That's Kinda Gay
When Izuku awoke he was greeted with the oh so very 'angelic' sight of his brother hugging his blue haired friend from behind, digging his pink tinted face against the nape of his neck. The sudden sound of girls giggling and squealing made the two boys separate almost immediately, their faces being flushed over with a bright red shade covering their faces.
"What an eventful day. And I've only just woken up, how fun." Izuku sarcastically stated, turning onto his side and covering his head with the pillow that was under his head before. "Good morning to you too, green bean." Momo said, patting him on the back. "Time to get up now, you've been sleeping for almost fifteen hours you hypersomniac."
Izuku just groaned and moved the pillow off of his head, staring Momo in the eyes. She tilted her head in confusion, what did the child-like, attention prone teen want from her now? He lifted his arms toward her, she just rolled her eyes then picked him up off the couch.
"Todoroki, your brother is such a child." She whined, stroking the boy's hair gently while he held onto her.
"Yep, and you're on babysitting duty while me and Iida go out to the mall for a bit." Shouto replied, smiling innocently before grabbing Tenya's arm and dragging him to the front door of the 1-A heights alliance dorm building.
"Have fun on your date boys!~" Mina teased as the boys walked out the door, turning bright red. She wiggled her eyebrows playfully and giggled. "Gays are so adorable sometimes." She said, placing her elbows on the back of the couch and setting her chin on her hands.
Mina sat on the couch Izuku was sitting on before and looked at Momo, who was holding the green boy. "Speaking of gays, Izuku, I think Kaminari might have the hots for you.~" She teased, Izuku turning his head in her direction so fast Momo stumbled, almost falling. "And Kirishima seems to have his attention set on you." She finished. Izuku's cheeks were now flushed red.
Momo and Mina giggled at his reaction. "Oh also- Izuku, why're you clinging to Momo? And why'd Todoroki call her your babysitter?" Mina asks curiously.
"Todoroki says I act a lot like their mother, and that Izuku is always clingy to his mother and sister when he wakes up. And well, he can't exactly care for himself properly with his injuries." Momo explains as Izuku just lays his head back on her shoulder.
Mina simply made an 'o' shape with her mouth and nodded in understanding. Momo silently sat on the couch, Izuku basically straddling her. The three teens sat in a comfortable silence beside each other, just enjoying the nice placidity. Of course, quiet calmness clearly isn't meant to be a thing for class 1-A, the three teens realized that when they heard faint screeching that slowing started to get louder and closer to them, along with small explosions.
Soon enough, the three witnessed Denki screeching as he ran down the stairs away from the explosive ash blonde boy chasing after him with small explosions emitting from the palms of his hands. Momo just giggled as Mina jumped off the couch to restrain her feral friend and Izuku merely groaned in annoyance of the loud noise. Denki stopped in his tracks after hearing the groan from the small boy.
Suddenly, to him, all that mattered was Izuku. His presence, his round green eyes, messy green hair, everything seemed irrelevant aside from the slightly shorter boy who sat on the couch just a few feet away from him. The green haired boy turned to look at the blonde, his viridescent eyes soon losing themselves in the gold eyes staring into his own.
Mina, Katsuki, and Momo stood aside, just staring at the two boys, obvious homosexual vibes emitting from the both of them as they stared into eachother's eyes. Katsuki was bored of this already, so he cleared his throat loudly, making the two snap out of their trances and flush a bright red color.
"That was uhm,," Mina cut herself off, not knowing what to say about the awkward gay moment the two boys just had.
"That's kinda gay." Katsuki scoffed, stomping off into the kitchen with his hands shoved into his pockets. Izuku just groaned awkwardly and flopped onto the couch, his legs laid on Momo's thighs.
{With Eijirou Kirishima}
Eijirou was laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling in silence. He had only one thing on his mind. Everytime the class had to change into their gym uniforms or hero costumes, he'd see prominent scars on Izuku's forearms and his legs, which worried him.
He knew it wasn't any of his business so he didn't pry, but it was stuck on his mind like a bad song you can't seem to ever forget. He honestly thought he should say something to Shoto, given the fact that Izuku's his brother, but stayed silent. Suddenly, he felt and heard his stomach rumble in a low tone, then he realized how insanely hungry he was.
He groaned and got off of his bed, then, trudged to his bedroom door with a slight slouched posture, opening the door then shutting it behind him. He walked down the hallway to the elevator silently, soon stepping in and pressing the button to get him to the first floor. He closed his eyes, calmly listening to the oddly calming elevator music in peace, soon interrupted by the small 'ding' or the elevator before the doors slid open.
He strolled into the common room, walking past Mina and Kaminari, who were just standing behind the couch in an awkward silence. He walked into the kitchen, instantly noticing his feral blonde friend, Katsuki Bakugou. "Hey Bakubro." He said in a monotone voice, not like his usual cheery annoying tone, in Katsuki's opinion.
"Alright, man up. What the fuck is up with you today?" He groaned, glancing at the red haired extra who was now opening the refrigerator door. Eijirou gave him a confused look. "Don't act clueless, even Dunce-face could notice how off you've been since Deku got back. What've you got a crush on him or some shit?" He scoffed, seeing how Eijirou's face went as red as his own hair. "You know what, don't answer that just fix whatever's going on in your brain and go back to being your annoying self or I'll explode you into next week, and that's not a threat, it's a damn promise."
Eijirou just chuckled and nodded, taking a bunch of different fruits out of the refrigerator and grabbing two small bowls out of the cabinet. He washed the fruits and started cutting the strawberries into paper thin slices, placing nine of pieces of the red fruit into each bowl. He started adding more fruits like green grapes, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries into the bowls.
"You makin' fruit bowls?" A sudden voice asked, startling Eijirou to the point he almost crushed a few blueberries in his hand. He turned and saw Izuku standing there, his head peering over Eijirou's shoulder. Their faces were now basically touching. Both boys went a dark shade of red and backed away from each other instantly. "E-Ehm,, sorry I didn't mean to get so close,," Izuku stuttered out quickly, covering his face with his arms.
"It-it's ehm fine,, and yes uhm I am making fruit bowls to answer your question earlier,," Eijirou said, turning his head back to look at his masterpieces. He grinned. "Do you want one?"
Izuku nodded in response, smiling widely. He watched as Eijirou grabbed a fruit bowl off the counter and held it out to him. He quickly took it from his hands and stared at the bowl of fruits.
It looked beautiful. The thin strawberry slices set on the bottom of the bowl with a colorful arrangement of different fruits rested in the middle. Izuku didn't even wanna eat it anymore, he just wanted to stare at it peacefully. "Ehm,, Midoriya?" Izuku looked up at Eijirou and smiled innocently before taking a small grape and eating it happily.
Eijirou just stood and watched him silently. 'Well, fuck. I'm gay. No doubt about it.' He thought, mentally facepalming
Word count: 1354
Hi everyone! So very sorry for not posting for a bit, I've been so distracted with school and family. Mum grounded me, ;-; but I'm using my school chromebook for this so wish me luck until I get un-grounded. :D
(Just noticed where I messed up- sorry about that, it's fixed now.)

Hope Found in Ice and Flames
FanfictionIzuku Midoriya is found by Touya and Enji Todoroki one starlit night Posted on my other two accounts Asian_Trash_Kill_Me hi_im_a_weeb_kill_me