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[this message was brought to you on may 1st] guys my stepmom just pulled up not shy and wannabe dance practices, and while she was watching the girls dance i was dancing to everything for fun and she was heavily shocked when she saw i could do the dances almost perfectly 💀💀 i don't know whether to be embarrassed or happy-


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"w-what ryujin unnie?" denise asks as she looks at ryujin with shocked eyes, ryujin raises an eyebrow and repeats her question, "...will you be my girlfriend denise?"

denise looks at alex with shocked eyes and an agape mouth, before looking back at ryujin and yelling with a voice crack, "oNE MOMENT UNNIE-" before she grabs alex's arm and rushes out of the entry way, into the kitchen

ryujin stands there awkwardly, she then decides to eavesdrop on the two girls who are trying to talk quietly:

"she just asked me to be her girlfriend unnie!!"

"i don't know denise.. that seems a little suspicious and out of the blue...."

"what?! you know i've had a crush on her for years!!! are you saying i should reject her!?"

"i-i don't know! you know how much of a jerk and bad person she is, she'll probably just be with you for a week and then break up with you."

as ryujin listened, she started to feel guilty for all of the bad things she's done... she's been so mean and harsh in the past, people have gotten the wrong idea about her..

this all happened because she was alone.... without her bestfriend... and now she has her back, but her chaechae doesn't remember or care about her.

she sighs and continues to listen in on the other two's conversation:

"...no she won't!! i've known her for years!"

"denise please!!!! i don't think this is a good idea...i don't trust her.."

denise huffs and walks out of the kitchen, ryujin hurries back to her previous spot to not look suspicious, and she raised an eyebrow again as she crossed her arms, giving denise a questioning look

the taller[i'm sorry i want to see these two standing together- same with denise and alex dENISE SEEMS SO TALL COMPARED TO THEM-] nervously sighed and played with her fingers as she mumbled "w-will you break my heart unnie?"

ryujins eyes widened at the question. does dumping her as soon as chaeryeong realises her feelings for ryujin count as breaking her heart? probably not, right?

so she shook her head and walked over to denise and said softly, "no... i won't. i genuinely want to be with you denise" denise smiled happily as she hugged ryujin while whisper-yelling, "yes yes yes!!!" ryujin smiles slightly at the younger, giving her a pat on the back because she doesn't like hugs

ryujin did however see alex with her arms crossed, glaring at ryujin with a death gaze before she mouthed, "hurt denise and i'll hurt you." while sliding her thumb across her neck and pointing at ryujin, basically saying she'll kill ryujin if she does anything bad to denise. ryujin did feel threatened so she just nervously nodded, continuing to pat denise's back as the younger was still hugging her

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