Chapter 20

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Sports Festival (2)

The last round of the sports festival had started, Izuku was in the first upcoming 1v1 battle.

Izuku stepped out onto the arena, staring his opponent down. Hitoshi. What a coincidence, friend against friend. Izuku smirked, glaring at his friend as the buzzer sounded. Izuku spread his wings out to full length, flapping them rapidly causing dirt and dust to shield him from Hitoshi's line of sight.

Hitoshi grunted, covering his eyes with his arm to block the dust and dirt from getting into his eyes. When he uncovered his eyes, Izuku was nowhere to be seen. He looked up, Izuku was right above him, then in a flash of a second, he was beside him. "Hey 'Toshi." He smiled before grabbing Hitoshi's arm and going into the air. Hitoshi panicked, gripping onto Izuku tightly only to be thrown out of bounds.

"Gee, no mercy huh?" Hitoshi grunted, rubbing his head with his hand. Izuku chuckled, shaking his head.

"Now why would I show mercy when I'm trying to win?"


"And the winner is Izuku Midoriya-Todoroki of class 1-A!"  Midnight announced over the microphone. The crowd cheered loudly as the two students walked out of the arena, two more walked in to replace them. Izuku watched his brother fight his friend from his class's section silently.

In the end, Shoto won the round. A few more rounds pass, Denki Kaminari v. Ibara Shiozaki, Ibara won. Tenya Iida v. Mei Hatsume, Tenya won by Mei walking out of bounds after advertising him. Yuga Aoyama v. Mina Ashido, Mina won. Fumikage Tokoyami v. Momo Yaoyorozu, Fumikage won. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu v. Eijirou Kirishima.

"Hey Midoriya? You're Bakugou's friend right?" Izuku heard, turning to see Uraraka fidgeting with her fingers. "Do you know if he'd go easy on me since I'm a girl, y'know..if he does I'll be pretty upset..- I just need to know now so I know if he's not going all out."

Izuku smiled and shook his head. "No matter what gender you are, he's going to go all out. That's just how Kacchan is. It wouldn't be fair if he went easy on you just cause you're a girl anyways.."

Ochako nodded and walked off to the arena as it was almost her round next. As Izuku had said, Katsuki did not hold back and ended up winning.

Izuku eagerly watched the tie breaker between Eijirou and Tetsutetsu as he waiited for it to end, cheering when Eijirou won. Soon, It was Izuku's turn back on the battlefield.

Izuku retracted his wings and ears, making himself look normal. Shoto stared in shock, was he not going to use his quirk?Izuku grinned before bolting towards his brother the second the bell went off. Shoto stiffened, activating his ice and creating a large iceberg shooting towards Izuku. Izuku activated one for all, shooting at the iceberg, making it shatter. The crowd gasped loudly. Shoto made an ice slab behind himself to stop himself from falling out of bounds from the force of his brother's power. This went on for a while, Shoto's right side was covered in ice and he was getting slower. Shoto glared at Izuku, shooting a large iceberg like structure towards him. Izuku took this as the perfect chance to win, extending his wings when the iceberg covered him from Shoto's sight and shooting himself into the air. Shoto looked around aimlessly for his brother before he felt himself be lifted into the air and thrown out of bounds.

Shoto grunted and looked at Izuku, who was smiling like an idiot. "And the winner is Izuku Midoriya-Todoroki of class 1-A!!" The crowd cheered loudly, one person in particular screaming 'Izuku' louder than anyone else had.

Tenya won against Ibara easily by pushing her out of the arena. Fumikage won against Mina, the pink girl was pouting all day after that. Katsuki won against Eijirou, Eijirou congratulated the blonde and called him manly.

Izuku and Tenya were going against each other, Izuku grinned, "This reminds me of our first combat experience.." he said. Tenya shuddered, shutting his eyes tight. Big mistake. When he opened his eyes, Izuku was gone. "Boo." Tenya jumped slightly forward in fear, feeling arms wrap around his torso. Tenya activated his quirk, to no avail as he was now in the air. Izuku gently tossed him out of bounds, winning this round with ease.

Fumikage and Katsuki's round went by fast, Katsuki winning due Fumikage's disadvantage with their quirks. Dark Shadow was not happy at all.

Katsuki and Izuku were going one on one next. Of course, Izuku decided to be mean today, deactivating both of his quirks. "What's he doing? Is he going to fight quirkless?!" Present Mic screeched. Katsuki glared at Izuku, but charged at him full speed the second the buzzer went off.

Katsuki fired explosions left and right, Izuku simply dodged and swerved every one of them. "Aw c'mon Kacchan, I know you can do better than that.." He teased, popping up behind the blonde and grabbing his forearm, folding it behind his back.

Small sparks emitted from the red eyed boys' hand, soon erupting into a large explosion, pushing the greenette back. Katsuki turned around, staring down at the ground in rage. "C'mon Kacchan~ Fight me." Izuku taunted.

Katsuki glared at the boy and sped towards him, throwing an attempted punch, only to be dodged. Izuku scowled at Katsuki's obvious holding back, putting his arms around Katsuki's waist and lifting him into the air, throwing him out of bounds.

Katsuki stumbled to his feet, wiping his mouth and dusting himself off. Izuku marched towards Katsuki angrily and shoved him, "What the hell was that, Katsuki!? Why were you holding back huh?!" He shouted.

"I didn't want to hurt you Deku. You weren't using your quirks, I just thought-"

"Hurt me!? You're still just as pathetic as you were back then Katsuki! Quirk or not I can still fight with your full strength!" Izuku was beyond frustrated with the blonde, he turned and stomped out of the arena.

-----Time skip-----

The crowd cheered as the top three competitors earned their medals, Fumikage Tokoyami in third, Katsuki Bakugou in second, and Izuku Todoroki in first. Izuku had a blank expression on his face, Katsuki just stared at his feet, while Fumikage just seemed awkward.

After the awarding ceremony, Izuku went straight to his bedroom, Shoto following close behind him.

"-I mean can you even believe that!? How ignorant of him! I'm not weak and everyone knows it! I've shown it repeatedly!!" Izuku shouted, angrily pacing his room with his hands in his hair. His now extended wings feathers were ruffling themselves out of Izuku's stress and emotion.

"Do you think that maybe he might not have wanted to go all out because of what happened at the USJ? It wasn't too long ago you got out of the hospital, you're still potentially injured, maybe he just doesn't want to reopen wounds." Shoto said, trying to reason with the greenette.

Izuku looked at Shoto with a expression on his face that basically screamed 'you say that like I wasn't brawling with other strong students before our match.'  "Oh, don't give me that look. Just talk it out with him, he may have a more valid excuse than just not wanting to hurt you."

Izuku let out a long sigh, plopping himself onto his desk chair. "Okay I guess. Now go on to your boyfriend. I have make-up work to do."

"He's not my-!"

"Byeee-" Izuku interrupted him, plucking a feather from his left wing and using it to shove his brother out of his room. Izuku sighed, laying his head on his desk. What a long day.


Word count: 1288

Sorry for the wait, somethings came up so I couldn't write much. But here you go!

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