Chapter 01

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Hi! Ok, this is my second story ever so please tell me what you think.

Vote, commet, fan please :)


The Start

I can hear the Nazi soilders closing in on me as I run as fast as my legs can carry me. My feet pound heavily on the old cracked sidewalk. They begin to ache with each passing step but I can't stop yet.

I need to reach my mother and Lea. I have to make sure they are hidden away and safe.

If I let the soilders get me, hopefully that will satisfy their evil bloodlust.

For my family at least.

I yank the front door open to our tiny house in the ghetto and quickly slam it closed behind me.

I yelled out,"Mum, get Lea and take her to the basement! Hurry!"

My mother jumps up without question and starts to do as I say. Suddenly she pauses in the doorway and turns back to look at me. "Lena, come and hide with us, please!"

I want to go with them so badly it hurts but this is the only way I can save them now.

"No Mum, I can't. They have already seen me. They know I'm here. Get Lea safe. Please."

"We may never see each other again. They'll kill you." She whispers with tears glistening in her beautiful eyes.

"I know, but its me or the two of you. I choose to save you both... Now go. Mother, GO!"

She finally runs off.

I watch her with tears in my own eyes as she disappears. Seeing my mother cry has always made me cry. There's nothing I can do about that now.

Her last words echo in my mind as she disappears down the stairs

"I love you, my brave child."

They brand themselves into my brain as heavy fists bang on the front door.

"We've been ordered to evacuate the area. Let us in or we'll break the door down!"

I don't move a muscle as the yells vibrate throughout my home. I stood in shock as tears ran down my face.

Suddenly I hear a loud grunt.


BOOM! The door flies in as I scream.

A brute looking soldier grabs a hold of me and throws me down onto the hard floor, as the rest of them begin tearing through the rest of the house. I can hear them slamming the furniture around.

I watch as two of them pick up our dusty old couch and slam it against the wall. It shatters in a spray of wood and fabric.

Watching them tear apart our home hurts, but all I can do is lay my head back on the ground and hope with everything within me that they don't find Mum and Lea.

I don't even try to hold back my smile as they come back from their search empty handed.

A younger looking Nazi soldier is ordered to come over and hold me down while they continue to ravish my home.

He roughly grabs me and yanks me up, shoving my arms behind my back. I don't even dare to fight back.

For one hope filled second I think that maybe, just maybe, my mother and Lea will be safe.

"Let's go!" The brute orders. The soilder behind me shoves me outside. While the rest file out after us.

We did it! They are safe. The victory is sweet on my tongue.

I close my eyes, filled with relief. When I open them again I see that they are holding these long sticks with cloth on the end on them.

Terror replaces the relief when I realize what they are holding as they light them on fire.


The officer in charge then shouts the order that shatters my soul.

"Do it, now!"

Together four different flaming torches fly into the house, as the only home I've ever known goes up in flames right in front of my eyes.

"No!" I scream. I buck against the soilder holding me. Screaming, I fight with everything I have. I need to get to them.

But its not enough. I wasn't enough to save my family.

Suddenly my screams are joined by two more voices. The flames have reached the basement.

I will never forget the sound of their screams, overflowing with agony.

My mother, who would do everything in her power to help others.

Lea. Poor little Lea. She had only just turned three last month.

In that moment I fall to knees. All my strength leaves me and my world falls down, everything turning black.

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