Six months of hell.
Izuku woke up in a hospital room, looking around and seeing no one but himself, in the mirror across the room. He sighed and got off the bed, got into his uniform, walked to the door, and left the room.
He heard doctors calling him back but didn't listen. He couldn't let some dumb suffocation end his hero training. He left the hospital and walked down the street only to see fire and explosions. There was a crowd of people, a few heroes, and...The villain from the rooftop!?
Izuku cursed under his breath and moved closer, pushing people out of the way with a light shove and moved to the front. He saw a boy from his school trapped in the sludge villain's slime. 'Wait...Ash blonde spikey hair...Crimson red eyes..vulgar attitude..and an explosion quirk.' Izuku knew now, he realized the boy from his first day at Junior High was really the boy from his first day of life itself.
"Kacchan.." He mumbled. The crowd gasped as the boy let out his wings subconsciously, nearly hitting people. He flew into the air and plucked one large feather from each wing. The feathers went hard, sharp, and cold as Izuku flew down to the villain, aiming his feathers.
He threw the feathers into both eyes of the villain and directed them back into his hands, cutting through the sludge and pulling Katsuki out. He placed Katsuki down and ran at the villain. He heard people cheering and some shouts of 'stop' or 'is this kid suicidal or something!?' from the heroes.
He sliced through the villain with his feathers in a X like motion, bringing both of his arms down at the same time and cutting an 'x' into the slime only for it to disappear.
Out of nowhere the boy jumped back and All Might punched the villain, screaming 'Detroit Smash'.
Izuku ran to his childhood friend and pulled him close, he checked for a pulse and realized the boy was only sleeping. Izuku let out a breath of relief and some heroes came to him and scolded him. "It's not like you did anything. At Least I stalled time for 'Mister-big-shot' over there to get here and finish the job." Izuku spat out, interrupting the heroes.
"Now hold on! Our quirks aren't suited for-"
"What, you can't punch a villain in the eye? I thought people like you would know to look for a villain's weaknesses, like, I dunno, the only human part of his body that doesn't just suck things up or not feel pain?" He said, pulling Katsuki closer and digging his head into the boy's neck. "Just go away and find some other kid to criticize."
The heroes sighed and left the boy, bottling up the villain, literally. "Kacchan...I can't believe I actually saw you again.." Izuku whispered into Katsuki's neck
"I never left, Deku." Katsuki said, sitting up and hugging Izuku back.
"Ahem..." A man cleared his throat.
"Yes All Might, I will take it." Izuku said plainly.
"But I didn't-
"I have friends in high places. Aka Nezu. Plus, I have a super high IQ and I have studied you and another hero. Her name was Nana Shimura right? Your teacher?"
Toshinori just nodded silently. "So..since I think you're pretty uh..muscular and strong already..I can give it to you now but we'll still need to train the quirk itself. See how far you can go with it." Toshinori says, scratching the back of his neck.
"Uh-" Katsuki was confused, but even more when Toshinori pulled a strand of hair off of his head. He then said 'Eat this.' to which both boys were mortified.
Katsuki squeezed Izuku's hand as his childhood friend lifted his other and plucked the hair from one of his idle's hands.
{Time skip} {Location; Trash beach.}
Izuku had a new schedule. It was hellish to begin with but now, he had the top three pro Heroes training him. He had to follow his schedule properly in order to not strain himself.
1 am - Awaken then go for an hour-long run.
2 am - 100 push-ups and sit-ups each. [1 hour]
3 am - Get urself a snacc
4 am - Start breakfast
5 am - Awaken the beasts and go train for an hour
6 am - Get ready for school
7 am - Leave for school
8:45 am -> 3:15 pm -- school
3:15 pm - Go straight to the beach and clean [2 hours]
5:20 pm - Go home and make dinner
6 pm - Train with dad [1-2 hours]
9 pm - Train with Hawks [1 hour]
10 pm - Train alone in secret ;> [2 hours]
12 am - Sleep.
Izuku turned to the heaping pile of trash and sighed. |A/N I've officially written Izuku's name 259 times in this book|
He started cleaning the beach and putting things into the truck, not without Toshinori yelling at him, of course.
By the third month, Izuku had cleaned half of the beach and had gotten stronger each day. Toshinori decided it was time for him to try out One For All. "Young Todoroki..I feel like it's time for you to try out the quirk." He says, smiling slightly.
Izuku studies his expression for a moment and sighs. "Y'know, it gave me more wing power. I can fly faster than ingenium can run now. It's a bit scary though. The first time I flew with it I couldn't stop in time and crashed into Keig- Hawks' house."
Toshinori laughed a bit only to stop when Izuku flew into the air, hovering over the ocean about fifty feet. He watched the boy point his arm toward the water and position his hand. Light blue-green lightning-like lights appeared around the boy.
"DETROIT SMASH!!" The last thing Toshinori heard before he heard an explosion, the ocean seemed to cave in as water flew into the air, some splashing the blonde as he fell back from the pressure.
Soon enough, the green haired boy flew back down and helped Toshinori up. "Sorry..I guess I should try and stick to fifty percent right now. I just used one-hundred. I can't believe I have two quirks now.."
Toshinori laughed at the boy. "After that damage, you better believe you have two quirks!" He said, slapping the boy on the back. Izuku grunted and stumbled forward as he fished his phone out of his pocket.
"Alright, I gotta go All Might, It's five-fifteen. My dad's inviting Hawks over so he can ask about our training so I have to cook a lot more today" Izuku says, shuddering over what his family would think about Hawks' childish behavior.
{Time skip; sixth month of hell}
Toshinori sighed, stepping out of his truck only to hear screaming coming from the beach. He quickly ran to the sound only to see a shirtless boy, with giant teal wings spread out widely, standing atop a giant pile of trash and rubble, screaming his lungs out as sweat trickled down his body.
"Holy stinkin' super crap!" Toshinori shouted, turning into a muscular tall man with a huge smile plastered on his face. The boy flew down to Toshinori, exhausted, and fell into his arms.
"I did it..All Might.." He whispered before passing out in Toshinori's arms.
He knew the task would be draining but wanted to prove to his mentor that he had strength and could withstand the power given to him.
All that was left was four months of training with his father and Hawks, then the exams. He was ready. He chose to take the exams to prove his strength, so that's what he would do. He'd prove to everyone that he was strong and could make a name for himself. He will be a hero.
Word Count: 1259

Hope Found in Ice and Flames
FanfictionIzuku Midoriya is found by Touya and Enji Todoroki one starlit night Posted on my other two accounts Asian_Trash_Kill_Me hi_im_a_weeb_kill_me