists

" No, I'm not going to let you take tara " Calum yells

" Alright then " says Jack taking a swing, which Calum doges

Soon Calum goes for when the sun don't shine, and Jack groans.

" Alright no fights in this house, it cost over a million " yells Sarah jumping in between.

" Fine she wasn't worth is anyway bitch " yells Jack, storming off

" You alright " asks Calum coming over to me to give me a hand

" No I'm not, I don't need you help I'm sure Sarah does somewhere " I spit helping my self up.

" What Sarah " he asks confused, what does take me for an idiot, I blind idiot.

" The kiss, Calum I saw it " I scream

" I'm pretty sure everyone did " I laugh

" What we kissing why do you care " he asks, mad

" Are you that stupid" I yell, now lots of people are around us.

" What tara, what cause I'm done with this shit " he yells

Oh boy

" I like you Calum, gosh I have since I first met you, but who cares cause you done with this shit, my shit so go f*** off " I scream

And Calum steps back. The steps forward

" Tara your, your so annoying, your sick a brat, all you want is attention, but guess what, I like you to, and I never was able to tell you cause you were with Jack, oh so what did you like m then, I was always always there, always . I really like you, so you can go F off " he yells back.

What he likes me. All I do is scream, scream out.

" I was only with Jack to get over you " I yells before running out. Right now, I reckon its alright to run away from you problems

I just keep running, I run out the door, and outside, then on to the road.

The next thing I know, I hear a loud screech and everything went black.

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