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"chaeryeongieee unniee~" yuna said in a baby voice as she back hugged chaeryeong, who looked up at her in slight shock while asking "yes yuna?" yuna gives her a bigger baby voice and asks back, "will you pleeeease go with me to yeonjun oppa's party with me this weekend~ huening kai is going to be there!!"

yeji and jisu's eyes widen at Yunas question, jisu pulls yuna by the shirt over to them two and whisper yells to her, "yuna!! why would you ask that?! you know she's had trauma involving alchohal!!" chaeryeong hears them though and starts to think about it, trying to not remember the memories..

she spaces out and stares at her food as she starts thinking of everything... "i-i need to use the restroom.." she mumbles as she runs to the farthest bathroom from the cafeteria, which happened to be the bathroom on the third floor by the roof door

she rushes into the corner stall, slowly sliding down the wall as all of the memories involving alchohol....

until she hears a gentle knock on the door.. she sniffles and looks up as she hears a girl with a deep voice say, "hello... i hear you in there.. i-i don't know what's wrong but i'm here if you want someone to talk to?"

chaeryeong sniffles again and gets up to unlock the door, seeing another pretty girl with straight brown and blond highlighted hair smiling at her sadly

the other girl waves and says "h-hi... i'm heejin!! i saw you run up here and you seemed upset.. so i-i wanted to check on you.." chaeryeong slighly nods back and mumbles, "i-i'm  chaeryeong.. but i-it's nothing i'm fine!!"

heejin didn't seem very convinced at all so she held chaeryeongs hands as she said sweetly "tell you what, iiif you tell me what's wrong, i'll.. treat you for lunch at my friends cafe!!" chaeryeong thought she would shake and try to pull away at heejins touch, but she wasn't even slightly scared..

so she just nodded and let the other drag(not really) her out of school to this cafe she's talking about.

they did indeed pass by ryujin and her friend group, and chaeryeong saw her.. glare? at heejin- but she shrugged it off as heejin started speaking, "so my friend group.. there are twelve of us- and uh i can tell you're probably very shy so you can just stand behind me the whole time!! w-we're really chaotic!!! but it's quite a walk so... mind telling me what was upsetting you?"

chaeryeong found it kind of cute how the other was rambling, but she nods and starts to say "w-well.. my friend said something that... triggered¿? some of my past memories from my childhood trauma.." as she laughed nervously

though she wasn't expecting it, chaeryeong feels heejin hug her gently, while mumbling in her husky voice "i-i'm so sorry chaeryeong... i-i didn't know.." chaeryeong almost started crying at how much heejin cared.. so she hugs heejin back as she says "h-hey it's okay!! i-i'm okay now!!!"

heejin pulled away and pouted, not very convinced, but she saw chaeryeongs smile and pulled away, slightly surprized she hugged a girl who she just met..

after a few minutes, they made it to the cafe. and heejin wasn't lying, it did seem very chaotic- there were six girls sitting at two tables that were made to fit two people talking and screaming alot- four girls appeared to be busily running around handing out food, and then there was a single girl making all of the drinks and getting desserts out-

heejin sighed and whispered to chaeryeong "i am so sorry about them..." chaeryeong giggles and nods while whispering back "i-it's okay!! my friends are like this too" while smiling at heejin, who almost had a heart attack from the cuteness-

once heejins friends noticed their arrival, all eleven of them rush in front of heejin and one of them with short brown hair and pretty bear eyes asks, "who is this heejin?" heejin bLuShEs as she replies "this is my new friend chaeryeong!! everyone introduce yourselves"

the other eleven get in a straight[HA- NOT EVEN CLOSE BRUH-] line and begin to introduce themselves,

"hello i'm haseul!!"

"hi i'm vivi~"

"i'm sooyoung but you can call me yves"

"hey there i'm jinsoul!! this is my girlfriend jungeun or kimlip~"

"hiiii i'm jiwoo but you can call me chuu!!"

"hello there i'm hyunjin.."

"hii i'm chaewon slash gowon~~"

"hello i'm olivia hye or hyejoo!!"

"and i'm choerry and this is my baby yeojin!!"


after the long introduction, for the most part chaeryeong remembered everyone's names- all of the girls sit down together, chaeryeong sitting in the corner behind heejin as all thirteen of them talked about random stuff

occasionally they'd ask chaeryeong stuff like 'so what's your favorite color' 'what do you do in your free time' and stuff like that just to get to know her better


it was a fun day!! chaeryeong got all of the girls numbers and after they said goodbye, heejin bought chaeryeong some cake and boba and walked her home!

once they made it to chaeryeongs house.. chaeryeong turned to heejin and smiled as she said "t-that was a fun afternoon!! t-thank you heejin unnie.." 

heejin smiles at her and says "no problem!! it seemed like you really needed someone to cheer you up! but.. i would like to see you again so.... is there a chance we can go to that party that's happening this saturday?"

chaeryeong, not wanting to disappoint the cute girl, quietly replied "a-as long as we don't have to drink alcohol i-i'm okay with it!!" heejin smiles at her and hugs her quickly as she says "eeek!! thank you~~ i'll see you then!" before she walks away, leaving the other girl slightly flustered

chaeryeong sighs and mumbles to herself 'looks like i'll be going to that party after all..'

as soon as she walks into the house, her three bestfriends run up and tackle her as yuna yells "WHO WAS THAT?! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL AFTERNOON?!!!??" chaeryeong winches at the screech, and she stands up and sighs as there's no getting out of this conversation..
after much explaining and screaming, yuna chants out "CHAERYEONG UNNIE HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!!" the other three girls winch at her screaming, but soon chaeryeong realizes what she said and says "n-no i don't!!!"

let's just say, the four girls had a very eventful evening-


you guys are getting all of the updates today ekdhdjej- honestly i might have another two updates tonight😅😅 i am just very motivated to write HAHA- so yeahhh

also holy crap 3k reads now WOW- thank you guys so much💗💗💞💞💞💞🌌🌌💗🌌💗 it makes me really happy you guys enjoy this book:3!!!

but uhhh that's all!

i love you my baby potatos muah

bye byee~

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