💜𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕨𝕠💜

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ryujin sniffled, she hugged her legs closer to her chest, she's been crying all night.. her heart hurts so much. her eyes are red and puffy, her nose is stuffy, but she doesn't want to do anything about either...

-five hours before-

"hello...?" ryujin answers her phone skeptically, wondering who in the world is calling her at five in the morning- but don't question why she's up at five a.m. she's a stud lesbian, you know she just plays video games 24/7

she hears the person on the other end sniffle, before they ask quietly, "t-this is ryujin right?" ryujin recognizes that voice.. "jisu unnie??" she says in shock. yes, she might be a bad human being, but she still is respectful to those who are older than her.

jisu sounds like she's trying not to sob, she responds, "yeah... r-ryujin..

c-chaeryeong's been kidnapped!!"

ryujins entire world had stopped as soon as those words left jisus mouth.

ryujins mouth went agape as she dropped her phone, her eyes widened. she doesn't know how to feel, her chaechae... her bestfriend.. had been kidnapped...

she grabs her phone and stutters out quickly, "h-how? wha- w-when unnie!??" jisu cries more as she continues her previous statement, "s-she.. she was at heejins home, they were having a sleepover...." ryujins heart broke at those words, but she tried to continue listening, "a-and then heejin calls us at eleven, telling c-chaeryeong was missing and she couldn't find h-her.."

ryujin tries not to show her brokenness in her voice as she asks, "s-so... why did you call me?" jisu sniffles again as she replies, "w-well.. yuna thought about how you always are with c-chaeryeong, she's too upset s-so she wanted me to tell you..."

how she always is around chaeryeong? what does that even mean? she wondered...

before hanging up the phone, ryujin mumbled, "alright.. g-goodbye jisu unnie..." she hung up before jisu had the chance to say anything back.

she sobbed loudly as her phone dropped to the floor, her body fell numb onto her matress as the tears rushed down her face.

she was crying so much- she couldn't contain the loud sobs that were leaving her mouth.


she screams.

she screamed as her eyes flooded with tears.

she screamed all of her frustration out, all of the built up anger she's been keeping hidden away for all these months. all of the anger that's accrued from her stupid ways of treating chaeryeong, as well as the whole dating denise and not telling chaeryeong who she is... her entire love life is a mess, and that upset her. hence the screaming-

"yaH SHIN RYUJIN!!" her mother yelled as she runs into ryujins bedroom, planning to see her daughter screaming at a video game, but instead she finds her daughter crying into her pillow..

concern leaks her mothers voice as she says quietly, "oh ryujin...." she walks over to ryujin and hugs her...

ryujin isn't one to enjoy affection, but she's in a vulnerable state right now, so she just needed her mother to be as close as possible.

ryujin had calmed down slightly, so her mother took that as an opportunity to ask her what was wrong.. ryujin sniffled and tried not to cry again as she mumbled, "....well.. c-chaeryeong... s-she went missing-" her mothers eyes widened, she knows how much chaeryeong means to ryujin...

she didn't want to question anymore, so she just continued to hug her daughter, because when you're sad, other than friends / a lover, all that can help is a mothers hug.

it's been two days

ryujin is not doing well.. but who would be when their long time crush has just gone missing?

she looks dead.

she feels dead.

she's absolutely miserable..

she can't eat, she hasn't even been able to get up from her bed.

her mother has been trying to get her to at least get up to use the bathroom or drink some water, and she's trying to convince ryujin that chaeryeong will be okay... but ryujin won't listen.

it's one of these situations, where the facts are causing any optimism to drown in the pessimism.

all she's been able to think about is if chaeryeongs okay, what is she thinking about? where is she? who took her?

it's cold.

i can't see anything, i don't have a blindfold on, but it's really dark in here.

i've been trying to listen to the sounds around me, hoping i'll hear something that can help me figure out where i am.

earlier i heard a car.. and there's been a few sounds that sounded like wind.... but i'm not too sure of anything.

i've been trying to not overthink or be pessimistic, because that's what me and my therapist have been going over... i've been having to tell myself, "it's going to be okay!! you'll make it out of here!" "it's all going to be okay" i really tried to stay positive... but knowing my kidnapper, i can't help but think i won't make it out of here..

tears fill my eyes, i'm crying alot now...

the door opens, i very quickly lie down and pretend to be asleep, as i'm on a bed...

he sits on the edge, and holds onto my leg softly. "i made you dinner... it's your favorite~" i just continue to pretend to he asleep, i don't want to see his ugly face ..

he sighs and lightly hits my thigh lightly, mumbling something like "i'll leave your plate out for you" before i hear him leave the small room.

i tear up and try to silence my tears... i always hated him. i knew he shouldn't have married my.... sister. he's such a horrible human being.

how the hell did he get out of prison?

how did he find me?

can i not just live a normal life for a singular year?!

i was finally happy, finally. after years of pain and suffering, i found her.

heejin, someone who was good to me and actually cared about me.

and now she's been taken away from me

...more so i've been taken away from her.. but you get the idea.

does the universe hate me that much?!!!

chaeryeong cried herself to sleep. even if her stepfather had made her food and was trying to be a good kidnapper(?) she didn't want to see him, and she especially didn't want to eat his food that was probably drowned in alchohol or poisoning.

she wouldn't admit this... but.. she was hoping ryujin would find her.

not heejin, her soon-to-be-girlfriend, ryujin.

the girl she doesn't know was her missing bestfriend.

/small filler chapter i'm sorry guys T^T/

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