💜𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖💜

220 19 12

blah blah blah?


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chaeryeong felt guilty. when heejin touched her leg, she flinched and moved away, closer into ryujins embrace.

she saw the way heejins eyes went wide with shock, then down into sadness.. she didn't know what happened, but over the last few weeks, she started realizing maybe she hadn't been in love with heejin.. maybe she was in love with ryujin the whole time.




she gasped.
everyone looked at her, wondering what happened. her eyes welled up in tears as she looked to ryujin. the look on her face, ryujin immediately knew what she was thinking... "you finally remembered.." she whispered. she grabbed chaeryeongs hand and took her outside, leaving heejin to explain to the other girls what the heck was going on.

"why- wHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!?" chaeryeong yells as ryujin shuts the back door, she's so overcome with grief and shock and so many overwhelming emotions.
ryujin isn't even shocked that she yelled, she expected this reaction from the other girl.

she holds onto chaeryeongs hands, and even though the younger girl tries to pull away, she doesn't let her go.
"i was scared chae. i was scared if i told you something would happen and we wouldn't make it. we promised we would find each other, and i was scared i'd lose you again after just finding you- i also promised that i would protect you no matter what, so i did that from the side lines. i told people talking about you to fuck off, i'd look at you around school and when we were at yunas to make sure you were okay. i just... i don't know and i am so sorry -"

she began to ramble, not knowing what all to say, or if she was saying the right things. chaeryeongs anger had completely cooled down by the end of her rambling, and she even began feeling bad...

so she looked ryujin in her eyes, held her face softly, and kissed her. she didn't have a reason to really, she just wanted to kiss ryujin.. and she had a feeling she's been wanting to do that for a very long time.

ryujin was shocked when she felt chaeryeongs lips on hers, but she didn't push the younger girl away, not at all no no no- she pulled her closer🙊.

it didn't get too heated, but they were two very happy girls whenever they broke apart.


heejin watched them from the kitchen window. she was happy that chaeryeong found her love, but her heart still ached for all the lovable memories they shared.





ryujin and chaeryeong talked everything out, and even discussed some of their old memories together. they decided they had been outside for too long, and went back inside.

"yah- took you guys long enough!!" jisu states as they close the back door. all of the girls are looking at them, and it makes chaeryeong blush as she tries to hide behind ryujin-

ryujin, knowing chaeryeong was embarrassed, quickly changed the subject by saying, "what should we have for dinner?"

heejin was annoyed that chaeryeong never answered her question. she wanted to know what happened, how she got out, why she came to ryujin... she just wanted answers. but she didn't say anything, too scared to make chaeryeong upset or ryujin anger.

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