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eejin feels so horrible... she's been just as bad as ryujin has veen these last few days, except she's blaming herself.

she thinks if she had done something more, held chaeryeong closer to her or locked the bedroom door, that this wouldn't have happened.

"it wasn't your fault heejin ah..." sooyoung mumbles as she tries to calm the younger down, but heejin isn't calming down.. how could she? her crush got kidnapped out of her own bedroom.

yeojin pouts and hugs heejin, holding onto her as she mumbles, "it'll all be alright unnie.." heejin sighs and hugs the younger female back, patting her head softly.

currently, heejin is staying at sooyoung and jiwoo's house, and all of their other friends are here too.

they've all been comforting her for the last few days, but she can't help but continuously think this is her fault-

someone had begun slamming on the door.... heejin sniffles and looked up, watching as sooyoung went to open the door.

"where the hell is she." ryujin asks harshly, as she enters the house, not asking permission or even talking to sooyoung.

heejin tensed up, immideately knowing it's ryujin from her voice.. 'what's she doing here?!' she thought to herself, getting anxious as to why the girl who likes her chaeryeong is here

"heejin. outside, now." ryujin says sternly as she finds heejin in the living room, in between ten of her friends. jiwoo tried to not let heejin go, knowing that this would probably result in some crying, but jinsoul stopped her, heejin and ryujin needed to talk.. about chaeryeong, about their feelings for chaeryeong..

so heejin stood up, and followed ryujin to sooyoung and jiwoo's front porch.

she sniffled, looking to the brigh moon as she mumbled, "h-how'd you find me here?" ryujin looked at her, replying quietly, "yuna said you'd probably be here--" heejin gives her a confused look, so she continues, "...yuna is friends with jiwoo i guess-"

this was starting to look and sound kind of like a kdrama, like one of the really dramatic end scenes where the two male leads who are in love with the female lead have an arguement, or mature talk, depending on the drama-

ryujin sighs. she was trying not to blow up and yell at heejin right now, because she has been bottling up her anger for the last few days... but she knows this wasn't heejins fault.

"look- i- i know this wasn't your fault... you had no way of knowing some creep would decide to come snatch her up at midnight.. so don't blame yourself.

we need to work together with the cops to help find her."

heejin was honestly shocked, ryujin has never sounded so mature and sincere.. she very quickly nodded though. she sniffled once more, trying not to cry at remembering chaeryeong is missing. she closes her eyes, sighing, before she quietly replies, "y-yeah.. you're right. she'll want us looking for her as well." ryujin nodded, she was about to turn around and leave, but heejin stopped her as she got the courage to ask,

"do you have feelings for chaeryeong?"




...this was awkward-

heejin and ryujin are both sitting down on the steps of the porch, trying to communicate about how they feel for chaeryeong, and their opinions of each other,,

ryujin looks around, thinking about her answer for a moment..


me and chaeryeong were bestfriends when we were little, i don't know if she ever told you abotut her bestfriend when she was younger, she often refered to me as 'ryuryu', but yeah.. we promised each other we would find each other again, i promised her i would find her.

so.... yes. yes i do. i've always had feelings for her, and i probably always will."

that was like a bullet to the heart for heejin. she did know about chaeryeongs old friend, who yes she did call ryuryu, and after looking through the photo albums and stuff, she did begin to connect the dots that maybe ryujin and 'ryuryu' were indeed the same person.

she didn't know how to handle the information though.. ryujin, the girl who's seemed like she was trying to get with chaeryeong since the day she and chaeryeong met, does have feelings for her.

"well.. i think she likes you back" heejin says dully as she laughs, sarcasm leaking the laugh. ryujins eyes widen as she shockingly replies, "b-but.. she's with you-"

heejin nods, laughing again. she couldn't believe she was about to talk about this with ryujin- "she is.. she is. but i think- i think i was some what of a rebound to her..

the poor girl had just been moved out of an abusive home, before which she lost her mother AND her bestfriend. and suddenly she meets this girl who's funny and cares about her--

but i've seen the way she looks at you. i see how her eyes sparkle when she sees you walking down the hall or someone mentions your name."

"she loves you ryujin."

'unnie... i miss you.. i wish i could've found out who you really were before you left me. i know you didn't mean to leave, it wasn't your choice.' chaeryeong was thinking to herself as she tried not to cry... she misses her big sister, she misses her adoptive parents, she misses yuna and jisu and yeji, she misss heejin and her friends, and most of all.... ryujin.

she misses ryujin so much.

she doesn't know why though..

she just misses the way the older girl hugged her, or the soft way she spoke to her compared to others,, she missed everything about ryujin.

"..chaeryeong baby?" she hears him mumble from behind the door as he knocks on it, chaeryeong begins to shake as she quickly lies down, covering herself in the small blanket he's given her, to look like she's asleep.

hearing the door unlock and open, she shuts her eyes as tightly as she can, in hopes he'll think that she's asleep..

"i know you're not asleep baby girl. you haven't eaten since you got here, you really need to..." he mumbles as he stands at the edge of her bed, she doesn't flinch though. 'please leave me alone please leave me alone please leave me alone' she chants, hoping he'll leave soon.

he didn't leave though. she could feel his awful gaze on her as he just stood there. she doesn't know why he's just.. standing there, but he is. and she didn't like it.

after a while of him just standing there, she shakily mumbles, "l-leave me alone.... i-i don't want to eat." it took her so much courage and bravery to say that, even if it was just a simple eight words..

her stepfather sighed, she heard his footsteps walk away from her bed as he replied, "alright.. let me know when you get an appetite, i wouldn't want you dying on me now" she didn't reply, she just stared at the wall and tried not to cry as he closed the door.

'being dead would be better than this...' she thought to herself as the tears bursted out of her eyes.

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