Chapter 2

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Getting situated

Izuku isn't a complicated child, quite the opposite actually. He's quiet, caring, he obeys, he's respectful, and very nice to the Todorokis.

The only problems would have to be his school and his sleep. He is picked on at his preschool and had trouble sleeping peacefully. Enji had no hesitation in putting Izuku in Shouto's preschool. The family chose to keep Izuku with Rei and Enji until he was able to sleep peacefully.

This went on for 3 months. Izuku finally stopped having nightmares or flashbacks everytime he fell asleep or at the very least closed his eyes for too long.

"Izuku I can't wait for you to start sharing my room with me!" Shouto said happily, he'd adjusted to Izuku after a month and a half. Izuku giggled as they walked into Shouto's room.

It was a traditional japanese style room but it had three small bean bags at one side of the room beside a desk that had a small chair and a computer on it. The bedroom was practically filled with electronics and two certain heroes merchandise. The number 1 hero, All Might and the number 2 hero, Endeavor.

"Wanna play some games?" Asked the quo haired boy as he sat on a beanbag. Izuku nods, plopping himself onto a beanbag beside Shouto. Shouto pulled out a laptop and set it infront of Izuku, who happily took it.

After a few games the two boys were sitting on the bed, half asleep curled up next to each other. Less than a minute later, they were asleep, Shouto lay flat on his back while Izuku rested his head on Shouto's shoulder, holding his hand tightly.

Touya walked into the bedroom, quietly. He examined the room, it was fairly clean aside from the two laptops on the floor and blanket falling from the bed.

He put away the electronics and walked to the bed, pulling the blanket onto the boys. He pulled out his phone and took a picture, only to show his parents and maybe Fuyumi, of course.

After turning off the lights and walking out silently, Touya walked to his sister's room. "Hey, Fuyumi." He said, waving his phone at her. "Look at this." He showed her the picture only to get a small "awe" from her.

"Touya, get ready for bed, it's 10:36." The two turned to see Rei standing in the doorway, smiling. Touya nodded and patted his sister on the head, walking out of the room.


"Izuku wake up!" Shouto semi-shouted. It'd been 10 minutes since he had first started to try and get Izuku up. "All Might sucks." He said plainly, Izuku's eyes shot open and he jumped from the bed.

"Who dare insult the almighty god!?" He screeched. Shouto raised his hand. "How could you Sho!?" He shouted, grabbing Shouto's shoulders and shaking him.

"Chill, you need to get ready for school." He replied calmly, pointing to the uniform beside him and peeling Izuku's hands off of his shoulders. "We'll be late." Izuku nods and shoos Shouto away, picking up the uniform.

"Ready to go?" Rei asks Shouto as he pulls on her shirt. "Oh hey Izuku." She says as Izuku walks into the room with his new uniform on.

{At the preschool}

"Okay everyone, this is Izuku. I want you all to be nice to him." A woman with short light violet hair, purple eyes with white pupils, glasses, and slight eye bags.

"Hi.." Izuku said, lifting a shaky hand to wave.

"Why don't you guys ask him some questions and get to know him?" The teacher asks the kids, only for them to shout out questions for Izuku almost instantly.

"What's your quirk?"

"Why're there dots on your face?"

"Did you dye your hair?"

"Izuku come sit with me.." Shouto said, interrupting the kids as he took the boy's hand and dragged him to the back of the classroom. He took Izuku to the back of the classroom where two other kids were sitting.

"Oh hey Shouto, who's he?" A girl with light pink hair and yellow eyes asks the dual haired boy. A boy beside her nods, agreeing with her, he looked like the teacher, without the eye bags.

"This is Izuku, he's my new brother." Shouto states excitedly.

"Oh cool! I'm Mei Hatsume. This is Hitoshi Shinsou, the teacher's kid." The girl says, pointing to herself then Hitoshi.

Izuku nods silently, still nervous about making friends due to past experiences with friends at his old school. He sits down next to Shouto and curls up against his side.

The three friends talk as Izuku sleeps on Shouto's side. "Hey, sho.. Why is he your new brother?" HItoshi asks quietly.

"Well, Touya found him in an alleyway. He said Izuku was crying against the wall and was super scared of something." He explains.

"Why didn't he go home with his mom and dad?" Mei asks, confusion painted her features.

"Well, Izuku said his mama and papa hurt him." The two kids' eyes widen and they look at each other. Sure, these two were young, but they're also smarter than most kids their age and know when adults hurt children, it's abuse.

"What? Is something wrong?" Shouto asks, putting his arm around Izuku to hold him up. The kids shake their heads, if he didn't know, he didn't need to. At least not from them.

"Okay everyone! Let's head outside for recess!" The teacher says, clapping her hands. This startles Izuku and he falls to the side.

"You okay Izuku?" Mei asks, holding her hand out to him. He nods, pulling himself up with Shouto's arm and ignoring her request. "That was a bit rude.." She whispers.

Shouto leans toward Mei, whispering something in her ear, she nods in understanding as her eyes widen.

"What'd he say?" Hitoshi asks her as their small group walks outside. She'd told the boy Izuku used to be bullied for being quirkless, and that his friends betrayed him.

Hitoshi nodded as the group walked to the swings. Izuku and Hitoshi sat in the two swings in the middle, Shouto sat in the swing next to Izuku, Mei next to Hitoshi.

The small group swang for a bit when a child with blond hair and grey-blue eyes approached the four. "Hi, I'm Neito Monoma. Do you wanna be my friend?" He asked, holding a hand out to Izuku. Izuku looked at Shouto, who nodded, Izuku took his hand and shook it.

"I'm Izuku Mi-"

"Todoroki. Izuku Todoroki is his name." The kids looked to where the voice came from, only to see the #2 Pro Hero, Endeavor looking through the fence. "Ready to head home boys?"

Neito takes a look at Izuku, only to see tears forming in his eyes and a shaky smile forming on his face, the small boy nods and jumps off the swing.

"Neito?" He says nervously. "Would you still like me if I was quirkless?" He asks.

Neito nods, he didn't care whether someone had a quirk or not. He only disliked egotistical people and kids that had TOO MUCH pride. (*Cough* Himself in High school *Cough*)

Izuku nodded only to embrace the blonde boy tightly as he shook slightly. "Thank you.." He whispered. He then walked over to Shouto and they walked back into the schoolhouse only to leave with the Pro Hero.


Word count: 1182

My commitment is inevitable :>

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