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Ryujins pov

I slowly walked to the new girl, looking back at my 'friends' who were smirking while mouthing 'do it'

I hate bullying people.. but i cant let the word get out that I'm lesbian... ive got bullied before because of that.. i wished I had my chaechae with me..

I ignore the questions from her friends who I think the names are yuna and jisu? And I roughly pin her to the lockers, she looks at me wide eyed and starts to tense up

I want to tell her I'm sorry but I cant let my soft side show ((even though it already has before UwU))

So I look at her with a sharp glare and say "new girl, I know you were crying the other week to make me pity you and not mess with you. But that's not how I roll, you stupid b**ch"

I saw her whimper and start to cry..

Wait a minute..

She looks exactly like chaechae..

What the..

I ignore that thought and say "shut up you cry baby!" As I slam my hand on the locker behind us. She jumped and started to sob. Her friend yuna I think pushed me away while saying "LEAVE HER ALONE RYUJIN!"

The new girl slowly slid down the locker and put her hands over her ears and started shaking her head violently while mumbling something.. what's wrong with her.. I looked at her wide eyed as yuna and lia i think rushed down to her saying things like "shhh calm down.." "its okay.."

Yuna looked up at me while hugging the new girl and said "GO AWAY!" I slighly jumped but slowly walked away, watching the new girl

Warning⚠️: small mention of self harm & large memories of sexual assault

Wait... is that cuts on her arm?!

Chaeryeongs pov

I started crying as Ryujin called me that mean word..

' you stupid b**ch'

She slammed her arm on the locker behind us and yelled "shut up you cry baby!" That made me start to sob


I slid down the lockers and held my arms over my ears and started shaking my head violently while mumbling "no.. stop it.. leave me alone.." while sobbing

Yuna and Jisu unnie rushed to me and started telling me its okay and not to cry.. I cant stop thinking of it though..

'Such a beautiful body'

'You obey me only, you slut'


Yunas pov

My eyes widen as Chaeryeong unnie starts to shake alot and starts yelling "N-NO!! STOP IT! P-PLEASE!" in a broken voice

I quickly hug her and say "shhh unnie! I-it's okay!! I'm right here!" She doesnt yell again but slowly lays her head on my shoulder and hugs me tight while sobbing more and still is shaking violently, I just hold her and rub her back

Students are watching us so lia unnie stands up and yells "MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" the students instantly go away, she looks at us and mouths 'I'm gonna go get the nurse' I nod and look back at Chaeryeong unnie, shes still sobbing but not as bad as before..

I wonder what made this happen...

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