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Where the heck did the month go holy carp I'm so sorry for not updating-

Chaeryeong wakes up around ten, it's a Saturday, and sees a message from hanse

Hey there Chaeryeong-sii!! Sejun hyung is busy today and Byunghcan needs to work on his project so I was wondering if we could meet up now?

Sure! Where would you like to meet up?

Really anywhere is fine for me, but I know this nice boba shop that's close to school if you'd like to go there? It's called moomoo's cafe!

That's fine!! I know that cafe too, But... I've never been good at art, what am I supposed to bring?

I have plenty of art stuff!!!
Lets just meet up at 12ish?
Also, Byunghcan is bringing his partner and we'll all four work on this project together!

That's finee! And okay I'll see you then!

She put her phone down and began to get ready for her meetup with hanse, it's not like she needed to look good but she was also meeting one of his boyfriends and his partner, she completely forgot about byungchans partner being ryujin..

She decided on a lime/yellow tshirt with some black jeans- she quickly showered and got ready, trying to be quiet though as to not wake up yuna or her parents.

She grabbed her phone and tiny backpack, she wrote Yuna a small note telling her where she would be,

And lefted for the cafe.


Chaeryeong soon got there, not even realizing it's still only eleven.. she decided to get some boba and some dessert while she waited

"Hello there!! How may I help you?" A girl with pretty long blue curly hair said as she smiled sweetly at Chaeryeong, "h-hi!! May I get a strawberry boba tea and a slice of chocolate cake?" The other female smiled at her and said "sure thing! Just go find a seat and I'll get you your order soon!!" Chaeryeong nodded and found a both by the window, hoping that hanse would see her when he got there

A few minutes passed and soon a small tray was put in front of her, she looked up and saw the same blue haired girl, "here's your order ma'am! Enjoy~" the girl said before she ran back to the counter

Chaeryeong silently eats her cake and drinks her boba, before she hears the bell ring, signaling someone walked in.

She looks up and sees the same short blue-haired female she definitely did not want to see. Ryujin looks around and sees Chaeryeong, and begins walking over to her

Chaeryeong panics and tries to avert her eyes to the scenery outside, but it didnt work as ryujin still sat in front of her and said "sup. Didnt expect you to be here" Chaeryeong blushes at her very beautiful face but clears her throat and says, "I'm waiting for my art partner and his boyfriend." Ryujin raised an eyebrow and said, "well so am I"

The realization suddenly hit Chaeryeong, she sighed heavily and closed her eyes as she said "I'm guessing Byungchan is your partner?" Ryujin nods and Chaeryeong sighs once more

"I guess we're stuck together all day then because Hanse is my partner." She says as she sighs ONCE MORE. Ryujin just smirks and stares at her

"You know, you're really cute" Ryujin states out of the blue- Chaeryeong blushes and replies "pfft no I'm not" ryujin knits her eyebrows together in confusion as she says "well I don't know who told you that but I think you're cute so you best believe you are." As she looks at Chaeryeong with a very scary look

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