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Yuna sits down next to the pretty bear looking one and pats the seat next to her- I quickly sit down and she starts introducing them, she says "that's jisu unnie! But she likes to be called lia, that's yeji unnie and her twin brother, Hyunjin oppa! Their all older than us as well"

I memorized everyone's names and smile while waving and saying "hi... I'm Chaeryeong.." the one named Lia unnie quickly stood up and squshed my cheeks while saying "aahhh you're so cuteee!! Yuna you did good this time~" yuna laughs and says sassily "I know I did! Hmph" I just smile while blushing at lia unnie

We all talk until class starts (or more so they talk about me and ask about mE which made me blush aLoT)

The bell rings and yuna says "Chaeryeong unnie! You have first period with hyunjin oppa! Hyunjinie you'll make sure shes okay in class.. right?" Hyunjin seemed distracted so yuna flicks his forehead and says "RIGHT?!" Hyunjin then pouts while rubbing his head but quickly nods as yuna looks scary when shes angry, I just giggle at the two. I'm glad I already have friends!

Me and hyunjin walk to first period in silence((caw caw caw)) until he clears his throat and says "so Chaeryeong.. were not gonna be able to sit together cause I'm gonna sit with my boyfriend.. will you be okay?" I quickly reply "AWW that's so cuteee!! Yes I'll be perfectly fine!!" While nodding vigorously

We get into the class and he walks to where I presume his boyfriend is and I go to the teacher and say "uh hello there.. I'm the new student Chaeryeong" he smiles at me and says "hello Ms Chaeryeong! I'm Mr. Song but you can call me mingi as I'm sure I'm not that older than you!" He seems nice.. so I smile and nod while saying "o-okay Mr Mingi! But w-where can I sit?"

He makes a 'hmm' sound as he looks around the room before sighing and saying "I'm sorry.. but you have to sit in the back next to.. ryujin" I fake smile and say "i-its okay!! But t-thank you" And quickly rush to the back of the class.

He starts the lecture and about half way through a girl busted into the room with pretty short blue hair. She doesnt even give an excuse and starts walking towards me... I guess that's the Ryujin everyone's been telling me about..

I mentally sigh and say to myself 'I miss ryuryu...' the Ryujin walks up to me and eyes me while saying "yo, why you sitting in my seat" I mentally sigh and mumble "i-im new and Mr Mingi s-said this is where I h-have to sit... i-im sorry..." she looks at me with pity for a second before ignoring me and sitting beside me.. phew...

I think she was staring at me during class..

After class is over I quickly walk out and go to my locker, and attempt to get my English book- but I get distracted by the pictures of me and her I had put on my locker earlier.. I miss her so much.. I start to tear up before my locker is slammed closed and I was turned around


She looks down at me

((Yes Chaeryeong is still shorter than Ryujin in this book >:] ))

And says "listen new girl. I'm the boss of this school. You listen to ME and ME only. Got it?!" I whimpered but nodded quickly. Theres no way shes my ryuryu.. ryuryu wouldnt be like this....

She smirks and says "good." Before walking away. Yuna and Lia unnie rush to me and look at me worryingly. Yuna quickly says "unnie.. you need to be careful.." I look at her confused, Lia unnie continues yunas sentence "you're her next target.. she always says those things to her new victims"

My eyes widened and I mumble "w-what will she d-do..?" They look worried before yuna said "no one ever knows.. its always different.. be careful unnie.." I nod vigorously..

I hope this Ryujin doesnt hurt me...

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