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I just lay there watching her sleep, it's kinda creepy but you know...

She's so beautiful, even like this, she's, amazing.

" It's hard to sleep, when you have a dude watching you " she mumbles.

" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry " I say

" Shhhhh, is there food " she asks opening her eyes.

" Yeah lunch should be here soon, it's 2 " I say

" Hmm, when did you wake up " she says trying to sit up,

" 1, and you should sit up, it won't help you ribs " I say helping her,

" Who needs ribs anyway, I'm bored this place is boring " she yells laying back down

" You have only be awake what less then a day, tell that to me, I've lived here" I say getting off the bed

" Yeah well, I didn't force you too, but it's sweet, that you did that " she says smiling,

" If you want I could get a doctor to tell you when you can leave " I say laughing

" yes, please, but stay I don't want to be alone " she says looking around

" Hospitals creep me out " she whispers.

" Lunch " yells an old lady coming in, with a trolly

" What would you like, we have chicken, fish and beef "

" Ummmm, what are the kids means " she says looking in the tray

" Chicken nuggets with Chips, mash and beans " she says

" I'll take that " tara says smiling,

" With jelly, ice cream or fruit " she finishes

" Ummm can I get all, please " tara says doing puppy dog eyes, and God she looked cute

" As you wish, lemon add I'm guessing " the lady says

" You know me so well already " tara says getting all her food on a tray

" Thank you " she calls out, biting in a chicken nugget

" Your so crazy " I laugh

" Yeah well I don't want my mash or beans, you can have them and one chip also the fruit " she says putting then on a plate

" I feel so hounded " I laugh taking them

" You should, this is hospital food, known to be one of the worst on the planet " tara says dipping a nugget into ice cream.

What the, why would you do that.

" It's surprisingly good, " she says

" OKAY IVE GOT GOOD NEWS" yells Michael running in,

" Ohhh what " says tara , opening her jelly.

" Okay, well I asked cause they were all to chicken, to talk to a doctor " says ashton

" No it's not that it's just, he was yelling at some little kid for running and it scared me " says Luke, going pink.

" Okay well, cause you dads loaded as, they have been able to give you this drug, to help your vines grow, you head is still healing but as long as you don't get dizzy that's fine, now um your ribs, they are fine, your leg it's a broken leg, so they are .... Giving you a wheel chair and if you cope you can go home " screams Michael

" Hang on can we just, I think that's the most, important, medical thing that Michael has ever said " I laugh clapping, but really I was over the moon, she can come home.

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